Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Alternate reality
(Reality-77640) extraterrestrial (Skrull)
Occupation: Spy
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: The Skrull Empire
Enemies: Petey Parker (though Petey
was unaware of it)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Earth
First Appearance: Marvel Age I#85 (February, 1990)
Powers/Abilities: "Santa Claus," like all other Skrulls, has the ability to change his shape at will.
He is also an extremely skilled
spy, especially knowledgeable about Earth customs as they relate to
holiday traditions.
Height: Variable
Weight: Variable
Eyes: No visible irises
Hair: None
(Marvel Age I#85) - The alien Skrull spy posing as the gift-giving
Santa Claus broke into the Parker home and, hearing the commotion,
young Petey Parker ventured downstairs to check on things. Thinking
"Santa Claus" was his Uncle Ben in a costume, Petey claimed he was too
smart for such a ruse but the Skrull insisted he really was Santa
Claus. Petey sarcastically replied that he was Captain America and,
only briefly fooled by Petey's claims, the Skrull tried to further
explain his presence but Petey, still thinking "Santa" was his uncle,
barely let the Skrull get a word out before storming off into the
kitchen for milk and cookies, refusing to believe that he was speaking
to Santa Claus. Finding his Aunt May and Uncle Ben in the kitchen, a
shocked Petey ran back into the living room to find "Santa Claus" gone.
Thinking perhaps he had seen the real Santa Claus, Petey relented that
he may never seen the man again while the Skrull himself had escaped
outside, remarking that the entire situation had been a close call.
Changing into his true Skrull form, the alien grinned at how well he
had studied Earth customs and regarded himself as one of the foremost
spies of the Skrull Empire.
Comments: Created by Fred Hembeck.
Has the real Santa Claus ever
appeared or been mentioned in any other Hembeck-style stories? If so, I
may need to update the subprofile here! Let me know if you know of any
Profile by Proto-Man.
Earth-77640's Santa Claus should be
distinguished from:
--Marvel Age I#85 - BTS |
Marvel Age I#85 (February, 1990) - "Claus Encounter" story - Fred
Hembeck (writer, art), Mark Gruenwald (executive editor)
First posted: 12/24/2024
Last updated: 12/24/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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