Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Human mutate (? - see comments)

Occupation: Paralegal

Group Membership: None;
    briefly the Grandmaster's Contest of Champions bonus team (Frog-Man/Eugene Patilio, Rocket Racer/Robert Farrell, the Vile Tapeworm)

Affiliations: Deadpool ("Wade Wilson"), Death, Doop, Frog-Man (Eugene Patilio), Grandmaster (En Dwi Gast), Howard the Duck, the Pink Sphinx, Rocket Racer (Robert Farrell), the Vile Tapeworm;
    possibly also Captain America (Steve Rogers), Colossus (Piotr Rasputin), Defensor (Gabriel Carlos Dantes Sepulveda), Devil-Slayer (Eric Payne), Hulk (Bruce Banner), Human Torch (Johnny Storm), Iron Man (Tony Stark), Medusa (Medusalith Amaquelin), Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner), Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff), Shamrock (Molly Fitzgerald), Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew), Sprite (Kitty Pryde), Storm (Ororo Munroe), Thing (Ben Grimm), Vision, Wolverine (James Howlett) and various other unidentified heroes in the crowd at the Contest of Champions

Enemies: None (see comments)

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Unrevealed

First Appearance: Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars#1 (July, 2015)

Powers/Abilities: She-Man-Thing's body is made up of vegetative matter (in the style of and resembling the Ted Sallis Man-Thing) but she retains her normal human mind in that form. Given that she is known to have a day job, it seems likely that she is able to transform between this form and a normal human body, which would also account for why she was wearing a torn dress, which may have ripped when she grew as she powered up. Whether she can transform by will or not is unrevealed, though she notes that she is "a paralegal by day, She-Man-Thing by night" so it is possible the transformation is based on the time of day and outside of her control. She can control her plant matter form to some extent, including ensnaring targets with vines. She is also able to cause fire to shoot from her hands.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 6'8" as She-Man-Thing)
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 300 lbs. as She-Man-Thing)
Eyes: Unrevealed; (as She-Man-Thing) amber (no visible irises)
Hair: Unrevealed; (as She-Man-Thing) none

(Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars#1/2) - When the cosmic entities the Grandmaster and Death summoned all the superheroes on Earth for a contest, She-Man-Thing was among them. The powerful beings each chose champions to serve them in their contest but Deadpool was offended for not being picked so he argued with them until they agreed to have a bonus round where some "B-listers" would get a chance to compete for a hidden prize.   

    She-Man-Thing was chosen to be on Grandmaster's team, alongside the Rocket Racer, Frog-Man and the Vile Tapeworm, against a group playing for Death consisting of Deadpool, Howard the Duck, the Pink Sphinx and Doop. The groups were teleported to East St. Louis for the match and, though She-Man-Thing was able to bind the Pink Sphinx, she failed to stop Deadpool from being first to reach the prize so her team lost.

Comments: Created by Cullen Bunn and Jacopo Camagni.

    Obviously She-Man-Thing is a play on the character Man-Thing but the fact that she's a female counterpart to an existing male monster-type character and has a job in the legal field makes her more specifically a parody of Jennifer Walters as She-Hulk. Deadpool describes She-Man-Thing as "tragic and angst-filled" though we don't see much of that in this story. Still, I guess if you're trying to be a working professional and you turn to a swamp creature at night, there's probably some drawbacks to that.
    I've listed the competitors in the contest as "Affiliations" rather than "Enemies" because it was just a game.

    The canonicity of this story is suspect, as it is a Deadpool story intended to parody old stories. So, for now at least, this character's actual existence in the Marvel Universe is suspect. It's unlikely anyone would care enough to clear it up one way or the other.
It's also possible (even likely) that the entire story was a delusion the not-quite-100%-sane Deadpool was having, much like the main story in the Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars mini-series in which Deadpool participates in the original 1984 Secret Wars, only to have his presence there forgotten. While that story could very well fit into Earth-616 continuity, it was later deemed as nothing more than a delusion Deadpool-616 was having. Given that several of the characters here are seen in their modern costumes, I could see the whole thing being a Deadpool delusion. Of course, in an infinite Omniverse, those events still occurred on some alternate reality out there...--Proto-Man

    For more discussion as to whether or not She-Man-Thing and the backup story in Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars#1 is canon on Earth-616, check out the Book of PDR's web article about the story at

Profile by Patrick D Ryall.

should be distinguished from:

images: (without ads)
Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars#1, page 31, panel 3 (body)
Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars#1, page 25, panel 4 (face)

Deadpool's Secret Secret War#1/2 (July, 2015) - Cullen Bunn (writer), Jacopo Camagni (artist), Jordan D. White (editor)

First posted09/15/2023
Last updated: 09/15/2023

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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