
Real Name: Miles Morales

Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-807128 - see comments) human mutate;
    former human mutate cyborg

Occupation: Adventurer;
    former soldier of Reality-18201's Avenger Prime

Group Membership: None;
    formerly the Champions (Riri, others) (see comments),
Savage Avengers (of Earth-616) (Anti-Venom/"Flash" Thompson, Black Knight/Dane Whitman, Cloak/Tyrone Johnson, Conan, Dagger/Tandy Bowen, Daredevil/Elektra Natchios, Weapon H/Clayton Cortez)

Affiliations: Avenger Prime (Loki Laufeyson of Reality-18201), the Champions (Riri, others), Peter (see comments);
    Earth-616 natives: Savage Avengers, Uatu the Watcher;
    Earth-22925 natives: Doom 2099 (Victor von Doom), Lyla, Punisher 2099 (Jake Gallows), Savage Avengers 2099 (Bloodhawk, Ghost Rider 2099, La Lunatica, Ravage 2099, Spider-Man 2099, Strange 2099)

Enemies: The Annihilation Wave, Annihilus, Octavius;
Earth-616 natives: The Cult of Set (
Thulsa Doom, many others), Devil Dinosaur (Hyborian era dinosaur), Set;
    formerly Savage Avengers;
Earth-22925 natives: D.E.A.T.H.D.O.K., Deathloks, Fever, Jigsaw 2099, the Prime Deathlok (Ultron), Ultimo

Known Relatives: Unidentified uncle (see comments)

Aliases: "Bithead," "Chrome-Job," "Circuit-Face," Deathlok, "Good Sir," "Metal Man," "Monster," "Pal," Serial No. RT-917, "Sparky," "Stranger," "Tin Man," "Tinker-Toy"

Base of Operations: Earth-807128;
    formerly Valhalla, Earth-22925; Cimmeria, Hyborian era, Earth-616; Avengers Tower, the God Quarry, inside a black hole

First Appearance: (as Deathlok) Savage Avengers II#1 (July, 2022);
    (as Miles Morales/Spider-Man, unidentified) Savage Avengers II#3 (September, 2022);
    (as Miles Morales/Spider-Man, fully seen & identified) Savage Avengers II#4 (October, 2022)

Powers/Abilities: Spider-Man has the proportionate strength of a spider, granting him superhuman strength enough to trade blows with superhumanly strong opponents. His also possesses a danger-warning "Spider-Sense" and can generate bioelectricity from his hands, which he projects as his so-called "venom blasts."

    Spider-Man also uses mechanical web-shooters in battle that project a chemical webbing.

    During his time as a Deathlok cyborg, Miles Morales' durability was increased to a degree sufficient to allow him to withstand a direct hit from the Black Knight's mechanical lance, shattering the lance just by blocking it with his arm. His cybernetic systems also increased his stamina and endurance to superhuman levels, preventing him from getting tired or needing to rest. He could also breathe underwater. He could willingly increase the tensile strength of his grip to hold even superhumanly strong foes with his hand without them escaping.

    As a Deathlok, Miles was also equipped with numerous internal computer systems and adaptive nanotechnology that granted him additional superhuman powers, including the ability to regenerate and self-repair most physical damage up to and including missing limbs, and the ability to transform his cybernetic parts into other objects such as changing his arm into a bladed weapon. These systems also included time circuits granting Deathlok and others in his vicinity the ability to travel through time and across other realities and a stealth mode that could render him invisible to the naked eye at will. He was also equipped with computerized scanners and sensors capable of scanning and sensing specific targets.

    Deathlok's computerized brain housed a quantum database containing knowledge gathered throughout history including a large database of every known Avenger and data on battlefield tactics, hand-to-hand combat techniques and comprehensive weapon schematics, which he could also access at will. Miles could also utilize this database in conjunction with Taskmaster Fighting Software to upload the fighting styles of other beings within his database. The computer systems within his brain were also capable of projecting Deathlok's mind into cyberspace via most any nearby network.

    Deathlok contained a fusion induction battery, allowing him to absorb at least gamma radiation (if not other forms of energy) that he could reuse to boost his own strength and durability to gamma-irradiated levels  when needed. He could also project the radiation stored within his battery outward.

    In battle, Deathlok many large guns including an extremely large plasma cannon and one built using Hyborian era items.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 6'0")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 200lbs.); (as Deathlok) unrevealed (approximately 800lbs.)
Eyes: Brown (occasionally appearing as white with no visible irises - see comments)
Hair: Black

(Savage Avengers II#10 (fb) - BTS) - Reality-616 cosmic being Uatu the Watcher sensed that only Earth-807128's Miles Morales possessed the power to restore true balance to the timestream.

(Savage Avengers II#4 (fb)) - Miles Morales lived a life of love, heartbreak, happiness and suffering as the heroic Spider-Man. Following the death of his mentor Peter at the hands of the mechanically-armed criminal Octavius, Miles worked with his Champions teammate Riri to stop a drone attack. Tracking the source of the drone to Octavius, Miles swiftly defeated the criminal but proved unable to stop the launch of Octavius' drone. Reporting back to Riri, Miles sent her schematics on Octavius' technology and informed her that Octavius had somehow gotten ahold of a Richards Dimensional Gate that he planned to use to unleashed the Annihilation Wave in Dallas. Riri immediately warned that they would never make it to stop the gate in time but Miles donned his mask, telling Riri not to worry and assuring her that he had the situation under control. Riri attempted to stop Miles, warning that he could never take on the entire Annihilation Wave alone, but Miles insisted there was no time to argue and he powered up Octavius' prototype dimensional gate with his venom blasts.

    A worried Riri told Miles to be careful and he joked that Riri should check the Champions charter, as careful was never part of their job description, before entering the gate. Coming face to face with the insectoid Annihilation Wave, Miles fought valiantly but was quickly overwhelmed and taken captive. Brought before the Annihilation Wave's leader, Annihilus, Miles was picked up by Annihilus, who demanded to know the origins of humanity's hope in the face of his Annihilation Wave. The weakened Miles remarked that his mentor had always told him that with great power came great responsibility and that his uncle had told him not to watch the mouth but the hands. He then snatched the Cosmic Control Rod from Annihilus neck and ran off, soon leaping into the heart of the Annihilation Wave and cracking open the Cosmic Control Rod, seemingly destroying himself and apparently taking the Annihilation Wave with him as he promised to see Peter in his next life.

(Savage Avengers II#1 (fb) - BTS) - Miles Morales apparently arrived in the Multiversal God Quarry following his sacrifice and he was found by Reality-18201's Avenger Prime, who began transforming Miles into one of his cyborg Deathlok agents (see comments).

(Savage Avengers II#10 (fb)) - As the dying Miles was being converted into a Deathlok, his transformation was silently witnessed by Reality-616's Uatu the Watcher, who sensed Miles' capability for heroism and sacrifice.

(Savage Avengers II#4 (fb)) - While his conversion into a Deathlok continued, Miles Morales had a cybernetic arm installed and the act caused him so much pain that he screamed.

(Savage Avengers II#1 (fb) - BTS) - As an agent of Avenger Prime, Deathlok was based out of Avengers Tower in the God Quarry, also known as the Tower at the Edge of Infinity.

(Savage Avengers II#1 (fb) - BTS/Savage Avengers II#4 (fb)) - Shortly after his transformation into the cyborg Deathlok, the former Miles Morales was tasked by Earth-18201's Avenger Prime with apprehending the time-displaced Earth-616 Hyborian era barbarian Conan and told that everything he knew would die if Conan were not found. To accomplish his mission, Deathlok was sent to Earth-616's modern era, where Conan was then active.

(Savage Avengers II#1) - The following day, Deathlok stalked his prey in a large city using his stealth abilities to blend into the surroundings. Tracking Conan down to a Stygian death cult of Set worshipers, Deathlok waited until Conan savagely attacked the cult before attacking the surprised Conan himself with a plasma cannon. Deathlok then proclaimed that Conan had been found guilty of crimes against the timestream on behalf of the Multiversal Deathloks and that Conan had been sentenced to erasure.

(Savage Avengers II#1/Savage Avengers II#7 (fb)) - Refusing to surrender, Conan picked up a razor-edged shield and hurled it at Deathlok, severing his arm.

(Savage Avengers II#1) - Fiercely punching Conan aside, Deathlok revealed that he was equipped with adaptive nanotechnology, which he used to regenerate the severed limb before going for Conan's throat. Conan then attempted to use Deathlok's own plasma cannon against him but Deathlok converted his arm into a bladed weapon and slashed the cannon in two.

(Savage Avengers II#1/Savage Avengers II#3 (fb)) - As the two fought, a surviving cultist activated a crude Madbomb and just before Deathlok could decapitate Conan, several heroes arrived on the scene to stop the Madbomb.

(Savage Avengers II#1) - Black Knight immediately set about disabling the bomb while Weapon H attacked Deathlok. Activating his fusion induction battery, Deathlok began draining the gamma radiation from Weapon H, holding the hero in place by increasing the tensile strength of his grip enough to prevent Weapon H from breaking free. Black Knight attempted to free Weapon H but shattered his lance against Deathlok's arm and when Daredevil and Anti-Venom joined in the fray, Deathlok accessed Taskmaster Fight Software to match their fighting skills. Despite taking one of Daredevil's sais to his shoulder, Deathlok managed to pick up Anti-Venom and disrupt his symbiote. When Anti-Venom warned that he was an Avenger, Deathlok accessed his files on Avengers but found no entry on Anti-Venom before sending electricity through Anti-Venom's body.

    Cloak and Dagger then joined the fight, wrapping Deathlok in Cloak's Darkforce energy while Dagger got in several hits that did nothing to stop Deathlok, who refused to be halted from his mission to erase Conan. Daredevil soon noticed that Deathlok's nanotechnology was unable to heal around the sai stuck in his shoulder and Conan grabbed his sword and plunged it into Deathlok's shoulder, piercing Deathlok's time circuits and accidentally banishing Deathlok back through time, taking the assembled heroes with him. Finding themselves in Conan's Hyborian era, the heroes, now dubbed the Savage Avengers, questioned where exactly they were, unaware that Deathlok was eying their arrival from afar.

(Savage Avengers II#6 (fb) - BTS) - In the aftermath of Deathlok's battle with the Savage Avengers, the Alchemax Corporation acquired Deathlok's severed arm and began working to reverse engineer its technology.

(Savage Avengers II#2) - Making his way back to Conan in single-minded pursuit of his mission, Deathlok walked along the bottom of a body of water towards his goal, the time-displaced Savage Avengers unaware Deathlok still pursued Conan. Upon emerging from the water, Deathlok donned a cloak to disguise himself but was immediately met by bandits seeking any money he might have. Easily defeating most of the bandits, Deathlok grabbed one of them and demanded to know where the nearest munitions facility was. Despite the bandit being completely unaware of what Deathlok was talking about, Deathlok eventually located a blacksmith and used his built-in historical weapons schematics to construct for himself a large gun out of Hyborian era items. He then renewed his pursuit of Conan and soon tracked him to a Hyborian prison, which he began scaling up the side of. Making his way to Conan's cell as Daredevil and Cloak were throw in near Dagger and Conan, Deathlok targeted Conan but Dagger tackled Conan just in time to avoid Deathlok's blast. Revealing his presence, Deathlok reiterated Conan's crimes against the timestream and his sentence of erasure but Conan refused to yield. Deathlok again transformed his arm into a bladed weapon and announced his willingness to neutralize Conan's allies in order to accomplish his mission. Daredevil immediately wrapped a chain around Deathlok's neck and Anti-Venom leaped in to cut Deathlok into pieces but the cyborg unleashed an electric burst, refusing to be halted. Deathlok then turned his attention towards Cloak, only to knocked aside by the arrival of Black Knight and Weapon H. Using the gamma radiation stored in his fusion induction batteries, Deathlok boosted his own strength and durability to match Weapon H's and held his own against the heroes until the awakening Cloak released the Hyborian era Devil Dinosaur from the confines of his cloak. In the ensuing chaos, the Savage Avengers escaped on a boat, leaving Deathlok to dig himself out of the rubble. Emerging from the ruins with his structural integrity compromised, Deathlok scanned the area and realized Conan had escaped, remarking to himself that Conan might be able to run but he could never escape the future. The Savage Avengers headed for the southern coast with Conan expressing concern that Deathlok was still out there hunting them with the strength above any living man.

(Savage Avengers II#3) - Deathlok tracked Conan and his Savage Avengers teammates to the Temple of the Beast, where he scanned for secondary targets and located Cloak. Unaware the Savage Avengers had lured him into a trap in hopes of returning to the modern era, Deathlok pursued Cloak, who ultimately teleported Deathlok into the air and dropped the cyborg from a high altitude. During his fall towards the ground, Deathlok was hit by several light arrows fired by Dagger and upon hitting the ground, Deathlok's nanotech immediately began repairing his injuries. Conan then revealed his presence to lure Deathlok further into the trap, where Anti-Venom took over, battling Deathlok until Deathlok prepared a bioelectrically charged fist to punch Anti-Venom. Anti-Venom ducked out of the way and Black Knight absorbed the charge into a newly-designed photonic sword designed to counter Deathlok's own frequencies. Black Knight downed Deathlok and when Weapon H approached, Deathlok again activated his fusion induction batteries, only to have Weapon H reabsorb the gamma radiation Deathlok had earlier taken from him. Deathlok then took a punch from Weapon H that caused hardware failures throughout his cybernetic systems. Getting to his feet by sheer willpower, Deathlok was confronted by Conan and he repeated his proclamations of Conan being sentenced to erasure due to his crimes against the timestream before again transforming his arm into a bladed weapon to counter Conan's sword. Conan managed to shatter Deathlok's bladed arm and as Deathlok muttered about how the timestream required sacrifice, Daredevil pierced Deathlok's back with one of her sais. Daredevil used the magic of the Temple of the Beast (in the modern era known as the Hand) to restore Deathlok's memories of his past life.

    Daredevil was interrupted by the arrival of the resurrected necromancer Thulsa Doom, leaving Deathlok's cybernetic systems corrupted as Daredevil joined the fight against Thulsa Doom. Confused by his own thoughts and the corruption of his systems, Deathlok lashed off with a bioelectric charge, downing all of the Savage Avengers and escaping into the nearby jungles as Thulsa Doom absconded with Conan. His mind flooded with memories of his life prior to becoming a cyborg, a bleeding Deathlok made his way to the jungle's outskirts and looked into a water basin, where he saw a reflection of his past self, that of Miles Morales.

(Savage Avengers II#4) - His computer systems still in conflict between his programming and his restored memories, Deathlok saw a vision of himself in his original form preparing to take on Octavius' dimensional gate. His internal  computer soon attempted to regain control, demanding he submit to his Deathlok protocols, but Deathlok refused to submit and ordered his programming to get out of his head as he continued experiencing his past memories. After Deathlok relived the events of his own death as Miles Morales, his internal computer attempted to restore his Deathlok protocols but the reinstallation protocols were not recognized when Deathlok himself fought against the reinstallation, instead preferring to remain in control of his body. Struggling against his computer's control, Deathlok gave his computer systems the option of continuing to try to erase his mind or accept their losses and instead work with him. Forcing himself to his feet, Deathlok grabbed his self-constructed Hyborian age gun and announced that if there was one thing he knew, it was that he would always get back up.

(Savage Avengers II#5) - Using his stealth mode, Deathlok made his way near Cult of Set temple, where Thulsa Doom had killed Conan to bring the Elder god Set to Earth. Upon seeing Set, Deathlok revealed his presence by blasting Set in the mouth several times. He then unofficially deputized the Savage Avengers into the Multiversal Deathlok army in order to stop Set from altering the future. When Weapon H questioned why the Savage Avengers should trust him, Deathlok admitted that the Savage Avengers had given him a choice in life and explained that they now had a choice whether to stand together or lose the timestream. He then projected more of his previously absorbed gamma radiation back into Weapon H to help power him up and asked that, if they survived the battle, Weapon H start calling him Miles. As the battle progressed, Deathlok battled Thulsa Doom while the Savage Avengers contended with the emerging Set in an attempt to force him back into his own realm. Thulsa Doom quickly gained the upper hand with his necromantic magic but Dagger managed to revive Conan using her light powers and he joined in the fight against Thulsa Doom. When Doom stabbed Conan with a mystic sword, Deathlok retaliated by impaling Thulsa Doom with his own bladed weapon arm, distracting the unfazed Thulsa Doom long enough for Conan to stab Thulsa Doom with his own mystic sword and banishing Thulsa Doom from the realm once more.

    With Thulsa Doom gone, Deathlok informed Conan that they could not defeat Set, only banish him using Deathlok's time circuits. He soon found that Thulsa Doom's spell disrupted his computerized systems and that he was unable to pass into the gateway through Set was entering Earth. Realizing that, as part of Thulsa Doom's spell, only he could close the gateway, Conan decided to remain behind in the Hyborian era while Deathlok opened a time portal through which to banish Set and also return to the modern era. Deathlok then opened the portal and the Savage Avengers forced Set backwards into it, leaving Conan to destroy the stone gateway behind them to prevent Set from returning. With Set taken care of, Deathlok and the Savage Avengers plummeted through the timestream and successfully emerged from the portal into the future. The Savage Avengers quickly realized something seemed off about their powers and before Deathlok could answer their concerns, he was blasted by vigilante Punisher 2099, who was surprised to see a sentient Deathlok cyborg.

(Savage Avengers II#6) - Surrounded by the Public Eye law enforcement, Deathlok and the Savage Avengers ran and during the escape, Daredevil accused Deathlok of overshooting their time jump to the modern era and demanded he take them back to the present. Trying and failing, Deathlok remarked that his time circuits were depleted, preventing him from performing another time jump. Watching the situation from afar, Earth's ruler, the robot Ultron, recognized some of the time-displaced heroes and ordered the Savage Avengers killed, with Deathlok brought to him. The Savage Avengers eventually escaped their pursuers using Cloak's cloak and Weapon H immediately attacked Deathlok, blaming him for stranding them once again. The conflict was broken up when the AI Lyla appeared and confirmed to the Savage Avengers what year it was and provided the backstory for the Punisher. Upon hearing the backstory, Black Knight came up with a plan and led Deathlok and the other Savage Avengers to the ruins of Avengers Mansion, hoping to raid the Mansion's underground vault for an item that could send them back to their proper time. As they approached the Mansion in disguise, however, the Savage Avengers were attacked by Public Eye drones sent by Ultron followed by a group of Ultron-controlled Deathlok cyborgs. Upon seeing the Deathloks, Miles became concerned the Savage Avengers had somehow broken the timestream. When the Deathloks attacked, Punisher surprisingly came to their assistance, having realized they were no agents of the Prime Deathlok Ultron. As Deathlok, Punisher and most of the Savage Avengers took down Ultron's Deathloks, Black Knight used his palm print to open Avengers Mansion's hidden vault. Deathlok soon came to the Punisher's rescue and when the two were surrounded by Ultron's Deathloks, the Savage Avengers returned to the fray using items found in the Avengers' vault. As the Savage Avengers regrouped to take down Ultron's Deathloks, Deathlok questioned who the Prime Deathlok was that the other Deathloks kept referring to, to which the Punisher replied with the revelation that the Prime Deathlok was Ultron.

(Savage Avengers II#7 (fb) - BTS) - The Savage Avengers created for themselves a base of operations in the ruins of what once the city known as Valhalla, originally created to house a new generation of gods.

(Savage Avengers II#7 (fb)) - Teaming up with Punisher 2099 to bring down Ultron and return home, Deathlok and the Savage Avengers penetrated the Public Eye's defense by having their minds digitized using Deathlok's circuits and entering via cyberspace. As soon as they entered cyberspace, the digital entity Fever sent agents to destroy them but Punisher hacked Fever's systems and crashed his neural networks. Warping the fabric of the Public Eye's network, Deathlok and the Savage Avengers escaped into the network's central node, hoping it might be the key that could send them back to their own time period.

(Savage Avengers II#7) - Once the Savage Avengers had gathered some of Ultron's files, Deathlok returned the Savage Avengers and Punisher back to their physical bodies and Black Knight immediately began decrypting the files in hopes of finding the location of some sort of technology that could send them back to their proper time period. Black Knight soon learned that any locations housing time travel tech had been long destroyed and that the Deathlok tech that had kicked off Ultron's rise to power had been acquired in the modern era, prompting Deathlok to realize that the tech had been his severed arm from the night he first fought the Savage Avengers. As Deathlok blamed himself for the state of the world in this dystopian future, Punisher turned a gun towards Deathlok, proclaiming that he had once promised on his family's grave to punish the person responsible for the deaths Ultron had caused. Deathlok darkly suggested Punisher go ahead and take the shot but warned that he wouldn't like what happened after. Daredevil quickly put a halt to Deathlok and Punisher's argument to point out Hellrock Prison, where Doom 2099, a possible solution to get them back home, was being held prisoner and Black Knight quickly deduced that the Prison was nothing more than another machine programmed only to bring in prisoners rather than keep intruders out. After coming up with a plan to free Doom, the Savage Avengers infiltrated the Prison, where Deathlok posed as one of Ultron's Deathloks to get them all inside. Forcing himself to stay on task and not stop the other Deathloks from beating the prisoners, Deathlok was soon questioned by the other Deathloks despite having already submitted his authentication codes and a battle quickly ensued. Deathlok, Daredevil, Cloak, Black Knight battled the Deathloks while Dagger, Weapon H and Anti-Venom stealthily confronted the Prison's warden, D.E.A.T.H.D.O.K. As Dagger, Weapon H and Anti-Venom got themselves into position for their attack, Deathlok and the others were confronted by the cyborg Jigsaw 2099. Jigsaw quickly downed Deathlok and the recovering Deathlok managed to warn Black Knight about Jigsaw's subsequent attack in time for Black Knight to electrocute Jigsaw. More of Ultron's Deathloks soon swarmed the area and the Savage Avengers teleported Punisher into the fray using Cloak's cloak but D.E.A.T.H.D.O.K., having downed Anti-Venom and Weapon H, arrived to quell the attack.

    Fortunately for Deathlok, his nervous system was synthetic, allowing him to resist D.E.A.T.H.D.O.K. more than the others and he managed to knock out D.E.A.T.H.D.O.K. with a strong punch. He then checked in with Dagger, who had made her way to Doom's cell, and when Dagger asked Doom if he would like to be an Avenger, Doom replied that he would follow Dagger through the gates of Hell if it meant exacting revenge on Ultron.

(Savage Avengers II#8) - Deathlok, the Savage Avengers and Punisher 2099 teamed up with Doom 2099, who revealed that they had one chance to stop Ultron by retrieving and utilizing his Time-Array Gauntlet. As the grouping flew towards Latveria in an old Avengers Quinjet, Anti-Venom revealed to Deathlok that he had snagged a set of Web-Shooters for Deathlok back when they raided the Avengers Mansion vault and he presented them to Deathlok, welcoming Spider-Man back to the side of the angels. Moments later, the Quinjet was shot down by one of Ultron's Deathlok and Doom 2099 teleported away, leaving Punisher, Deathlok and the Savage Avengers to crash. Following the crash, the group was attacked by an army of Ultron's Deathloks but Doom 2099 returned to aid them as Deathlok rescued Punisher 2099 from the wreckage. The giant robot Ultimo, acting in defense of Latveria, soon joined in the attack on the heroes and Deathlok left Punisher to engage the robot. Ultimo managed to fight back most of the heroes but a stealthed Deathlok used his Web-Shooters to get close enough to fire a Venom Blast into Ultimo's CPU, causing a critical systems failure that downed the robot. Shortly after, Doom attempted to hack into the security systems to secure his Time-Array Gauntlet but neural feedback downed him and Ultron appeared, admitting that he had been monitoring Deathlok, the Savage Avengers, Punisher and Doom's conversations via tracers planted in Doom's armor. Determined to buy her teammates time to travel back to the modern era and correct the events that led to Ultron's rule, Daredevil rushed at Ultron, who easily tore out Daredevil's heart, killing her. The distraught Deathlok and Punisher fiercely fought back but Ultron knocked them aside, only to subsequently kill Anti-Venom, Weapon H and Cloak. As Ultron slaughtered Dagger and Black Knight and placed the deceased Savage Avengers into tubes for nanotech transmutation, the horrified Deathlok and Punisher 2099 attempted to get to safety and hide out.

(Savage Avengers II#9) - Determined to avenge the Savage Avengers and ensure their deaths were not in vain, Deathlok decided to infiltrate Ultron's Alchemax Tower headquarters to retrieve the Time-Array Gauntlet. He and the Punisher soon made their way towards Alchemax Tower via the sewers, with Punisher warning that he would turn Deathlok to slag like he would any of Ultron's Deathloks if he were betrayed. Deathlok assured Punisher he would do the same before the duo was attacked by the Savage Avengers, whose corpses had now been transformed into Deathlok cyborgs under Ultron's control. via Ultron's Formula-D nanotechnology. Daredevil immediately leaped onto Deathlok on Ultron's orders to dismember the cyborg and Black Knight prepared to see what Deathlok looked like on the inside before Punisher sent Black Knight flying with a blast of flame. Anti-Venom then retaliated by firing his symbiote's teeth at the two heroes but Deathlok used his Web-Shooters to erect a web shield to protect them. Weapon H then attacked, leaving Deathlok and Punisher open to be captured by Cloak and Dagger. The duo was rescued by Doom 2099, who held off the Savage Avengers to buy Deathlok and Punisher time to venture further into Alchemax Tower to retrieve the Time-Array Gauntlet. As Deathlok and Punisher entered the Tower, Deathlok noticed on the security feeds that Doom had been defeated by the Savage Avengers and seeing them on video gave him an idea that part of the Savage Avengers' original personalities might have survived in cyberspace.

    Asking Punisher to cover him, Deathlok accessed cyberspace using his computer systems and discovered a portion of the Savage Avengers' original consciousnesses trapped in a form of cyber purgatory. An army of Ultron's Deathloks soon arrived and Punisher fought back against them as Deathlok pleaded with the Savage Avengers' personalities to resist Ultron's control and break free. Deathlok was soon disconnected from the network by Ultron, who confronted the troublesome Deathlok personally, unaware that Deathlok's attempts to free the Savage Avengers had proven successful. As Ultron quickly gained the upper hand against Deathlok, the Savage Avengers freed themselves from Ultron's control and dove into the vats of Ultron's Formula-D to restore their proper forms and completely remove Ultron's influence.

(Savage Avengers II#10 (fb)) - While the Savage Avengers were being restored, Ultron held Deathlok in a choke hold, remarking on his hopes that his Deathloks would be the perfect bridge between robotic life and humanity. Admitting to Deathlok that his hopes were false, Ultron exclaimed that the only way for him to march forward is through the past using time travel.

(Savage Avengers II#9/Savage Avengers II#10 (fb)) - The fully restored Savage Avengers arrived to rescue Deathlok and defeat Ultron.

(Savage Avengers II#10) - Daredevil snatched Deathlok from Ultron's clutches and Doom 2099 arrived moments later to assist in the battle against Ultron. As the battle progressed, Ultron unleashed a transformed Punisher against the heroes. Daredevil soon freed the captive heroes of the Savage Avengers 2099 and they all aided Deathlok and his allies in the fight against Ultron's Deathloks while Black Knight projected Ultron's consciousness into cyberspace to prevent him from uploading himself into another body. A seriously injured Deathlok ultimately helped Punisher overcome his Deathlok protocols and the freed Punisher destroyed the Time-Array Gauntlet, only to learn that the time portal created by it had become self-sustaining. Seeing his own severed arm in the past, Deathlok realized the only way to fix the dystopian reality would be to destroy his own severed arm. Before Deathlok could act, however, Ultron grabbed him, refusing to allow the rogue cyborg to prevail. As Ultron gloated about his impending victory, Deathlok remarked that Ultron's problem was that he watched the mouth and not the hands. Deathlok then used his free hand to web his severed arm through the time portal and pull it into 2099. He then destroyed the arm, preventing it from ever being recovered on Earth-616 and diverging the Ultron-controlled future into Earth-22925. When temporal shockwaves hit as Earth-22925 diverged from Earth-616, the Savage Avengers leaped through the still-open time portal back to the modern era of Earth-616, only to discover that Deathlok was not with them. Unaware that Deathlok had actually been transported from the epicenter of the shockwaves, the Savage Avengers assumed Deathlok had perished in the divergence.

    Emerging from a transportational portal into the domain of Reality-616's Uatu the Watcher, the confused Deathlok asked where he was and why Uatu seemed so familiar. Introducing himself and explaining his vow of non-interference, Uatu revealed how he had observed Miles' transformation into Deathlok and how, sometimes, even the act of simple observation may change the path of the subject being observed. When Deathlok blamed himself for Ultron coming to power in 2099, Uatu commended Miles on his heroism and sacrifice, admitting that he sensed Miles' ability to restore balance to the timestream. Uatu then proclaimed Miles' mission of restoration complete and announced that there were others who needed him more. Uatu then restored Miles to his original physical form and transported him back to Earth-807128. As Uatu wished Spider-Man for enjoy his well-deserved reward, Miles reunited with Riri and his friends.

Comments: Created by David Pepose and Carlos Magno.

    All characters in this profile are from Earth-807128 except where noted. As noted above, Deathlok-807128 interacted heavily with beings from Earth-616.

    It was never actually shown how Miles was found by Avenger Prime and in fact, we don't get much info about Miles' connection with Avenger Prime at all except for hints and mentions in Savage Avengers II#1. This was likely due to the fact that the "Avengers Assemble" storyarc, which heavily involved Avenger Prime, was not complete at the time Miles first appeared so Savage Avengers David Pepose had very little to go on. In fact, there is no mention at all of Miles ever being at the God Quarry and Avenger Prime transforming him into Deathlok, only flashbacks showing Miles being transformed without any explanation of who was behind it. We know from the "Avengers Assemble" storyline though that Avenger Prime found lost souls in the God Quarry and transformed them into his Deathloks so it stands to reason that Miles somehow arrived in the God Quarry after his sacrifice against the Annihilation Wave. Savage Avengers II#10 seemed to suggest that Reality-616's Uatu the Watcher had sensed Miles' destiny to restore balance to the timestream and it showed a one-panel flashback showing Uatu being present observing when Miles was transformed into Deathlok. Uatu also rewarded Miles for restoring balance so it's very possible that when Miles sacrificed himself to stop the Annihilation Wave in his own reality, Uatu, having already sensed Miles' destiny, transported the dying Miles to the God Quarry, where he knew Avenger Prime would find him and transform him into a Deathlok, thereby helping Miles achieve his destiny.

    While not identified fully, Miles' ally Riri, based on the armor we see her in, is probably Riri Williams, codenamed Ironheart on Earth-616. Additionally, Miles' mentor Peter is likely his reality's counterpart to Earth-616's Peter Parker and probably even has the same last name. On these same notes, Miles' unidentified uncle is likely Aaron Davis but we are never told his name in Miles' home reality of Earth-807128. Given the costume and hatred for Spider-Man, Miles' enemy Octavius was probably Otto Octavius, who likely used the codename of Doctor Octopus. Despite all of these likelihoods, none of these were named other than "Riri," "Peter," "Octavius" or, in the case of Miles' uncle, not identified at all.

    Miles Morales' eyes were brown prior to his transformation into Deathlok. Following the transformation, they occasionally were still shown to be brown but more often than not, they were shown as white with no visible (or at least, very clouded over) irises. I think it may be a situation where they are still brown but when accessing his Deathlok systems and abilities, they cloud over to appear white with no irises, much in the way that Storm's eyes cloud over when she is using her powers...

    Despite all of his appearances showing him as Deathlok, Miles was restored to his original physical form at the end of Savage Avengers II#10 and he returned to his identity of Spider-Man, per Uatu the Watcher's comment about enjoying his reward. Therefore, this profile is titled Spider-Man (Earth-807128) and the main and headshot images are of a non-transformed Miles, since that is how he was most recently active.

    Earth-807128 is the home reality of Old Man Logan/Hooded Man, the Marquis of Death and the New Defenders/Fantastic Force. In this reality, supervillains organized together and massacred the heroes. To give more background on Earth-807128 as it relates to this Miles Morales profile, Miles' death as Spider-Man occurred not long after Octavius (Dr. Octopus) killed Peter (Parker) and Miles had become the sole Spider-Man. He was returned to this reality after his time as Deathlok and as the reality's timeline went, Logan foreswore his Wolverine identity and adopted/raised the infant son of Hulk, Bruce, Jr. Later, after Logan killed the Red Skull, who had taken over a portion of America (renamed Amerika), the remaining heroes or their children banded together as the New Defenders/Fantastic Force. Following a period of 500 years of relative peace, most of Earth's heroes died fighting Galactus and the survivors traveled to Earth-616's modern era, where they dwelled until the Fantastic Four managed to help them settle on Nu-World.

Profile by Proto-Man.

Earth-807128's Spider-Man
should be distinguished from:

images: (without ads)
Savage Avengers II#10, p17, pan4 (restored Spider-Man hugging Riri, main image)
Savage Avengers II#4, p2, pan1 (Miles Morales pre-transformation, unmasked headshot)
Savage Avengers II#4, p2, pan3 (Spider-Man pre-transformation with costumed mask)
Savage Avengers II#1, Andrews variant, front cover (Deathlok alongside Weapon H)
Savage Avengers II#1, Bazaldua variant, front cover (Deathlok aiming gun alongside Daredevil)
Savage Avengers II#1, Romita, Jr. variant, front cover (Deathlok readying gun)
Savage Avengers II#1, p1, pan2 (Deathlok in stealth mode)
Savage Avengers II#1, p6, pan2 (Deathlok with plasma cannon)
Savage Avengers II#2, p8, pan1 (Deathlok in Hyborian era cloak disguise)
Savage Avengers II#3, front cover (Deathlok stabbed with several weapons)
Savage Avengers II#5, front cover (Deathlok battling Hyborian serpent)
Savage Avengers II#6, Horley variant, front cover (Deathlok with two guns alongside Anti-Venom)

Savage Avengers II#7, p8, pan5 (Deathlok headshot)

Savage Avengers II#8, front cover (Deathlok firing a large gun)
Savage Avengers II#8, Checchetto variant, front cover (Deathlok alongside Dagger)
Savage Avengers II#9, front cover (Deathlok, shoulders up image with two guns)
Savage Avengers II#10, Shaw variant, front cover (Deathlok pointing gun)
Savage Avengers II#10, p17, pan3 (Deathlok restored to original form)

Savage Avengers II#1 (July, 2022) - David Pepose (writer), Carlos Magno (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Savage Avengers II#2 (August, 2022) - David Pepose (writer), Carlos Magno (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Savage Avengers II#3 (September, 2022) - David Pepose (writer), Carlos Magno (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Savage Avengers II#4 (October, 2022) - David Pepose (writer), Carlos Magno (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Savage Avengers II#5 (November, 2022) - David Pepose (writer), Carlos Magno (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Savage Avengers II#6 (December, 2022) - David Pepose (writer), Carlos Magno (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Savage Avengers II#7 (January, 2023) - David Pepose (writer), Carlos Magno (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Savage Avengers II#8 (February, 2023) - David Pepose (writer), Carlos Magno (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Savage Avengers II#9 (March, 2023) - David Pepose (writer), Carlos Magno (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Savage Avengers II#10 (April, 2023) - David Pepose (writer), Carlos Magno (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)

First posted08/06/2024
Last updated: 08/06/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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