
Real Name: Unrevealed (possibly Scrapper)

Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-7481) possibly human mutate vs. extraterrestrial (Ape race)

Occupation: Warrior

Group Membership: Led a group of warriors (possibly the humans mutated unto Ape form vs. a member of the Ape race)

Affiliations: Ape Masters/Ape race, General Raker, human ape-mutates

Enemies: Apeslayer and his Freemen

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: The area outside the former Grand Central Station in what was once Manhattan, New York

First Appearance: Planet of the Apes (UK) #23 (March 29, 1975) scrapper-face-prof

Powers/Abilities: Scrapper was an experienced warrior and leader of a group of warriors.

     He wielded an axe and a sword.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 6')
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 200 lbs.)
Eyes: Presumably brown
Hair: Brown or black

(Planet of the Apes#23 (fb) - BTS) - Scrapper was apparently the leader of a group of ape-men (either warrior members of the Ape race or humans mutated into ape form) working out of the area outside of General Raker's base in the former Grand Central Station in what was once Manhattan, New York.

(Planet of the Apes#23 (fb) - BTS) - Apeslayer and his Freemen caused Scrapper and his forces a significant amount of grief.

(Planet of the Apes#23) - After fighting his way past the warriors apparently serving under Scrapper, Apeslayer warned Scrapper to let him past or he would finish him, too.

     Parrying Apeslayer's sword with his own blade, Scrapper instead told Apeslayer that he was a good talker and then warned Apeslayer that he would die for the grief he and his Freemen had caused Scrapper and his associates.

     Insisting he must personally deliver his message to his Generals, Apeslayer knocked Scrapper off of a raised walkway and landed atop him, incapacitating if not killing him.
Scapper defeated

(Planet of the Apes#23 - BTS) - Apeslayer continued on to the former Grand Central Station, where he confronted and slew Raker.

Comments: Created by Created/adapted by Marv Wolfman, adapting a story by Roy Thomas, Gerry Conway, and Neal Adams.
    Marvel UK.

    Does this seem familiar? It should.
    See the comments of the Apeslayer profile:

    The Ape race was led by the Ape Masters, who were also referred to as Generals, Simians and Simian Masters.
    Humans serving the Ape Masters but leading other groups were also referred to as Generals.
    Humans mutated into ape-form and serving the Ape race were also referred to as Apes.

    I thought it was hinted somewhere that Scrapper may have been a human mutated into ape-form, but I did not see that anywhere when I re-reviewed the story.
    He led a group of ape-men in defending the area outside of the human General Raker's base, and it seemed as if Raker was his superior.
    Regardless Scrapper may or may not been a member of the Ape race (not a Master) serving as a soldier, or he may have been a human mutated into ape-form.

Profile by Snood.

is the alternate reality counterpart of:

images: (without ads)
Planet of the Apes#23 pg. 1 (Scrapper in foreground as Apeslayer battles other Apes);
       pg. 2, panel 2 (Scrapper, face in profile);
          panel 5 (Apeslayer landing atop Scrapper);

Planet of the Apes (UK) #23 (March 29, 1975) - Roy Thomas (plot/concept), Marv Wolfman (editor, adapted/modified said plot concept), Gerry Conway (original script), Neal Adams (penciler), Frank Monte (inker)

First posted: 12/27/2024
Last updated: 12/27/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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