
Real Name: Unrevealed (possibly Peter Parker? - see comments)

Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-50332) human mutate (presumably - see comments)

Occupation: Adventurer

Group Membership: None;
    formerly the Hive (Dusk of Earth-41613, Hornet of Earth-83145, Lord Spider of Earth-10113519, Prodigy of Earth-55343, Spider-Ham/Peter Porker of Earth-8311, Spider-Laird/Donald MacGargan of Earth-1740, Spider-Man/Hobie Brown of Earth-138, Spider-Man 2099/Miguel O'Hara of Earth-928, Spider-Monster of Earth-14411319, Spider-Zero of Earth-19166, numerous other Spider-totems)

Affiliations: The Hive, the Other (Peter Parker of Earth-982), Spider-Man (Miles Morales of Earth-1610), Spider-Man (Peter Palmer of Earth-616 Beta), Spider-UK (Zarina Zahari of Earth-834), Sun-Spider (Charlotte Webber of Earth-20023), Web-Weaver (Cooper Coen of Earth-71490);
    Earth-616 natives: Madame Web (Julia Carpenter), Dr. Peter Parker, Silk (Cindy Moon);
    formerly Shathra the Spider-Wasp of Earth-616

Enemies: Shathra the Spider-Wasp of Earth-616;
    formerly Peter Parker of Earth-616, Spider-UK (Zarina Zahari of Earth-834), Sun-Spider (Charlotte Webber of Earth-20023)

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Presumably mobile throughout Earth-50332

First Appearance: Spider-Verse III#1 (December, 2019)

Powers/Abilities: "Spider-Man" presumably had the same powers as Spider-Man of Earth-616 including superhuman strength, agility, the ability to cling to solid surfaces and a danger-warning Spider-Sense.

    He also wore a suit of samurai-style armor and carried a samurai sword in battle.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'10")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 167 lbs.)
Eyes: Unrevealed (presumably brown) (see comments)
Hair: Unrevealed (presumably brown) (see comments)

History: (Spider-Verse III#1) - "Spider-Man" was observed in the Web of Life and Destiny when Miles Morales of Earth-1610 was pulled through it by Spider-Zero of Earth-19166.

(Spider-Man IV#6 (fb) - BTS) - "Spider-Man" was corrupted and brought under the sway of Earth-616's Shathra the Spider-Wasp, soon becoming a part of Shathra's Multiversal Hive.

(Spider-Man IV#6) - The corrupted "Spider-Man" and Earth-1740's Spider-Laird were sent to Earth-616's Oscorp Plaza to attack some of the remaining Spider-totems not under Shathra's control as they worked with a segment of the Web of Life and Destiny in hopes of restoring those corrupted by Shathra. Earth-20023's Sun-Spider immediately jumped in to defend the non-corrupted Spider-totems from "Spider-Man" and Spider-Laird, impressing the non-powered Dr. Peter Parker.

(Spider-Man IV#7 (fb) - BTS) - "Spider-Man" and Spider-Laird were ultimately defeated and webbed up while the non-corrupted Spider-totems continued their work.

(Spider-Man IV#7) - When the Web of Life and Destiny began to heal itself due to the actions of other non-corrupted Spider-totems, Shathra's wasps flew from the mouths of both "Spider-Man" and Spider-Laird, restoring their normal forms and mental faculties. After the entire Hive were restored and snapped back to Earth-616 to battle a gigantic Shathra, "Spider-Man," Spider-Laird, Earth-834's Spider-UK, Sun-Spider and Dr. Peter Parker traveled to meet them with a way to defeat Shathra. They then allowed Dr. Parker to use his Great Web-Shooter to blast Shathra, apparently destroying her.

Comments: Created by Jed MacKay and Juan Frigeri.

    "Spider-Man"'s physical stats are based on Peter Parker of Earth-616. However, as many of the Japanese Spider-Men use Japanese names, I am only assuming this one is called Spider-Man.
    He very well could use a different alias. --Proto-Man 

    No origin is given for the samurai Spider-totem but one could presume it had something to do with being mutated due to the involvement of a spider of some sort. --Proto-Man

Profile by Copeinator123 and Proto-Man.

Earth-50332's "Spider-Man"
has no known connections to:

images: (without ads)
Spider-Man IV#7, p11, pan2 ("Spider-Man," main image)
Spider-Man IV#7, p1, pan3 ("Spider-Man," headshot)
Spider-Verse III#1, p3-4, pan1 ("Spider-Man," original costume)
Spider-Man IV#6, p15, pan3 (corrupted by Shathra)

Spider-Verse III#1 (December, 2019)
- Jed MacKay (writer), Juan Frigeri, Arthur Adams, James Harren, Dike Ruan (art), Stacey Lee, Sheldon Vella (art, colors), Carlos Lopez, Federico Blee, Dave Stewart (colors), Nick Lowe (editor)
Spider-Man IV#6 (May, 2023) - Dan Slott (writer), Mark Bagley (pencils), John Dell (inks), Nick Lowe (editor)
Spider-Man IV#7 (June, 2023) - Dan Slott (writer), Mark Bagley (pencils), John Dell, Andrew Hennessy (inks), Nick Lowe (editor)

First Posted: 01/11/2024
Last updated: 01/11/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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