Real Name: Unrevealed, presumably Santa (see comments)
Identity/Class: Alternate reality
(Earth-9078) human magic user
(presumably - see comments)
Occupation: Presumably gift giver (see comments)
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Edi-Tor, Son of Santa (Daimon)
Enemies: None
Known Relatives: None (see comments)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Presumably mobile
First Appearance: What The--?! I#8 (July, 1990)
Powers/Abilities: Santa did not display any
superhuman powers but he presumably wields magic much like his
Earth-616 counterpart.
Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'0")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 200 lbs.)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: White
(What The--?! I#8 / 4) - After changes in company policies prevented
the use of the word "Satan" in comic book titles, necessitating a name
change for the heroic Son of Satan, the cosmic Edi-Tor changed the Son
of Satan into the Son of Santa and Santa himself walked up to introduce
himself, playing along with the change by commenting that the
newly-dubbed Son of Santa looked just like his mother. When the Son of
Santa bemoaned the stupidity of being made the son of the jolly Santa,
the Edi-Tor suggested Son of Santa give the situation a try and Santa
shook hands with the Son of Santa, remarking that it was a pleasure to
be working with him and asking if he would like a candy cane or some
egg nog. The Edi-Tor also informed the Son of Santa that he would have
the same antagonist relationship with Santa as he did with his old
Comments: Created by Kurt Busiek, James W. Fry III and Brad K. Joyce.
While only ever referred to as "Santa," his full name is likely "Santa Claus." Similarly, as mentioned in the Powers/Abilities section, Santa never actually displayed any superhuman powers in his brief appearance but he likely still has magical powers much like his counterparts from other realities. While his occupation was not outright stated, he was seen carrying a bag of X-Men royalty checks so I think it can be presumed he still deliver gifts on Earth-9078.
Despite Son of Santa being
mentioned as his son, he is not Santa's true son, as the story makes it
clear that Son of Santa's true father is a demon whose name cannot be
stated in the story due to company policies. Santa even introduces
himself to Son of Santa and mentions how it would be a pleasure working
with him. So clearly, Santa is not Son of Santa's true father and he is
merely working with Son of Santa due to the manipulations of the
Edi-Tor. They just refer to him as Son of Santa throughout the story
because they can't otherwise mention the name of Son of Santa's true
Profile by Proto-Man.
Earth-9078's Santa should be distinguished from:
What The--?! I#8 (July, 1990) - "The Son of Sa(Censored)an" story -
Kurt Busiek (writer), James W. Fry III (pencils), Brad K. Joyce (inks),
Terry Kavanagh (editor)
First posted: 12/24/2024
Last updated: 12/24/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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