Real Name: (first name unrevealed) Rozum (? - see comments)

Identity/Class: Human (briefly a mutate)

Occupation: Mother

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Damage Control (Anne, Lenny Ballinger, Robin Chapel, Albert Cleary, John Porter, Bart Rozum, others)

Enemies: Thanos

Known Relatives: Bart Rozum (son), unidentified spouse (see comments)

Aliases: "Mom"

Base of Operations: New York City, New York, USA

First Appearance: Damage Control IV#1 (October, 2022)

Powers/Abilities: Mrs. Rozum is much like the stereotypical mother, loving, doting and caring of her son while still able to embarrass him by telling personal stories. She also seems to have uncontrollable spending habits.

    While briefly mutated by the Reality Stone, Mrs. Rozum possessed superhuman size, strength and a durable, reptile-like hide.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'4")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 140 lbs.)
Eyes: Unrevealed (possible brown? - see comments)
Hair: Red

(Damage Control IV#1/2 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, a red-haired woman was married, becoming Mrs. Rozum, and had son, Bart. Ever since Bart Rozum began interning with the Damage Control company, Mrs. Rozum wanted to see Bart's workplace but John Porter kept informing her that it wasn't a good time. At some point, Bart told his mother about the Mad Titan Thanos. Ultimately, John Porter did arrange a time for Bart's mom to visit.

(Damage Control IV#1/2) - On the day of Mrs. Rozum's scheduled visit to the Damage Control offices, John Porter and Lenny Ballinger summoned intern Bart Rozum for what Porter referred to as the most powerful force in the known universe: his own mother. Damage Control assistant Anne introduced herself and Mrs. Rozum immediately recognized the name as someone Bart had a crush, forcing the embarrassed Bart to quickly come up with a lie that he actually meant Anne Marie Hoag, Damage Control's CEO, rather than the assistant Anne. Admitting that Anne Marie Hoag was an odd choice for a crush, Mrs. Rozum nonetheless suggested Bart be himself as she was led down the hall for a tour of the offices. Robin Chapel attempted to introduce Mrs. Rozum to Anne Marie Hoag but Hoag was in a meeting with Albert Cleary, much to the relief of Bart. Bart and Mrs. Rozum were then led into Fluppy's, a Damage Control gift shop with several items modeled after their dog mascot. Absolutely loving the mascot, Mrs. Rozum proceeded to buy two of everything in the store, eventually finding a beautiful stone (secretly the cosmic Reality Stone) by the counter.

    Immediately after putting the newly-bought stone around her neck, Mrs. Rozum was transformed into a giant reptilian form. Mrs. Rozum then ran out into the streets and began smashing everything in sight, prompting Bart to seek help from Albert Cleary, who suggested Bart's mom visit more often, as her purchases had nearly paid for their entire Q4 budget. As John Porter noted that Mrs. Rozum's smashing was bordering on trademark infringement with the Hulk, Thanos arrived on Earth, having sensed the use of the Reality Stone and tracked it to Mrs. Rozum. Cleary noted the opportune timing, as the transformed Mrs. Rozum could possibly defeat Thanos, at which point Mrs. Rozum noticed Thanos and asked if he was the Mad Titan her son had told her about. Seeing the bus that Mrs. Rozum was about to hit him with, Thanos claimed he was more perturbed than mad but Mrs. Rozum nonetheless twirled Thanos around like a toy as Thanos continued trying to reach the Reality Stone.

    Thanos eventually grabbed the Stone, returning Mrs. Rozum to her normal form, but it slipped from his gloved hands and bounced around until finally plunging into the Hudson River. Thanos then prepared to best the now normal Mrs. Rozum but she proclaimed Thanos to be not so tough and expressed her disappointment in him, emotionally knocking Thanos for a loop. She then finished Thanos off with a motherly hug and told him to go back to Titan to think about what he'd done. As Thanos entered a teleportational portal to leave, Albert Cleary handed him a bill for damages and he followed that up by handing a second bill to Mrs. Rozum, reminding her that they did not take personal checks.

Comments: Created by Charlotte (Fullerton) McDuffie and Jay Fosgitt.

    Mrs. Rozum was never actually called that by name. Anne referred to her as "Mrs...." before Mrs. Rozum told Anne to just call her "Mom." She was referred to as "Mom" throughout the remainder of the story. With that in mind, there is no certainty that her last name is actually Rozum. We do know she is married though we're not told who her partner is. She could have once been married to Bart Rozum's dad and later remarried with a new last name. Then again, it's equally possible that her son Bart has his father's last name but Mrs. Rozum never married Bart's dad and later married someone else...etc. etc. Point is, I didn't want to just call the profile "Mom" since that was only a nickname.

    Mrs. Rozum's eye color was somewhat hard to determine, given that the art simply had her eyes as cartoon-like black dots. If I'd wager a guess, I'd go with brown...

Profile by Proto-Man.

Mrs. Rozum
should be distinguished from:


Fluppy's was a gift shop within the Damage Control offices in New York's Flatiron Building that specialized in selling products featuring the likeness of Damage Control's mascot, Fluppy the dog. While handling the cosmic Reality Stone, Damage Control secretly placed the stone on display inside Fluppy's, figuring no one would ever buy it if they displayed it under the pretense that it was a fake. When Bart Rozum and his mother were led into Fluppy's as part of a tour of the Damage Control offices, a clerk welcomed them and proclaimed the store to be "Home of the Fluppies." Amazed at all of the products bearing the mascot's likeness, Mrs. Rozum bought two of everything there and when she came upon a gemstone, she immediately bought it up and placed it around her neck, causing her to transform into a giant monster.

--Damage Control IV#1/2

images: (without ads)
Damage Control IV#1, p22, pan1 (Mrs. Rozum, main image)
Damage Control IV#1, p25, pan3 (Mrs. Rozum, headshot)
Damage Control IV#1, p25, pan6 (Rozum transformed by the Reality Stone)
Damage Control IV#1, p24, pan1 (Fluppy's)

Damage Control IV#1 (October, 2022) - "Zapped & the Mother of Invention" story - Charlotte (Fullerton) McDuffie (writer), Jay Fosgitt (art), Tom Brevoort, Wil Moss (editors)

First posted08/06/2024
Last updated: 08/06/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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