Real Name: Felix Simon

Identity/Class: Human

Occupation: Director, actor

Group Membership:

Affiliations: Les Bancroft, Beast (Henry McCoy), Diane Cummings, Dorian Delazny, It the Living Colossus, Grant Marshall, Bob O'Bryan, Morrie Toshiba, Wonder Man (Simon Williams)

Enemies: None

Known Relatives: Alex Flores (wife)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Delazny Studios in Hollywood in Los Angeles, California

First Appearance: Astonishing Tales I#23 (April, 1974)

Powers/Abilities: Felix Simon was a trained actor that also did voice overs. He was also a director.

Height: Unrevealed (5'8"; by approximation)
Weight: Unrevealed (170 lbs.; by approximation)
Eyes: Unrevealed (possibly brown)
Hair: Brown

(Astonishing Tales I#24 (fb) - BTS) - Felix Simon was an actor working on the Star Lord TV show as the series' extraterrestrial comic relief.

(Astonishing Tales I#23) - Felix was in costume on the set of Star Lords when Bob O'Bryan rolled into the studio to ask him for a lift to the capitol building in Los Angeles. Because filming had to be interrupted due to the stars Grant Marshall and Diane Cummings not being available, Felix gave Bob the ride to the city. On their way there Bob suddenly fell into a comatose state because his mind had left his body to take control over It the Living Colossus. Unaware of what was going on Felix took Bob to a hospital because he couldn't even feel a heartbeat anymore. At the hospital Bob was declared dead in front of Felix Simon.

(Astonishing Tales I#24) - A rattled Felix began working on Bob's eulogy at the hospital even though he hardly knew him and didn't even know anything about Bob's family. He shrieked when the seemingly dead Bob suddenly awakened.

   A short time later a doctor explained to Felix and Bob that Bob had been in a deathlike coma and that it could happen again. Felix offered Bob to move in with him because he now knew about Bob's medical condition and wouldn't bring him right to the embalmer the next time it happened. Felix then witnessed Diane arrive at the hospital and reconcile with Bob after his recent attempt to get her out of his life to spare her from staying with a crippled man.

(Incredible Hulk II#244) - Months after Star Lords had gone off the air Felix Simon and Dorian Delazny welcomed Bob O'Bryan and Diane Cummings back at Delazny Television Studios after their honeymoon. Felix told the couple that Dorian had kept tabs on them while they were away. Felix later joined Bob, Diane and Dorian at an event at Graumann's Theater where their colleague Grant Marshall got honored for his work as an actor. At the event Felix witnessed Bob collapsing when he took mental control over It the Living Colossus to fight the Hulk, who had interrupted the event and got mad at Grant Marshall.

(Avengers Two: Wonder Man & Beast#2 (fb) - BTS) - Felix joined the cast of the restructured Star Lords television series known as Star Kings.

(Marvels: Eye of the Camera#3 - BTS) - Felix became a director in addition to an actor. He was interviewed by Les Bancroft for Newsbeat on the possibility of a Star Kings motion picture.

(Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man#59 (fb) - BTS) - Felix Simon became the narrator of the TV show On the Trail, which quickly became one of the top syndicated shows in television. When the show did an episode about the Loch Trevor Monster he convinced Morrie Toshiba to send a camera crew to Scotland, which cost half the season's budget.

(Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man#59) - When Toshiba planned to do an episode on Spider-Man he showed old documentary footage to Felix Simon, which they were going to use. Felix reminded Morrie that old footage didn't make them a success and insisted to get new footage of Spider-Man for the episode to keep him, the star of the show, happy. Felix also reminded Morrie that his contract granted him considerable creative control and threatened to walk out if he didn't get what he wanted. Morrie quickly called in Jack and his grip Marty Blank to get the footage.

(Avengers Two: Wonder Man & Beast#2 (fb) - BTS) - At some point he met scriptwriter Alex Flores at the studio and they got married a few months later. Alex often talked about the late Wonder Man with Felix.

(Avengers Two: Wonder Man & Beast#2) - After Wonder Man's resurrection he and Beast visited Simon's former lover Alex Flores at her new home in Los Angeles where she lived with her husband Felix Simon. Felix and Alex were hanging out with actress Diane Cummings and Beast turned out to be a big fan of Diane's work as an actor and Felix's directing. Felix told Simon how often Alex talked about him and gave them time to reconnect.

Comments: Created by Tony Isabella & Dick Ayers.

Profile by Markus Raymond.

Felix Simon has no known connection to:

images: (without ads)
Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man#59, p2, pan3 (main)
Astonishing Tales I#24, p8, pan5 (head shot)
Astonishing Tales I#23, p4, pan6 (in costume)
Avengers Two: Wonder Man & Beast#2, p7, pan3 (with Diane and Beast)

Astonishing Tales I#23 (April, 1974) - Tony Isabella (writer), Dick Ayers (artist), Roy Thomas (editor)
Astonishing Tales I#24 (June, 1974) - Tony Isabella (writer), Dick Ayers & Larry Lieber (pencils), Vince Colletta (inks), Roy Thomas (editor)
Marvels: Eye of the Camera#3 (March, 2009) - Kurt Busiek & Roger Stern (writers), Jay Anacleto (artist), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Incredible Hulk II#244 (February, 1980) - Steven Grant (writer), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Mike Esposito (inks), Allen Milgrom (editor)
Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man#59 (October, 1991) - Roger Stern (writer), Jim Mooney (artist), Tom DeFalco (editor)
Avengers Two: Wonder Man & Beast#2 (June, 2000) - Roger Stern (writer), Mark Bagley (pencils), Greg Adams (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)

First Posted: 01/12/2025
Last updated: 01/12/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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