Classification: Magic Spell
Creator: Unrevealed (possibly Storaan (or Storann))
User/Possessors: Doctor
Strange (Stephen Strange), Mys-Tech, Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers),
Otto Werner von Strange (Earth-8968);
possibly Mr.
First Appearance: S.H.I.E.L.D. III#3 (April, 2015)
Aliases: Sapphire Bands of Storann
Powers/Abilities/Functions: The Sapphire Bands of
Storaan are often used to capture an enemy or at least limit his
movement for a while.
The Bands can entangle, en-wrap or surround also more targets.
The target can be also an incorporeal enemy like a ghost. In that case
the spell can have a more focused purpose, to banish the spirit from
Earth, so falling in the Abjuration scope.
Scopes: Abjuration, Evocation
Casting Time: A few seconds
Range: short (30 feet)
Components: one or more among:
Duration: Seconds, probably minutes.
Primary effects: Sapphire Bands entangling the targets, keeping
them hovering.
Collateral effects: None
(S.H.I.E.L.D. III#5 (fb) - BTS) - Horguun the Troll was a highly skilled
artisan who could make a metal capable of containing magic. He was hired
by the R&D firm Mys-Tech to also make weapons that could cage and
shoot magic spells. Mys-Tech added the ammunition, and among them there
were the Sapphire Bands of Storaan.
(S.H.I.E.L.D. III#3) - The Sapphire Bands of
Storaan spells were shot by the weapons utilized by Colonel Myrdden's
mercenaries. The Sapphire Bands, shot by three guns, surrounded and
entangled Spider-Man, Pavel Rasputin and Phil Coulson. They were
almost totally restricted, but Rasputin dispelled them with little
effort, claiming that the spells fired by those weapons were fragile.
The dispel wave reached the mercenaries, too, knocking them off their
Mere seconds after, the mercenaries were sprawled senseless on the
floor, and Phil Coulson had the time to study the signature on the
weapon, a signature written in runes.
Coulson found the same sign on the Furnace in the
basement of Doctor Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum.
(S.H.I.E.L.D. III#5 (fb)) - Coulson recognized that the
weapons used by the mercenaries led to Mys-Tech. Doctor Strange
recognized the signature on the weapon and told to Coulson that it was
Horguun's signature.
(Captain Marvel XII#7 (fb) - BTS) - Stephen Strange in
Captain Marvel's body was trying to teach some magic to Carol Danvers in
Doctor Strange's body. Stephen/Marvel mentioned the Sapphire Bands of
Storaan as a means to bind an enemy.
(Doctor Strange V#19) - Doctor Strange conjured the
Sapphire Bands of Storann (sic) to banish a killer ghost that was attacking a
woman. The evoked Bands ensnared the phantasm, but he easily escaped
their constriction, evaporating before they could banish him. Doctor
Strange was puzzled, mumbling about the usual impossibility for spirits
to avoid a simple spell of exile.
The spirit actually re-appeared in the same place
shortly after, and Strange understood that he was anchored to that
It's not mandatory to know how to
cast a particular magic spell in order to dispel it. However,
recognizing a spell implies a high probability of knowing how to cast it.
Thus, Mr. Rasputin probably was a user of the Sapphire Bands.
When Strange failed to banish the
killer ghost, he could not complete his deduction about the causes of
his failure, due to lack of time. Later, the phantasm confirmed that he
had a strong connection with the place where he appeared. That could
mean that the Bands of Storann are not so effective against such strong
There's the infinitesimal, unconfirmed possibility that changing the
pronunciation of the verbal component "Storaan" in "Storann"
would change the purpose of the spell, driving it toward the Abjuration
In Captain Marvel XII#7,
Carol/Strange asked about the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak. Stephen stated
that Carol wasn't ready for that magic spell, implying that the Sapphire
Bands of Storaan spell was easier to learn. Carol convinced Stephen to
teach her the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak, because they had to fight the Enchantress,
who was extremely powerful, so they had to be ready for her.
Stephen/Marvel accepted, implying that the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak are
a stronger binding spell than the Sapphire Bands.
The Sapphire Bands also exist in alternate realities:
Sapphire Blue has, conventionally, the RGB code equal
to 5 red, 82 green, and 186 blue, or #0f52ba in hexadecimal code, which is
the one used for the title of this very profile.
Profile by Spidermay.
The Sapphire Bands of Storaan should be distinguished from:
The Sapphire of Storaan is a magical item of great power.
Casey Kinmont stole it for Baron (Karl)
Mordo, when she was under the bad influence of the Gem of Cyttorak and
without a soul to quench its fury. Doctor
Druid informed Doctor Strange about the stealing of the Sapphire. Casey also stole other items of power like the Serpent
Ring and some pages of the Darkhold.
It is unrevealed if the Sapphire has the shape and
the substance of a precious blue stone, or if it has another nature
(like a magical little flying humming bird).
Doctor Strange V#7 - BTS (March, 1997) - Mark Waid (writer), Javier Pina
& Andres Guinaldo (pencilers), Javier Pina, JP Mayer, Andy Ownes,
Roberto Poggi & Keith Champagne (inks), Brian Reber , Jim Campbell
& Andrew Crossley (colors), Nick Lowe (editor)
Images: (without ads)
S.H.I.E.L.D. III#3, p5, pan3 (Bands of Storaan, shot by guns,
entangling Spider-Man)
Doctor Strange V#19, p3, p4 (the phantasm is not impressed at all from the
Sapphire Bands)
Devil's Reign: Superior Four#3, p10, pan 4 (Otto Werner Von
Strange ensnares Otto Octavius with the Sapphire Bands)
S.H.I.E.L.D. III#3 (April, 2015) - Mark Waid (writer), Alan Davis
(pencils), Mark Farmer (inks), Matthew Wilson (colors), Tom Brevoort,
Elizabeth Pyle (editors)
Doctor Strange: The Fate of Dreams, A Prose Novel (January, 2016) -
Devin Grayson (writer)
Captain Marvel XII#7 (August, 2019) - Kelly Thompson (writer), Annapaola
Martello (artist), Tamra Bonvillan (colors), Sarah Brunstad (editor)
Doctor Strange V#19 (November, 2019) - Mark Waid (writer), Jesús Saiz
(artist), Nick Lowe, Darren Shan (editors)
Devil's Reign: Superior Four#3 (2022) - Zat Thompson (writer), Davide
Tinto (art), Matt Milla (colors), Annalise Bissa (editor)
First Posted: 01/22/2025
Last Updated: 01/22/2025
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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