unidentified space station
Official Name: Unrevealed
Location: Extraterrestrial space, unrevealed star system, unrevealed galaxy;
active circa 1943 A.D., at least
Population: Unrevealed
Government: Unrevealed
Major Resources: The space station served as a port and presumably had fueling and docking capacities.
It certainly had at least one tavern
The space station was very large,
with apparently dozens of spaceships able to fly into one of 2-3 ports
at the same time.
The space station had a form similar to that of an upside-down human skull.
Defense: Unrevealed, if any
Prominent Residents or visitors: Dreel, and a pair of Entari Commandos, Woodrow McCord, Teraphin Mox, Eben Stafford
First Appearance: Original Sin Annual#1 (December, 2014)
(Original Sin Annual#1 (fb) - BTS) - Constructed by
unidentified parties in an unidentified location and with unidentified
materials, the space station was considered a den of hustlers, thieves,
and killers.
(Original Sin Annual#1 (fb) - BTS) - Apparently
based out of this unidentified space station, Teraphin Mox had a
reputation as an untrustworthy informant, loyal to no one.
(Original Sin Annual#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Man on the
Wall, Eben Stafford, who protected Earth from alien threats, apparently
seeking to provoke a confrontation with Dreel of the Entari (who had
slain Stafford's former teammates, the Men on the Wall), met with Teraphin Mox and gained
information about the Entari.
As Stafford presumably intended,
Mox informed Dreel about Stafford's inquiries, leading her to send
Entari to Stafford's base on Earth.
(Original Sin Annual#1 (fb)) - After slaying the attacking Entari, Stafford and his protege, Woodrow McCord, flew to the space station.
Apparently using shadow-cloaking technology taken from the
Entari, McCord hung out by the door as Stafford entered some tavern in the
space station and confronted Teraphin Mox.
As the terrified Mox stammered out
his name, Stafford grabbed him by the neck, telling him he had broken
the rules by running his filthy mouth.
Mox desperately claimed he had not
and would never do so, but -- as Dreel and a pair of Entari commandos
entered behind him -- Stafford interrupted Mox, asking who else could
warn the Entari and make them desperate enough to attack him on Earth
but the snake who had put him on their trail in the first place.
Dreel then confronted Stafford, mocking his seeming
and his seeming surprise at having been lied to be a liar, and Stafford
dropped Mox, who fell to his knees, clutching his throat.
(Original Sin Annual#1 (fb)) - Dreel
subsequently blasted a hole through Stafford's gut, after which McCord
entered and slew to two Commandos, allowing Stafford to kill Dreel in
the distraction.
 (Original Sin Annual#1 (fb)) - As Mox stared, jaws agape, Stafford told McCord that all of the other aliens present were a threat to Earth and that it was his job to finish them off.
After Stafford walked out, retiring and turning his
mantle over to McCord, Mox begged that he would do anything to live.
However, one of the other aliens denounced Mox as a coward,
noting that there was only one of him, and that they could silence him
A pair of aliens agreed with this sentiment and
advanced on McCord, with one of them suggesting that they could sell
his bones for spice, but McCord instead blew a hole through that
alien's abdomen.
As the other aliens advanced, McCord tried to warn them back, but
he was reminded of the woman, Hana, whom he loved, who questioned what
good he was doing for the people of Earth.
The same alien who had promoted taking out McCord the first time shouted, "Kill him! Kill the Earth scum!"
Replying, "No," McCord mowed down all of those challenging him with his blaster rifle.
After McCord put down his rifle, Mox was surprised
that he was alive and had been spared, and he thanked McCord, promising
him that no one would ever know what had happened there.
However, McCord instead instructed Mox to tell everyone he
met what McCord had done and that he was out there, among them in the
shadows, and that if they even thought of coming for Earth, the Man on
the Wall would come for them. |
Comments: Created by Jason Latour and Enis Cisic
Profile by Snood.
This space station has no known connections to:
- AIM satellite - abandoned and forgotten after one of many setbacks at the hands of
Earth's heroes,taken over by Baron (Helmut) Zemo, reshaped by robotic Techno,
destroyed in battle with Avengers--Thunderbolts I#11
- AIM Space Platform - commanded by MODOK, destroyed by the
Avengers--She-Hulk I#1
- Alexandra Station - space station commanded by Noah Baxter and destroyed
(or shunted into the Negative Zone) when Noah and his assistant Jedediah used
it to shunt anti-matter away from Earth to oppose efforts of Gideon
Trust--Fantastic Four III#37
- Asteroid M - early base of Magneto and Brotherhood of Evil Mutants,
repeatedly rebuilt, finally destroyed by Fabian Cortez--X-Men I#4
- Avalon - formerly Cable's station Graymalkin, co-opted by the Acolytes,
destroyed by Holocaust, remnants became Prosh and Providence island--X-Force
- Celestial Order's space station - housed the
Heart of the Infinite until Thanos claimed the Heart's power and destroyed the
space station (and the Celestial Order)--Marvel Universe: The End#3
- Cordco Satellite - Hijacked by Dr. Octopus and his Sinister Six and used to
threaten the world with an alleged deadly poison unless Dr. Octopus was given
world domination. In reality, it was used to disperse a chemical rendering
cocaine addicts dependent on the newly discovered rare element Burundite, which
was in the sole possession of Dr. Octopus. Thor helped Spider-Man negate the
effects of the chemical by dispersing burundite into the atmosphere after the
Six's defeat.--Amazing Spider-Man I#338
- Damocles - sword-shaped command base of Kang,
brought from Reality-6311, destroyed by Avengers--Avengers III#41
- Death Ray - orbiting solar projector used by Zemo
impostor (Franz Gruber), controls destroyed by Sharon Carter, later sought by
Taskmaster, destroyed by SHIELD--Tales of Suspense I#98
- Death's Head Satellite - designed by Red Skull
(Johann Shmidt) and Hate-Monger (Adolf Hitler clone) to broadcast hate-ray
energy, destroyed by Captain America--Captain America I#226
- Devastator's satellite - broadcasted microwave energy to Devastator's
armor--Incredible Hulk I#186
- Dr. Demonicus' Satellite - designed by Axon-Karr, removed from orbit by
Shogun Warriors--Shogun Warriors I#7
- Drydock of Reality-691 - space station commanded by Guardians of the
Galaxy, briefly lay in orbit of Earth-616; ultimately destroyed by
Korvac--Marvel Presents I#12
- Dynamo Sputnik - Created by Anton Vanko, powered
the Crimson Dynamo Mark II from space--Crimson Dynamo#5
- Egghead's NASA Space-Lab - stolen from Cape Kennedy by Egghead (Elihas
Starr)--Defenders I#43
- Faraway - experimental satellite with subspace engine used by Black Air
who installed Archimedes Fogg's computerized brain into it. Disappeared midway
through its journey to the far reaches of the galaxy, crashed in Genosha two
years later. Wisdom and X-Force retrieve Fogg's computerized brain and put
into a LMD-variant cyborg body--X-Force I#94
- FAUST (Fully Automated Unit of Structure
Technology) - Secondary-Adamantium-coated factory turned orbital weapons
platform, destroyed by Thor and Iron Man--Marvel Team-Up I#18
- Foreigner's satellite - transmitted power to Foreigner; Justin Hammer
caused the satellite to fall from orbit to land on Foreigner, who escaped the
crash--Spectacular Spider-Man II#210
- Fu Manchu's Space Station - designed to destroy the moon, cast adrift in
space--Master of Kung Fu I#49
- Godseye - sentient SHIELD satellite designed to detonate nuclear
weapons, destroyed by the Hulk (Bruce Banner)--Incredible Hulk III#89
- Gul Damar - Shi'ar space station--X-Men Legacy I#250
- Hammer Station - designed by Justin Hammer as a hideaway; station
damaged by Iron Man (Stark)--Iron Man: Bad Blood#1
- High Evolutionary's Heliosphere Refuge - --Annihilation Conquest#1
- High Evolutionary's Space Station - used in plot to remove mutant
powers--Uncanny X-Men 1999 Annual
- Hydra Satellite - sought by Sinister Six to commandeer its weapon
cache--Spider-Man I#22
- Karzz the Conqueror's Storm Satellite - used to initiate series of 500
mph winds across the planet, Karzz forced to reverse effects by Avengers,
satellite presumed destroyed--Avengers Battle the Earth Wrecker
- Koontz satellite - US government research station, designed space-worthy
creature to destroy enemy satellites, but it slew
the entire crew and entered the Stark Satellite One where Iron Man destroyed it
by restoring life support and reactivating the omega bacilli--Iron ManI#237
- LaGrange Point 1 - satellite used by Reed Richards in investigating the
Odotopian messenger device--Fantastic Four #547 (2007)
- Magneto Protocols - series of over two dozen satellites equipped by
Forge with electromagnetic generators to bar Magneto from entering Earth's
atmosphere; later usurped by the Thunderbolts--X-Men II#25
- Mandarin's Killer Satellite - orbital weapon used
by Mandarin against Iron Man (Tony Stark)--Tales of Suspense #61
- Mandarin's Space Station - used to construct hate-ray, destroyed by
Avengers--Avengers I Annual#1
- Mars 2010 Space Station - training (and possibly
experimentation/mutation) site for Bush Rangers who took over the station
before dying in battle with X-Force (later X-Statix)--X-Force I#125
- Master Mold's Asteroid Base - mutant holding facilities, destroyed by
the Hulk (Bruce Banner)--Incredible Hulk II Annual#7
- Morelle Satellite - boarded by Nightwatch, who fought the Camouflage Cadre
and Warbringer there--Nightwatch#9
- Mys-Tech's satellite - used to incite violence on Earth--Dark Angel#7
- Mys-Tech Board's Private Space Station - locked into geo-stationary orbit
above Britain and constructed by the Psycho- Warriors, used to monitor the
- Nautilus of Earth-3145 - orbital space station;
those aboard -- including Astro-Spider/John Jameson -- survived nuclear war on
Earth--Spider-Force I#2
- Nuclear Weather Control Station - experimental; prevented from becoming
operative by Hulk, Namor the Sub-Mariner, and Silver Surfer--Sub-Mariner I#34
- O.K. Space Station - domed city on an
asteroid in some proximity to Deneb IV; society mimicked by Earth's Old West
era; formerly dominated by Stranger; briefly visited by Mar-Vell and Rick
Jones--Captain Marvel I#42
- Omnivac - sentient space station orbiting Earth, commanded by the
Leader, programming disabled by Jackdaw--Incredible Hulk II#157
- Oracle Weather Satellite - felled by an Anomaly Gem fragment--Marvel
Comics Presents I#125
- Orbital Laser Bomb - built by Dr. Doom, able to destroy
continents--Super-Villain Team-Up I#6
- Otomocorp's space station - sought as means to
wreak havoc on Earth by Hurricane (Albert Potter), eventually destroyed by
Mys-Tech trap--Gene Dogs#4 (or earlier)
- Jerry Owens' Satellite - orbited Earth for 50 years with Owens
aboard--Uncanny Tales#48
- Peak - space station headquarters of SWORD, destroyed by the
Skrulls--Astonishing X-Men I#13
- Red Skull's Hypno-Ray satellite - damaged by Shroud--Super-Villain
Team-Up I#11
- Samarobryn - built by the Hate-Monger (Adolf
Hitler clone), later used by Egghead and Weathermen, now utilized for
scientific research--Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD I#10; (as Samarobryn) Avengers I#210
- Satellite of Death - used by Dr. Doom to destroy
Earth's ozone layer, self-destructed by Dr. Doom--Solarman#2
- SHIELD Orbital Platform - earliest known use during Kree-Skrull War,
briefly conquered by Steven Lang and invaded by extradimensional Other Realm's
Gorjoon, Garth, and Lambert, destroyed by the Deltite's followers--Avengers
- SHIELD satellite - intended for use in safe handling of the dangerous
Element X, contained massive stone walls, ended up serving as prison for Grey
Gargoyle, later blasted out of the sky by AIM to recover the Gargoyle--Captain
America I#142
- Silvermoon - designed by Harlan Silverbird to
project anti-metal radiation from orbit, destroyed by Moon Knight--Marc
Spector: Moon Knight#51
- Simulacra - NASA station commandeered by the Brood--X-Men/Fantastic
- Skull Satellite - small skull-shaped space
station armed with destructive weaponry, built by the Red Skull and used to
blackmail the USA into turning the country over to him, attacked an
unidentified US city when American military attacked it, destroyed by Captain
America--Captain America Bubble Gum Funnies#3
- Sky Station 14-R - orbited Rigel and served
as a base from which potential invaders could be identified and confronted
before getting to close to the home planet--Thor I#132
- Solar Mirror - used by GRAMPA to destroy vampires on Earth--Amazing
Fantasy II#15
- Space Station Eve of Earth-791 - base from which Peter
Quill was taken to the Master of the Sun--Marvel Preview#4
- Spacewheel - base of Judson Jakes and Lord
Dyvyne, orbited Halfworld--Incredible Hulk II#271
- Space Station 8 - NASA station, post of Gazer--X-Men II#169
- Space Station Web - Kree outpost, used in the War
of the Three Galaxies--Inhumans I#10
- Stane satellite - radioactive, crashed by Radioactive Man to monitor its
effects on populace--Iron Man I#234
- Starcore One - Starcore Project research base,
moved to solar orbit and destroyed by a Shi'ar wormhole--Incredible Hulk I#148
- Starcore Station - incorporated temporal weapons
designed by Tony Stark for Immortus, destroyed by War Machine (James Rhodes)--Force
Works I#20
- Starcore Station - current solar orbit
Starcore research base headed by Dr. Peter Corbeau--X-Men Unlimited I#13
- Stark Enterprises Communication Satellite - attacked by Titanium Man but
defended by Iron Man, suffered only slight damages--Iron Man III#49
- Stark Enterprises Orbital Facility - research space station built by
Stark Enterprises, abandoned after Omega bacilli released aboard by AIM, later
damaged when Iron Man battled government-designed satellite-killing creature
from Koontz satellite there, cleaned and leased to Cauwfield Multichemical,
destroyed by Technovore. originally known as Stark Satellite One--Iron Man
- Stark International Research Satellites - --Iron Man: Legacy of Doom#1
- Stark Space Station - designed by Tony Stark after destruction of
Circuits Maximus, rendered uninhabitable after infested with Omega
Bacillus--Iron Man I#205
- Star Station Raga of Reality-829 - visited by Hercules circa
2385--Hercules II#1
- Star Well I - radiation-storing project by Roxxon Oil, commanded by
Sunturion, destroyed by Roxxon--Iron Man I#142
- Targo Corp satellite - AIM duped Iron Man into placing their front
company's satellite. Housed the Orbiting Lens, designed by Yorgon Tykkio to
fire a precisely controlled and immensely powerful laser. Used by Valdemar
Tykkio to slay residents of Boca Caliente, facilitating AIM's acquisition of
the island. Iron Man destroyed the satellite and Orbiting Lens after Yorgon
usurped control and targeted Washington DC--Iron Man I#207
- Vibro-Bomb Satellite - space weapon created by Dr. Doom, destroyed by
Darkoth--Fantastic Four I#143
- Weapon Plus Space Station - facility where Weapon XV was designed,
destroyed by Wolverine--New X-Men I#144
- unidentified satellite to which XERO was uplinked and via which it commanded the
- other "Sky Stations," space stations, satellites,, etc., or other
"Gul" or Damar" items, events, characters, groups, races, or
images: (without ads)
Original Sin Annual#1. pg. 20, panel 1 (space station as seen from space, with Stafford's ship approaching);
panel 2 (Stafford confronting Mox in tavern);
pg. 21, panel 1 (Dreel and Entari
Commandos' shadows approaching far side of tavern while Stafford
throttles Mox);
pg. 26, panel 2 (two aliens resolve to challenge McCord);
panel 4 (two aliens rushing McCord);
panel 5 (one alien shot through the chest);
pg. 27, panel 4 (McCord mowing down aliens)
Original Sin Annual#1 (December, 2014) - Jason Latour (writer), Enis Cisic (artist), Jake Thomas (assistant editor), Tom Brevoort & Wil Moss (editors)
First posted: 05/07/2023
Last updated: 05/07/2023
Any Additions/Corrections? please
me know.
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