Real Name: Jennifer Walters

Identity/Class: Extradimensional/alternate reality (Earth-400005) human mutate

Occupation: Assistant District Attorney

Group Membership: L.A. District Attorney's office

Affiliations: David Banner, Hulk

Enemies: Jonathan Cole, Jack McGee (see comments)

Known Relatives: Unidentified parents (both deceased)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Los Angeles

First Appearance: She-Hulk: Metamorphosis (partially filmed pilot movie, 1990)

Powers/Abilities: She-Hulk possesses superhuman strength and durability. Walters is an expert attorney.

Height: (Walters) 5'4"; (She-Hulk) 6'3"
Weight: Unrevealed (see comments)
Eyes: (Walters) Green; (She-Hulk) Emerald green
Hair: (Walters) Brown; (She-Hulk) red

She-Hulk: Metamorphosis) - Haunted by the murder of her parents when she was only a child, Assistant District Attorney Jennifer Walters became determined to prove that a respected businessman was secretly a criminal mastermind. Forced by her corrupt boss to take a vacation, Jennifer visited the Caribbean where she befriended David Banner, living there under an alias after recently faking his own death, and now trying manage his transformations into the Hulk using local herbs. When a hitman sent by the businessman shot Jennifer she needed an immediate blood transfusion to survive, and though Banner was initially reluctant to be the donor out of fear of side effects from his tainted blood, a doctor friend convinced him that Jennifer's only hope of survival lay in the chance that she would pick up some of the regenerative properties only David's blood could provide. Both theories proved correct - David's blood did save Jennifer, but also passed on his curse, and now when Jennifer became angry she would transform into a gigantic gold-skinned, near mindless She-Hulk.

Comments: Created by Jill Sherman Donner.

   In 1990 New World Pictures, which then owned Marvel Comics, hired Jill Sherman Donner, a writer/producer who had worked on the Bill Bixby Incredible Hulk show, to produce a She-Hulk pilot. Though he had rejected all previous attempts at a She-Hulk pilot, Bixby liked Donner's completed script and agreed to reprise his role, as did former Hulk Lou Ferrigno. Donner cast professional Volleyball player Gabrielle Reece to portray the She-Hulk, who was intended to have golden skin because Donner felt green would not look pretty on a female character, while Mitzi Kapture was hired to play Jennifer Walters. The pilot began filming in the Virgin Islands with Kapture and Bixby, but studio executives, who had wanted Melissa Gilbert to play Walters, hemmed and hawed over Kapture being cast, and ultimately dropped the project before Reece had filmed any scenes.

   A logical first question after my last comment that Reece hadn't filmed any scenes is: Where did the main image on this page come from? To answer that: Despite some footage having been apparently shot, it's never to my knowledge made it out of the studio vaults, so both images here are of the two actresses cast, but not in the roles in question. Lacking a better option, I found a image of Kapture from around the right era in an outfit that wouldn't look too out of place on a lawyer. For Reece, it's simply a publicity shot in a pose that I thought fitted the She-Hulk, which I've altered with my amateurish photoshop skills to give golden skin, flame red hair and green eyes (even if you can't really see those clearly) per Donner's description of the character.

   Since Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno were involved, this is presumably the same continuity as the Incredible Hulk TV show, and hence Earth-400005.

   There's a much more detailed synopsis of the script on a fan wiki, but since I have no way to know if that synopsis comes from the real script, or is just made up by whatever fan posted it, I've not added any of the details to this profile, beyond the name of the businessman/criminal mastermind (Jonathan Cole) and the mention that reporter Jack McGee from the Incredible Hulk show would appear - take both with a pinch of salt though, as they are unconfirmed.

   I'm not sure exactly how the timeline for this compares to the other She-Hulk pilot that was to star Brigitte Nielsen. Most sources online claim that was the next attempt, and certainly ABC confirmed they'd dropped the Nielsen pilot in 1991, but Nielsen apparently posed for her publicity photos for that in 1989. So was it the prior version, and this the replacement? Or were both being developed at the same time by different studios? You'd think rights issues would prevent that, but remember that the early 1990s weren't far from the era where, per former Marvel Editor-in-Chief Jim Shooter, the lawyers representing Marvel over movie and TV rights had so little clue that they thought Spectacular Spider-Man was a different CHARACTER from Amazing Spider-Man. So maybe one was Savage She-Hulk and the other was Sensational She-Hulk?

   Online sites claim Reece was around 160 to 170 lbs., but even assuming those are accurate, it's likely She-Hulk would have had denser musculature to provide her superhuman strength, and thus be much heavier. And it's likely the only reason why sites have Reece's weight was because that kind of thing gets recorded for athletes; Kapture's weight (and thus Walters' weight) around this time is understandably not listed anywhere I could see, and I don't like to speculate when it's a real person.

Profile by Loki.

She-Hulk is an alternate reality counterpart to :

but has no known connections to:

images: (without ads)
Publicity stills of Gabrielle Reece and Mitzi Kapture (both images)

She-Hulk: Metamorphosis pilot movie (1990) - Jill Sherman Donner

First Posted: 09/21/2024
Last updated: 09/21/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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