Real Name: Unrevealed, possibly Nick? (see comments)
Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-9047) human magic user
Occupation: Gift bringer
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: The Impossible Man, Rick Jones (though he was easily annoyed by him), his reindeer
Enemies: Ecchs-Force (Bang Bang, Cable TV Guy, Cannon Bald, Donut Hole, Ferret, Splatter Spot, Warped Path), Forbush-Man (Irving Forbush of Earth-665), Kingpig (Wiltin Fish)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Saint Nick
Base of Operations: Mobile throughout Earth-9047
First Appearance: Marvel Age I#36 (March, 1986)
Powers/Abilities: Santa Claus had a variety of magical powers including the ability to survive in space unaided.
Santa Claus traveled the world on
a sleigh pulled by several flying reindeer and he often carried a sack
full of toys.
Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'5")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 250 lbs.)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: White
(Marvel Age I#36) - Following a request from Volstagg of the Warriors
Three that he not be called Santa, Santa Claus himself appeared to
answer the question of what one calls it when Santa searched for his
helpers with the joke reply of "an Elfquest." Later appearing with a
set of fancy eyeglasses, leading some to question whether Santa had
gone Hollywood, Santa Claus suggested he "do that lunch thing."
(Marvel Age I#60) - Santa Claus bumped guts with Kingpig.
(What The--?! I#1 / 6 (fb) - BTS) - The formerly villainous Magnutto began acting like a good guy in hopes of tricking Santa into giving him the Super-Powers action figures he was missing.
(Marvel Age I#96) - As Santa Claus took off from someone's roof in
his sleigh, he accidentally ran over Earth-665's Forbush-Man, who was
up on the roof. While he flew off into the night, Santa apologized to
Forbush-Man, reminding the would-be hero to cross at the green not in
(What The--?! I#10 / 2 - BTS) - Recognizing the destructive S'aanta as a robot of the real Santa Claus, the heroic Milk suggested she and her crimefighting partner Cookies utilize the old "Night Before Christmas" strategy to trick the robot into launching itself up a nearby chimney and into space, where it was destroyed by the vacuum.
The--?! I#10 / 3) - During his Christmas trek across the world
delivering presents, Santa Claus gave the villainous Kingpig a piece of
coal, much to the criminal's chagrin.
(Marvel Age I#108 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Santa tried to warn the annoying Rick Jones to be good.
(Marvel Age I#108 (fb)) - On the night before Christmas, Santa Claus
read the Christmas lists of Rick Jones, the Impossible Man and
Earth-665's Forbush-Man and became slightly frustrated that the lists
were noted as being "works in progress." Finding that Rick Jones' list
had lousy typing and thinking him a pain, Santa decided not to bring
Jones any presents that year.
Age I#108) - As Santa Claus came down the chimney of Rick Jones' house,
the annoyed Rick was waiting for him with a sledgehammer. Nonetheless
making his way out of the chimney without harm, an angry Santa remarked
that perhaps next year, Rick Jones wouldn't be such a pest and that he
had previously tried to warn the stubborn Rick to be good. Ultimately
relenting, the kind-hearted Santa admitted that he still had faith in
Rick and decided to give him his present after all, an electric guitar,
which Rick proceeded to plug in while standing in a puddle of water,
leading to an electrocution.
The--?! I#18 / 6) - After Earth-665's Forbush-Man was offered the role
of starship captain Jim Quirk, he flew the starship Booby Prize through
space, accidentally hitting Santa and his flying reindeer along the way.
(What The--?! I#25 / 5 (fb) - BTS) - Santa Claus somehow became
stuck in the hunk of chimney that Ecchs-Force's Cable TV Guy carried on
his back.
(What The--?! I#25 / 5) - When Ecchs-Force was attacked by IRS Man, a coughing Santa emerged from Cable TV Guy's chimney.
Comments: Created by Jim Salicrup and Ron Zalme.
Santa appears in the first story of What The--?! I#10, in which Dr. Doom briefly replaces Santa following an injury. While most stories in the What The--?! series were set on Earth-9047 and the Marvel Database Wiki website lists the first story in What The--?! I#10 as featuring Santa Claus-9047, Santa Claus' modern OHotMU entry confirms that the first story in What The--?! is actually set on Earth-616, as it mentions Doom briefly replacing Santa. Similarly, it also confirms that the story in What The--?! I#16 featuring Dr. Octopus taking over Santa's workshop is also set in Earth-616 not Earth-9047. Therefore, neither of those stories are included here but in the Appendix profile for Earth-616's Santa Claus. The cover of What The--?! I#10 does feature an image of Santa-9047, however, as it shows him meeting Earth-9047's Milk and Cookies, though he is only mentioned in the Milk & Cookies story, not actually seen. He doesn't appear at all in What The--?! I#16 though...
Santa Claus' real name was never given but he was called St. Nick at one point, suggesting that, like his Earth-616 counterpart, his real name could be Nicholas or Nick..
All characters in this profile are the Earth-9047 counterparts except where noted.
Special thanks to David Zuckerman
for providing a scan of Marvel Age I#60 in a pinch, which allowed me to
add that appearance to this profile in time to get it completed and
posted by the holidays!
Profile by Proto-Man.
Earth-9047's Santa Claus should be distinguished
Marvel Age I#36 (March, 1986) - "The Marvel Age 1985 Calendar:
December" story - Jim Salicrup (writer, editor, design director), Ron
Zalme (art)
Marvel Age I#60 (March, 1988) - "The 1987 Marvel Age Calendar: December
Exchange of Gifts with Broken Parts" story - Mike Carlin (writer), Ron
Zalme (art), Jim Salicrup (editor, design director)
The--?! I#1 (August, 1988) - "Secret War III" story - Gwen Dibley
(writer), Steve Ditko (pencils), John Severin (inks), Carl Potts
Marvel Age I#96 (January, 1991) - "The 1990 Marvel Age Calendar:
December" story - Chris Eliopoulos, Barry Dutter (writers), Ron Zalme
(art), Mark Gruenwald (executive editor)
What The--?! I#10 (January, 1991) - "To Save You, Why Must I Floss?"
story - Sholly Fisch (writer), Rurik Tyler (art, colors), Craig
Anderson (editor); "What the Marble Superheroes & Villains Got for
Christmas!" story - Darren Auck (writer, art), Craig Anderson (editor)
Marvel Age I#108 (January, 1992) - "The 1991 Marvel Age Calendar:
December" story - Mike Lackey (writer), Ron Zalme (art), Mark Gruenwald
(senior executive editor)
What The--?! I#18 (May, 1992) - "Star Trash" story - Aaron Lopresti (writer, art), Renee Witterstaetter (editor)
What The--?! I#25 (June, 1993) - "Ecchs-Force" story - Aaron Lopresti
(writer), Brad K. Joyce (art), Renee Witterstaetter (editor)
First posted: 12/25/2024
Last updated: 12/25/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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