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Real Name: Samuel Davis

Identity/Class: Human mutate (supernatural), citizen of the United States (late 18th century, returned in Modern Era)

Occupation: Soldier

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew)

Enemies: His regiment, the British army

Known Relatives: Unidentified brother (deceased)

Aliases: "Coward"

Base of Operations: Oregon, United States of America

First Appearance: Spider-Woman I#8 (November, 1978)

Powers/Abilities: Samuel Davis was cursed with immortality. He could survive falls from great heights, severe burns and life threatening injuries. The curse would only be lifted if he found a woman who was willing to die with him. Though well over 200 years old, Davis was trained in the use of modern firearms and he also knew how to ride motorcycles.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 6'1")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 160 lbs.)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown


(Spider-Woman I#8 (fb) - Samuel Davis was a soldier fighting in the American Revolutionary War. On August 12th, 1778 he was sent out to spy on the British only to discover they were laying in ambush for his brigade atop Fowler's Hill. Davis kept quiet and watched as his fellow soldiers, including his own brother, were slaughtered.

(Spider-Woman I#8 (fb) - BTS) - Before too long people figured out what Davis had done, turning him into an outcast.

(Spider-Woman I#8) - A grieving woman sought out Davis and put a curse on him. His act of cowardice proved he could not love his brothers, therefore he would not be allowed to find love in return. The woman cursed him with eternal life, telling Davis that the curse could only be lifted if he found a woman willing to die even as he took his final breath.

(Spider-Woman I#8 - BTS) - For the next 200+ years, Samuel Davis tried numerous times to end his life, becoming an expert at finding new and ingenious ways of committing suicide. He survived every attempt, making him even more frustrated as time passed.

(Spider-Woman I#8 (fb)) - On the anniversary of his act of cowardice, Davis was at an amusement park in Oregon where he once again tried to end his life by jumping off one of the cable carts. He was rescued by Spider-Woman who happened to be visiting the park as well. She was stunned to hear him yelling about wanting to die and followed him as he sped off on his motorbike. When she finally caught up with him, the bike hit a mountain cliff and exploded, knocking the heroine out. When she came to, she saw Davis standing in the fire, perfectly fine.

(Spider-Woman I#8 (fb) - BTS) - Davis tied up the still groggy heroine and took her to his shed in the mountains where he pulled a gun on her as he began to explain that he was going to end the curse by dying with him (see comments).

(Spider-Woman I#8) - Their conversation was interrupted by a grizzly bear who came to check out the noise. When the animal attacked, Davis showed his bravery by engaging it even though he was no match for it. Spider-Woman freed herself and glided to safety even as Davis perished when his body hit some razor sharp stalagmites (see comments).

Comments: Created by Marv Wolfman, Carmen Infantino, Al Gordon.

Clever little tale this one. The curse was very specifically phrased: it could only be lifted if Davis found a woman willing to die even as he took his final breath. Doesn't say she has to die too, having the intent is enough. Risking your life on a technicality, that's what heroes do too, I suppose.

Also, just why Samuel Davis decided to wrestle that grizzly when he had a perfectly good gun ready to go? Guess it's not very sporting to shoot an unarmed man (or animal).

The story mentions a battle with the Redcoats near Fowler's Hill in 1778. But the only Fowler's Hill that turned up in an online search is a painting from 1910 owned by Georgetown University.

Profile by Norvo

Samuel Davis should not be confused with

Samuel Davis' curse caster

After it became common knowledge that Samuel Davis had allowed his brigade to be killed to save his own life, a grieving woman sought him out. She announced that he would be forever cursed to walk this Earth until he found a woman willing to show her love by being willing to die even as he took his final breath.

-- Spider-Woman I#8

Images: (without ads)
Spider-Woman I#8, p8, pan4 (main image)
Spider-Woman I#8, p4, pan4 (wants to die)
Spider-Woman I#8, p11, pan4 (dies)
Spider-Woman I#8, p6, pan1 (curse caster)

Spider-Woman I#8 (November, 1978) - Marv Wolfman (writer, editor), Carmen Infantino (pencils), Al Gordon (inks)

First Posted: 05/13/2024
Last Updated: 05/13/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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