starburst-93060-hc4-face-mostfull-running STARBURSTstarburst-93060-uvyz1-face-unmasked

Real Name: Linda M. Warren

Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-93060/"Ultraverse") "ultra"

Occupation: Local government-sanctioned hero, spokesperson, actor (in advertisements);
    former co-owner of the Crystal Palace

Group Membership: The Squad (DJ Blast/Jamal Blass, Forsa/Carlos Jimenez, Hardcase/Tom Hawke);

Affiliations: Hardcase/Tom Hawke (boyfriend);
    Evie Blake, Mayor Bradley, Tom Bradley (LA mayor at the time), Celia Brady (Squad secretary), Jamal Brown, Entity on the Moon, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Mantra (Lukasz/Eden Blake),
Prime (Kevin Green; both before and after his mutation), Los Angeles Police Department, Tech (Lela Cho), Dr. Standosky; Patti (DJ Blast's girlfriend), Yolanda (last name possibly Blass), Forsa's unidentified wife and son;
    Choice (
Amy Tran Kwitny) - through no decision on her part, Choice benefited from the brain tissue taken from Starburst and Forsa;
    a significant portion of the Los Angeles population appreciated/supported the Squad's efforts/activities;
    formerly Pete Jensen

Enemies: Aladdin, Doc Gross (Vincent Gross), Duey, Fifi, Pete Jensen, NM-E, Organism 8.5, Rex Mundi, Zulus (Jerome, Grease, Daddy K, Tyrone);
    unidentified terrorists at JFK Junior High; numerous unidentified criminals (notably crack dealers, bank robbers, arsonists, and anti-Zionists)

Known Relatives: Unidentified parents

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
    at least formerly an unidentified hospital, presumably in Los Angeles, California;
    formerly Palisades Extensive Care facility (secretly a building created and controlled by Doc Gross);

    formerly Green Meadows, not far from Los Angeles, California;
    formerly County General, 2051 Marengo Street in the Boyle Heights neighborhood in Los Angeles, California;

formerly Cedar Sinai Hospital, 8700 Beverly Boulevard, Los Angeles, California;
    formerly the Squad's office in Century City, California;
    formerly the Crystal Palace,
on the third street promenade in Santa Monica, California;
    formerly Chico, California;

Education: Presumably at least a high school graduate (Bidwell High School)

First Appearance: Hardcase#1 (June, 1993)starburst-93060-hc4-eyeblast

Powers/Abilities: Starburst could project eyeblasts, generally projecting bursts of force, but also sometimes being used to dazzle. On some occasions, she was shown to project glows or blasts from her hands (or finger(s)).

    She may or may not have been shown flying, but that also could have been Forsa levitating her.

    Caring, compassionate, and logical, she was also a believer in New Age philosophies and equipment: chakras, crystals, etc.

    She was also committed to doing what was right without hurting others.

    After suffering brain damage in battle with NM-E, she was comatose. The portion of her brain controlling her powers was subsequently removed (and possibly more of her brain, as Choice also possessed some of her memories);
    On at least one occasion while comatose, she responded to upsetting news with tears.
    While comatose, she was supported with a feeding tube as well as supplemental oxygen; however, she could survive at least hours without oxygen support.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 59"; she's certainly shorter -- but not way shorter -- than Hardcase, who I estimated to be about 6'2")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 130 lbs.)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red


(Hardcase#10 (fb)) - Linda celebrated Christmas with her parents in Chico, California.

(Hardcase#10 (fb)) - Linda attended Bidwell High School.

(Ultra Monthly#1 (fb) - BTS / Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#1 (fb) - BTS) - Linda Warren co-owned the Crystal Palace -- a New Age shop on the third street promenade in Santa Monica, California (see comments) -- with her then boyfriend, Pete Jensen.

(Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#1 (fb) - BTS) - However, Pete became hooked on cocaine, causing numerous problems in their relationship.starburst-93060-uvyz1-powersunleashed

Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#1 (fb)) - Within the Crystal Palace, Linda told Peter he had to get into rehab, as she could not put up with his "coke-head" personality any longer. Pete argued that he was clean, but Linda told him him he couldn't fool her, especially when he was using up all of their money.

     She instructed him to get into a program or to get out of this relationship as she could not take it anymore. Peter tried to make nice and promised he would not do it again, but Linda turned away from him. Pete yelled at her that he was talking to her, but she told him that he had heard what he said; scowling, he stormed out while calling her a bitch.

(Ultra Monthly#1 (fb) - BTS / Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#1 (fb)) <October 12, 1991> - While talking with a customer about crystals, noting that the one she was holding was supposed to really juice up one's chakras, she suddenly felt strange and then released a blast of energy that blew apart a display case, startling everyone in the store.

     Impressed, the customer decided to buy 10 of those crystals.

(Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#1 (fb) - BTS) - From his base in the earth below the crushing ocean depths, Rex Mundi monitored the recent influx of empowering "jumpstarts" in Los Angeles.


starburst-93060-uvyz2-eyeblast-cactus(Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#1 (fb)) - After hearing new reports of similar power outburst from Carlos Jimenez and Jamal Blass, Linda realized that she had a strange gift that could make her potentially wealthy and that if she didn't go public, the government mind find out about her and take her away for study. She called the TV station and reported her own empowerment.

     Linda made the 11 o'clock news, demonstrating the energy she could project from her eyes in front of a crowd. The footage was picked up by other networks and carried around the world.

(Hardcase#4 (fb) - BTS) - Having similarly gained super-strength, Tom Hawke demonstrated his powers on camera by picking up a car. The next day, Hawke received numerous calls from producers and agents wanting to work with him. Having seen the news reports, he contacted the TV stations and got contact information for Carlos, Jamal, and Linda.

(Break-Thru#2 (fb) - BTS) - These empowerments were via the Entity on the Moon, and they were later referred as jumpstarts.starburst-93060-uvyz2-sportsoutfit

Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#1 (fb)) - Some television shows offered Linda money to come on their shows, and some producers wanted to option her story.

(Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#1 (fb)) - The next day, her store was crammed with curiosity-seekers. As Linda hid out in the back, Pete told her she had a call from a guy named Tom Hawke. Although, she did not know him, she took the call. She recognized him as the actor who had gained powers but told him she did not have a clue how she had gained the powers. Although he had no idea either, he told her that some good might come of this.

(Hardcase#4 (fb) / Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#1 (fb)) - Tom arranged a meeting with Carlos, Jamal, and Linda at "--oscanella Italian Kitchen" (apparently starts with a "C", with the very bottom an apparently two letter word shown, possibly "Le" ) where he told them they all had something to gain and that if they pooled their resources, they could get major media exposure, which could help all of their careers. When Carlos and Linda noted the offers they had received, Tom told them that those were just 15-minutes-of-fame stuff, and he told them they needed to look at the long-term.

(Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#1 (fb)) - Hawke suggested they form an ultra-hero team, noting UltraTech's Prototype (Bob Campbell) as an example of how such publicity could be good for business, and they might actually do some good.

     While Carlos and the others were initially incredulous, he soon considered that they would be heroes in the public's eyes, and Linda told Tom that she thought that this was a wonderful idea.

(Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#1 (fb)) - BTS) - Rex Mundi observed this interaction and assigned the four as targets to his robot servant NM-E; however, he instructed it to wait to see who else came out into the limelight after this group went public.

(Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#2 (fb)) <Two days after the restaurant meeting> - Bringing Pete with her, Linda met with Carlos, Jamal, and Tom out in a desert to showcase and test the limits of their powers in preparation for a press conference to announce themselves to the world.

     Tom demonstrated how he could leap into the air, but when he fell to the ground, Linda checked to see if he was OK, which was not appreciated by Pete. Linda subsequently demonstrated her eyebeams, blowing apart the top of a cactus.

     When they got home,  Pete -- who felt like a fifth wheel -- complained about her "hanging all over Tom" and calling him a freak. When Linda asked what that made her, Pete apologized noting that he was jealous, but when he tried to kiss her, she turned away from him.


    The next day, Jamal told the others about the Zulus crack gang terrorizing their neighborhood who he wanted to put them down. When Linda asked if he meant killing them, Jamal clarified that he wanted them to know that they could not continue on the path they had chosen.

     After Carlos and Tom approved, Linda agreed as long as no one got seriously hurt, and all four made a pact that they would never knowingly maim or kill another human being.

    They further acknowledged that their powers did not give make them gods and that they had not been given a mandate to right wrongs: They all just wanted to live in a better world.

    After the four of them arrived at Jamal's house, Jamal's mother told them that the gang had taken his sister, Yolanda, as well as Patti.

    As Jerome prepared to shoot the girls, Linda and the others confronted the Zulus. The Zulus fired on them, but Forsa telekinetically deflected the bullets, and the four ultras easily and safely overpowered the Zulus without hurting anyone (with Linda having blasted the guns out of Jerome's hand), warning them to go straight. Linda comforted the shocked Patti.

     However, as they prepared to leave, the LAPD showed up and arrested Carlos and his allies. Although Yolanda and Patti told the police what had happened, they were ignored, and Linda and his allies spent the night in jail (with Linda in a different cell than the men); although no charges were filed.starburst-93060-hc4-face-glowfinger

    The next morning, the group was brought before the mayor and the chief of police, who told them that although they had acted as vigilantes, they had been calm and prepared and that they not used any unreasonable force; these things impressed the authorities, who arranged for them to be able to fight crime under the city's supervision (vs. being prosecuted if they continued independently).

(Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#2 (fb)) - Soon after, the mayor introduced them publicly in a press conference as LA's newest crime-fighting team, the Squad.

     They met with immediate public approval by a crowd outside the building cheering for what they did, and the four appreciated the city officials' motive to make them their own.

    Fashion people said they defined a new, health-conscious look. They received costumes based on the clothes in which they had been arrested. 

    Seeing the public's reaction, the media jumped at including the Squad everywhere possible.

(Hardcase#13 (fb) - BTS) Aladdin began extensive surveillance of the Squad (see comments).


starburst-93060-uvyz2-magazines(Hardcase#4 (fb)) <Late 1991> - Soon after, the Squad (D.J. Blast/Blass, Forsa/Jimenez, Hardcase/Hawke, Starburst/Warren) was a national sensation, on the cover of almost every magazine.

(Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#2 (fb)) - Linda was featured in Cosmopolitan and Vogue, while Playboy had a "Linda Warren Body Double Contest."

(Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#2 (fb)) - They were also guests on almost every talk show.

(Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#1/2 (fb)) - Starburst made a publicity appearance where people could get pictures with her. Eden Blake (who was later possessed by mystic warrior Lukasz to become Mantra) got a picture with her young daughter, Evie. 

(Hardcase#4 (fb)) - The Squad started out doing charity work for the disadvantaged.

(Hardcase#4 (fb)) - The Squad members also did advertisements, which paid nicely. starburst-93060-uvyz4-posterior

(Hardcase#4 (fb) - BTS) - Mayor Bradley gave the Squad sanction to help out the police on cases where cops might get killed.

(Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#2 (fb)) - The Squad were sent into dangerous scenes which the police wished to avoid. Their ability to take down the opposition without casualties pleased the police, the city, and the public. 

(Hardcase#4 (fb) - BTS) - They started with some "simple things," like crack houses.

(Hardcase#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Squad shut down a number of crack houses and did a lot of community service, which was greatly appreciated by the local police. 

(Hardcase#4 (fb) - BTS) - The Squad later moved on to bank robbers and the like.

    They found things to seem "too easy," as normal criminals were no match for them.

(Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#2 (fb)) - The Squad was deluged with mail, most of which came to City Hall. On slow days, they sat around the coffee room, going through letters. Some were full of praise, while others were cries for help: Kids wanting protection from bullies, people afraid of their neighbors, women who were being stalked by their ex-lovers, and children who wanted their father to stop hitting mommy.

     Later that night, Linda agreed to meet with Tom -- who had been upset by the letters and threatened a wife beater -- at the Santa Monica Pier. Tom told of her what he had done, and she shared that they had each found something in the letters that affected them personally. The conversation led to Tom expressing romantic interest in Linda, and the two kissed, unaware that Pete had followed them and watched from a distance.



(Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#3 (fb)) <see comments> - When the verdict of not guilty came in for the police involved with the Rodney King incident, LA erupted in violent rioting.

    The Squad was ordered not to get involved as officials feared they might do more harm than good without police supervision. The Squad pretended they had never heard these orders.

    Linda and the rest of the Squad tried in vain to bring peace and order to the town. After Ramon Chavez (later Genius) had duped another man into carrying a bomb into a store and blowing himself up (while simultaneously faking his own death by having the man wear a holographic projector of Chavez's appearance), Linda asked a police officer what had happened, but at least some people in the crowd threw things at Linda and told her she did not belong.

    Though Carlos and the rest of the Squad were frustrated by their lack of success, Officer Jamal Brown thanked them for being level-headed and credited them for preventing things from getting even worse.

(Ultra Monthly#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Squad took on everything from arsonists to anti-Zionists.

(Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#4 (fb) - BTS) - Rex Mundi instructed NM-E to kill a number of ultras in Los Angeles and to save the Squad for last.

(Hardcase#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Squad thought they were the only ultras on the planet. 

(Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#4 (fb)) - Forsa and the rest of the Squad discussed their mixed feedback following the riots.

    In response to a federal government offer (Aladdin), despite the group generally distrusting the source, Linda convinced them to agree to the meeting, so they would not be seen as being against the government.

starburst-93060-up0-handblast(Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#4 (fb)) - The LAPD informed the Squad of brutal slaughters of 11 ultras in the city in the last 10 days; this disabused them of the notion they were the only ultras, and also put them on alert as they might be next. 

(Hardcase#4 (fb) / Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#4 (fb)) <Around March 3, 1992> - Agents of Aladdin met the Squad, telling them they were doing great work in LA, but that their country could put them to better use. Despite assurances that Aladdin were the good guys and wanted to help them live up to their full potential, the Squad was leery about working for some government agency of which they'd never heard. Tom voiced this opinion and politely declined the offer.

     Linda later expressed concerns that she didn't want the government ruining the good thing they had going there. Tom assured her that whatever happened, nothing was going to prevent him from being with her, and she hugged him and said she hoped that he was right.

(Ultraverse Premiere#0/4 / Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#4 (fb)) <March 9, 1992> - When terrorists took hostage a class of students at Canoga Park's JFK Junior High, the Squad arrived to stop them. Hearing news reports of their arrival, the terrorists instructed the authorities to call the Squad back, but the Squad had already gone in. Working in pairs -- Hardcase and Starburst, and D.J. Blast and Forsa -- took out a number of the terrorists.

     After Starburst apparently projected an energy blast from her hand to dazzle a pair of terrorists, she blasted one into unconsciousness while Hardcase punched out the other. As they destroyed the terrorists' weapons, Tom told her that she was the sexiest thing on two legs, and she replied that he wasn't so bad himself.

    The terrorist leader ordered his men to kill some of the kids as a warning, but the Squad united to protect the kids and take them down without a single fatality.

(Ultraverse Premiere#0/4 - BTS) - Observing this, Rex Mundi ordered NM-E to kill the Squad as brutally as possible.

(Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#4 (fb)) - As the FBI took away the terrorists, Hardcase and the Squad regained their confidence and their belief in what they were doing.

(Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#4 (fb)) - Linda's ex-boyfriend Pete sold stories about the Squad to the tabloids, including how Hardcase stole his girlfriend.

(Hardcase#4 (fb) / Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#4 (fb)) <March 10, 1992> - Forsa (Carlos) and his wife had a housewarming party, attending by family, friends, and his Squad teammates.

     Upon learning the lies Pete had told the tabloids, Linda was furious.starburst-93060-uvyz4-blastnme

starburst-93060-uvyz4-nmesmash(Hardcase#1 (fb) - BTS / Hardcase#4 (fb) / Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#4 (fb)) - NM-E (whose identity was not known at the time of the attack) burst through the roof and attacked everyone present

(Hardcase#4 (fb) / Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#4 (fb)) - Before anyone could react, NM-E had slain half of the people in the room. Forsa launched the creature out of the house into a nearby drainage canal into which NM-E had already cast Hardcase.

   Linda joined the others in following it there, and she blasted NM-E as it battered Hardcase and told it to leave him alone, but NM-E smashed her away, knocking her unconscious and apparently causing significant brain trauma.

(Hardcase#1 (fb) / Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#4 (fb)) - As Hardcase recovered and prepared to attack NM-E anew, D.J. Blast advised him that NM-E had smoked Forsa, that he was almost done himself, and he instructed Hardcase to get Starburst out of there.

     After Hardcase had grabbed Starburst and leapt away, Jamal cut loose with his power, vaporizing himself, NM-E, and seemingly Forsa. Hardcase landed in a pool with Linda

(Hardcase#1 (fb) - BTS) - The news reported how D.J. Blast and Forsa had perished; Hardcase recovered, but Starburst remained in critical condition, with little hope of recovery.

(Hardcase#1 (fb)) - A doctor told Hardcase that Starburst had received serious brain damage and that it was unlikely she'd ever recover. starburst-93060-hc13-abduct

(Hardcase#13 (fb) - BTS) - While Hardcase was away, shooting his first movie, Undercover Agent, Aladdin agents removed Linda Warren from the coma ward for 48 hours, during which they flew her to Groom Lake and removed the ultra-center of her brain, after which they returned her, having paid off (and threatened the hospice staff) to keep the secret.

(Prime I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Hardcase visited Linda at Cedar Sinai Hospital on at least one and presumably multiple occasions.

(Prime I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Following a visit with Linda, Hardcase was confronted by an agent of Ultra! Monthly, who asked him to comment on Linda's condition and whether or not he felt responsible for it. Hardcase angrily told the reported to get out of his face and blocked the camera with his hand.

(Prime I#1 (fb) - BTS) - A GNS Special Report Ultrahumans Update had Al Baker detail the above Hardcase encounter. 

(Hardcase#13 (fb) - BTS) - Aladdin merged Jimenez and Warren's brain tissue with biochip into wetware that they implanted into their subject Amy Tran Kwitny, who became their agent. The biochips dampened her powers after an hour and required her to verbally name her powers to select/access them; these limitations were placed so that if she ever went rogue, she could be captured.
    She was further enhanced with ultra-strength and enhanced senses, and she was given the codename of Choice.

(Hardcase I#2 / Hardcase#13 (fb) - BTS) - After Choice began to reject her conditioning and escaped from Aladdin's Brazilian facility, Choice -- based on Linda Warren's subconscious/dormant memories -- sought out Hardcase. Perhaps subconsciously picking up on Choice's similarity's to Starburst, Hardcase was both sympathetic and attracted to Choice. Although he allowed her to stay with him, he resisted the urge to develop any type of romantic relationship with her due to his feelings for Linda.

(Hardcase#4 - BTS) - At the request of the ultras known as the Strangers (Atom Bob/Bob Hardin, ElectroCute/Candy, Grenade/Hugh Fox, Lady-Killer/Elena la Brava, Spectral/Dave Castiglione, Yrial, Zip-Zip/Leon Balford), Hardcase related the history of the Squad.

     After doing so, Hardcase appreciated that they had been attacked not long after rejecting Aladdin's offer, and he considered that they may have sent the attacker (NM-E) after them for some reason. starburst-93060-hc6-spirit

(Hardcase#6) - After Hardcase had been torn open by Hardwire, Hardcase's spirit traveled upward until the spirit of Linda confronted him and told him to go back while he still could, as he had some important work ahead of him.

(Hardcase#9 (fb) - BTS) - When Hardcase was nearly overwhelmed by Turf, Choice came to his rescue, but Hardcase briefly saw Starburst as the one rescuing him.

(Hardcase#9) - Tom visited Linda in her hospital bed at County General. Although she remained comatose/nonresponsive, he told her that they had always been honest with each other, and he shared recent events, including his acting career, his conflict with Turf, and his relationship that had developed with Choice. He further informed her that while he had had affairs with other women while she was comatose, this was the first time he had had feelings for another woman. He further related that he had fallen in love with Choice and that he had needed someone, especially someone who could understand his crazy life. He apologized to Linda and hoped that she could forgive him if she ever woke up. As he exited the room, he looked back, expecting a response, but she remained motionless. Shortly after he left, however, she shed a tear.

(Hardcase#10 - BTS) - When Choice shared her contradictory memories of the USA -- Christmas with her parents in Chico, of being the only daughter of a happy family in the USA, and attending Bidwell High School -- and her youth in Vietnam, Hardcase recognized that these were Linda's memories.

(Hardcase#12 - BTS) - Hardcase and Choice met with the Solution's Tech (Lela Cho), who used her powers to tap into Aladdin's computer data base and transfer the data to a special computer. Tech was appalled when she learned what they had done, but Hardcase insisted she tell them what happened even when Tech warned him that the information might drive them both mad. Hardcase correctly surmised the involvement of Starburst, and Tech admitted that Aladdin had taken a portion of Choice's brain and replaced it with a portion taken from Starburst, the portion that controlled her powers. 

    Hardcase and Choice screamed in rage.

(Hardcase#13) - After Hardcase and Choice calmed themselves, they reviewed the files Tech had arranged in chronological order. The information revealed Choice's full past and the fate of Starburst.

    Hardcase vowed to make Aladdin pay, though he wasn't sure what he could do as he wasn't willing to just murder them. After Tech suggested they give the files to the media and expose Aladdin, Choice noted that learning the truth about her origins gave her a feeling of liberation and that she had the chance to be something other than what the the companies had made her. However, Choice suddenly vanished (secretly taken to Xurina on the Wold by some of the Aerwan). starburst-93060-hc14-room-coma

(Hardcase#14) - Hardcase visited Linda in Green Meadows, and -- although she remained comatose/unresponsive -- he prepared to tell her what he had learned.

(Hardcase#14 - BTS) - Tom presumably told Linda what Aladdin had done to her, etc.

(Prime: Gross and Disgusting#1 (fb) - BTS) - Linda received a feeding tube and was supplemented with oxygen.

(Prime: Gross and Disgusting#1 (fb) - BTS) - When the hospital said there was nothing more they could do for Linda, Tom had her moved to a suburban nursing home: Palisades Extensive Care.

(Prime: Gross and Disgusting#1) - As Hardcase visited Linda, the room suddenly came alive, and he was restrained by Organism 8.5. Doc Gross instructed Hardcase he would only get Linda back if Hardcase brought him Prime; to assist/monitor, Doc Gross send his Miniature Poodle-mutate Fifi to accompany Hardcase. 

(Prime: Gross and Disgusting#1 - BTS) - Hardcase convinced Prime to feign defeat so he could bring him to Gross.

(Prime: Gross and Disgusting#1 - BTS) - After they arrived and Gross revealed Linda, Hardcase tried to force Gross to release Linda, but Gross had his mutate Duey threaten Linda, forcing him to stand down; after Gross left, however, this "Linda" proved to be another Gross creation as she melted into slime. starburst-93060-prime-g&d

(Prime: Gross and Disgusting#1) - Gross planned to collect genetic material from Prime to impregnate Starburst to breed new ultras. While Prime refused to cooperate, Gross used images of women in lingerie to try to stimulate Prime so they could collect material from him -- willing or not -- Duey was attracted to Linda and sought him for herself. To avoid being used thusly, Prime forced his prime body to break down and fled as the powerless Kevin.

(Prime: Gross and Disgusting#1 - BTS) - As Duey caught up to Kevin, Hardcase arrived to save him, and Duey attacked Hardcase, insisting that Starburst was meant to have his children.

(Prime: Gross and Disgusting#1) - After a re-formed Prime and Hardcase defeated Duey and Gross, Hardcase recovered Starburst before the building collapse, resolving to take her back to the hospital.

(Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#1/2 (fb)) - The hospital at which Starburst was being cared for held a memorial service where people could pay their respects to the comatose hero. Eden (now possessed by Lukasz) and Evie Blake attended the service, after which Evie convinced Lukasz to take her to see Starburst.

    As Mantra phased Evie through the wall, they encountered an unidentified woman who had brought in several sticks of dynamite and planned to kill Starburst, as seeming vengeance for her son who was a policeman and had also been killed by NM-E, but his death had been overshadowed by the Squad. Mantra formed a shield, her blocking the explosion from reaching Linda or perhaps completely encasing it (The woman was left doubled over and apparently sobbing without her clothing being torn).starburst-93060-uvyz1-spirit

(Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#1) - The spirit of Linda Warren related the pre-mutation lives, the empowering, and the initial meeting of the group that would become the Squad.

(Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#2) - Linda's spirit related the Squad's formation and the development of her relationship with Hardcase.

(Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#3) - Linda's spirit related some personal details of the group, including her selling of the Crystal Palace, as well as the Squad's involvement with the LA riots following the Rodney King trial.

(Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#4) - Linda's spirit related the Squad's meeting with Aladdin, the encounter with the terrorists at the high school, the battle against NM-E and Aladdin's partially lobotomizing her.

Comments: Created by James D. Hudnall, Jim Callahan, and Norm Breyfogle.

    Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad was narrated by the spirit of Linda Warren while her body was comatose.

    Her real name was revealed in Ultra Monthly#1, which came out the same month as Hardcase#1.
    Her middle initial was shown on her chart in Hardcase#9.

    There are a few relatively minor discrepancies in the Squad's timeline from original presentation and the expansion in Ultraverse Year Zero: Death of the Squad.

    Apologies for the lower resolution images. At the time I did this profile, I had just got a new portable scanner, and I did not realize that it has reset back to 300 from 600 DPI until after I had scanned all of the images. Maybe someday we'll get all of the Ultraverse stuff digitally remastered and can upgrade. Until then, if anyone wants to replace these with higher resolution images, please feel free.


    Although Hardcase was displaced from Reality-93060 after Black September and everyone forgot him, Prime, at least remembered him at the end.

    Essentially, the alteration associated with Black September altered Earth-93060.
    Prior to Black September, everything on Earth-93060 existed the way it was shown...and then reality was altered, so that Reality-93060 was the revised reality...and the reality that was not altered diverged into Reality-15180

Earth-15180 Divergent Reality-93060. The Great Change (aka Black September) never occurred. Rune did not pursue Infinity Gems to Reality-616 but instead went to the Godwheel, drained energies from techno-life, returned to Earth, and slew many ultras until Witch Hunter beheaded him. Earth entered heroic age guided by aging Prime with only petty crime to fight. Circa 2069 A.D., this reality’s Prime joined Earthforce-96535 in traveling to Reality-93060 just before the point of the divergence between-96535 and -93060. They helped cure an alien insanity virus carried by Foxfire and then traveled back to their future with Foxfire, diverging the Utopian Earth-21222. (Prime seen) Ultraforce #8 (1996)

    Regardless, while Starburst was not seen after Black September, NM-E, the Alternate, and Rex Mundi were seen.

    I pretty tragic ending for Starburst, but certainly possible that Linda recovered partially or completely given the emotion response of her crying after Hardcase told her about Choice. It would seem likely that she was powerless, but perhaps she recovered to some degree in either or both realities discussed above.

Profile by Snood.

should be distinguished from:


starburst-93060-hc10-parentsLinda grew up with her parents in Chico, California.

After parts of Linda's brain had been placed into Choice's brain, Choice had memories of celebrating Christmas with her parents in Chico, despite her having been in Vietnam at the time.

When Choice told Hardcase of this memory, he recognized Chico as were Linda had grown up.


images: (without ads)
Hardcase#4, pg. 10, panel 3;
           panel 4 (face with glasses; finger glowing);
       pg. 12, panel 1 (running, most full);
          panel 4 (eyeblasts);
    #6, pg. 6, panel 1 (spirit advising Hardcase's spirit to return to Earth);
    #9, pg. 2 (hospital bed, with Hardcase);
    #10, pg. 11, panel 3 (parents; Christmas);
    #13, pg. 12 (comatose form abducted by Aladdin);
    #14, pg. 24 (hospital bed/room);
Prime: Gross and Disgusting#1, pg. 29, panel 2 (Duey stroking Linda's hair);
Ultra Monthly#1 cover (mostly full, costumed form);
Ultraverse Premiere#0/4, pg. 4, panel 1 (handblast);
Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#1, pg. 1, panel 2 (smiling face);
       pg. 2 (spirit floating over body);
       pg. 3, panel 3 (angry face);
       pg. 9, panel 4 (empowered; unleashing eyeblasts);
    #2, pg. 4, panel 1 (eye-blasting cactus);
       pg. 10, panel 1 (spandex outfit);
       pg. 14, panel 4 (magazines);
       pg. 23, panel 3 (posterior view);
    #4, pg. 16, panel 4 (blasting NM-E);
       pg. 17, panel 1 (smashed back by NM-E);

Hardcase#1 (June, 1993) - James Hudnall (writer), Jim Callahan (penciler), Norm Breyfogle (inker), Chris Ulm (editor)
Prime I#1 (June, 1993) - Len Strazewksi & Gerard Jones (writers), Norm Breyfogle (artist), Chris Ulm (editor)
Ultra Monthly#1 (June, 1993) - April Brown, James Hudnall (writers), Gibbons (artist -- that's the signature on the cover, but there's no internal credit; the same image is used in the Squad feature), Chris Ulm (contributing editor)

Hardcase#4 (September, 1993) - James Hudnall (writer), Roger Robinson (penciler), Larry Welch (inker), Chris Ulm & Hank Kanalz (editors)
Hardcase#6 (November, 1993) - James Hudnall (writer), Scott Benefiel (penciler), Mike Christian & Jordi Ensign (inker), Hank Kanalz (editor)
Ultraverse Premiere#0/4 (or 0/3 if you didn't think the "Making of Rune" feature counts) (November, 1993) - James Hudnall (writer), Kevin Maguire (artist), Hank Kanalz (editor)
Hardcase#14 (July, 1994) - James Hudnall (writer), Steve Carr (penciler), Jeff Whiting (inker), Hank Kanalz (editors)
Hardcase#9 (February, 1994) - James Hudnall (writer), Brent Anderson (penciler), Art Nichols (inker), Hank Kanalz (editor)
Hardcase#10 (March, 1994) - James Hudnall (writer), Kelly Krantz (penciler), Jeff Whiting (inker), Hank Kanalz (editors)
Hardcase#13 (June, 1994) - James Hudnall (writer), Kelly Krantz (penciler), Jeff Whiting (inker), Hank Kanalz (editors)
Hardcase#14 (July, 1994) - James Hudnall (writer), Steve Carr (penciler), Dan Schaefer (inker), Hank Kanalz (editors)
Prime: Gross and Disgusting#1 (Prime Annual#1 on the cover; October, 1994) - Len Strazewski & Gerard Jones (writers), Norm Breyfogle (artist), Chris Ulm (editor)
Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#1 (April, 1995) - James D. Hudnall (writer), Scott Benefiel (penciler), Jasen Rodriguez (inker), Hank Kanalz & Phil Crain (editors)
Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#2-3 (May-June, 1995) - James D. Hudnall (writer), George Dove (penciler), Jeff Whiting (inker), Phil Crain (editor)

Ultraverse Zero: Death of the Squad#4 (July, 1995) - James D. Hudnall (writer), George Dove (penciler), Jeff Whiting & John Stangeland (inkers), Phil Crain (editor)

First started 12/05/2023
First posted: 03/15/2025 (it was completed 02/08/2024, but it was held off for potential use in the 25th anniversary, but I decided to replace it with another)
Last updated: 03/15/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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