
Real Name: Peter Parker (presumably - see comments)

Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-12136) human mutate (presumably - see comments)

Occupation: Adventurer

Group Membership: Octavia Otto's Spider-Army (Erin Hasko of Earth-1036, Octavia Otto of Earth-1104, "Spider-Fist" of Earth-19156, Spider-Man of Earth-91142, Spider-Man/Ben Parker of Earth-3145, "Spider-Man: Hero for Hire" of Earth-16105, Spider-Woman of Earth-32265, numerous other Spider-totems)

Affiliations: Octavia Otto's Spider-Army, the Web-Warriors (Spider-Woman/Gwen Stacy of Earth-65, Spider-Woman/May Parker of Earth-982, several others);
    Earth-1036 natives: "Green Goblin," Felix Lifson

Enemies: Electroverse (Battery/Mike Dillon of Earth-1082, numerous other alternate reality Electro counterparts)

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Presumably mobile throughout Earth-12136

First Appearance: Web-Warriors I#10 (October, 2016)

Powers/Abilities: "Spider-Man" presumably has the same powers as Spider-Man of Earth-616, including superhuman strength, agility, the ability to cling to solid surfaces and a danger-warning Spider-Sense.

    He wears what appears to be some sort of Mech suit that likely increases his durability to an unrevealed degree and he also is equipped with a large spider-themed robot that he often rides on the shoulder of. He seems to be able to control this robot (see comments) but it is unrevealed if the robot possesses its own artificial intelligence or sentience. The robot has superhuman strength and durability, and likely possesses other unrevealed abilities.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'10") (see comments)
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 167 lbs.) (see comments)
Eyes: Unrevealed (presumably brown) (see comments)
Hair: Unrevealed (presumably brown) (see comments)

History: (Web-Warriors I#10 (fb) - BTS) - With the reality-hopping Web-Warriors lost in the Multiverse and the Web of Life and Destiny tangled, Master Weaver of Earth-001 and Octavia Otto of Earth-1104 explored the tangled web to assemble a new team to help find the Web-Warriors and stop the Multiversal Electroverse from escaping their imprisonment on Earth-803. While assembling this new Spider-Army, Earth-12136's "Spider-Man" was one which they recruited.

(Web-Warriors I#10) - "Spider-Man" and the rest of Octavia's army were accidentally brought to Earth-1036 due to the tangles in the web. After recruiting the non-powered actress Erin Hasko on Earth-1036, Octavia's army continued traveling the Multiverse, eventually locating Earth-65's Spider-Woman, who was stranded on Earth-8311. "Spider-Man" and the rest of Octavia's army then traveled to Earth-803 and fought against the Electroverse, with "Spider-Man" directly facing the Electroverse's leader, Earth-1082's Battery.

Comments: Created by Mike Costa, David Baldeón, Jay Fosgitt, Walden Wong and John Dell.

    I assumed "Spider-Man" standing on the the giant robot spider was controlling it but there is a chance they are two separate Spider-totems.
    I think you may be right in that this Spider-Man was controlling the robot. In the third image above, he seems to be directing the robot to attack the Electroverse. I suppose one could argue that he was just charging into battle on the robot's shoulder though... --Proto-Man

    This Spider-totem's origin was never given so we can only assume he was a counterpart to Peter Parker and that he gained his Spider-totem abilities via mutation. It's also possible that he was some sort of superhuman being like a mutant or Inhuman or something. --Proto-Man

    This Spider-totem's physical attributes are approximated from that of Earth-616's Spider-Man (Peter Parker). --Proto-Man

Profile by Copeinator123.

Earth-12136's "
Spider-Man" has no known connections to:

images: (without ads)
Web-Warriors I#10, p2, pan3 ("Spider-Man," main image)
Web-Warriors I#10, p15, pan4 ("Spider-Man" on the shoulder of his robot)
Web-Warriors I#10, p16, splash page ("Spider-Man" guiding the robot)

Web-Warriors I#10 (October, 2016) - Mike Costa (writer), David Baldeón (penciler), Jay Fosgitt (penciler, inker), Walden Wong, John Dell (inkers), Devin Lewis (editor)

First Posted: 02/18/2024
Last updated: 02/18/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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