stranger-ship-av318-fullstranger-ship-av317-fullishSTRANGER's ARK/SHIP

ClassificationExtraterrestrial planetoid

Location: Mobile throughout the universe

Creator: The Stranger

Possessors: The Stranger

Visitors: Avengers (Captain America/Steve Rogers, Iron Man/Tony Stark, Sersi, Spider-Man/Peter Parker, Starfox/Eros, Thor Odinson, Vision/Victor Shade), Gunthar, Nebula the Luphomoid,

First Appearance: Avengers I#317 (May, 1990)

Powers/Abilities/Functions: An immense spacecraft (see comments), it served to transport the Stranger when he does not wish to use his own energies for travel or perhaps if he requires some of his equipment for other purposes.

    Amongst its internal defenses was the robot Blockade.

    It has an extensive medical-science section that the Stranger can use to contain and/or mentally probe others, and it can also serve to rapidly restore the Stranger from massive injuries (such as what he suffered under the Infinity Union-powered Nebula as well as from absorbing the Infinity Union's power himself).

    It has extensive computer banks and can presumably performed advanced diagnostics, scans, calculations, etc.

    It can presumably access hyperspace, space warps, or some other faster-than-light means of travel to rapidly transport across not only intergalactic distances but "from the other side of the universe."



(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z hardcover#11: Stranger entry - BTS/ Avengers I#317 (fb) - BTS) - While the Stranger traveled the universe gathering specimens, the Luphomoid Nebula and her agent Gunthar pierced the security on the Stranger's homeworld, and they located and stole the Infinity Union.

(Avengers I#318 (fb)) - Both Gunthar and Nebula intently studied the Infinity Union.

stranger-ship-av317-med-sci    Serendipitously, they discovered the frequency upon which the Union transmitted its energies. Via a complex operation, Gunthar inserted a bio-receiver into Nebula's brain/mind.

(Avengers I#314-315 - BTS / Avengers I#318 (fb) - BTS) - Via the Universal Compressor, Nebula briefly destroyed but then restored the universe. The massive energies used were absorbed and stored by the Infinity Union.

(Avengers I#317 (fb) - BTS) - The Stranger sensed these universe-wide spasms, and he traveled to Nebula's proximity in one of his starships.

(Avengers I#316 - BTS) - Despite Gunthar's recommendations, Nebula activated the Infinity Union. She was ultimately captured by the Avengers.

(Avengers I#318 (fb) - BTS) - Gunthar rigged a failsafe into the Infinity Union that if anyone but Nebula tampered with the Infinity Union, it would transfer its stored energies into Nebula.

(Avengers I#316 - BTS) - Detecting the Infinity Union's activation, the Stranger arrived on Nebula's ship, tearing into the room in which the Avengers held Nebula, Gunthar, and a pair of Nebula's agents.

(Avengers I#317 - BTS) - The Stranger claimed Nebula and then burst out of the hole in Nebula's ship and returned to his own.

    As the Avengers arrived in the Stranger's ship, his robot agent Blockade confronted them, and the Stranger astrally projected to them, advising them to heed Blockade's warnings.

    When the Avengers refused to depart without knowing what the Stranger had planned for Nebula, he revealed how and what she had stolen from him.

    Frustrated as Nebula remained too affected by Starfox's powers and as he remained unable to sense the device's location on her ship, the Stranger increased the level of his psychic probing, greatly paining the the Avengers. stranger-ship-av318-screens


(Avengers I#317) - Captain America resolved that they should destroy the device to make sure neither Nebula or the Stranger obtained the device.

    Spider-Man subsequently located the device and snagged it with a web.

(Avengers I#317 / Avengers I#318 (fb) - BTS) - Spider-Man's tampering set off Gunthar's failsafe, releasing the stored energy in explosive fashion

(Avengers I#318) - Vastly empowered by the Infinity Union, Nebula disintegrated the Stranger, only to restore him a few seconds later and then repeat the process (to some degree in order to impress the Avengers).

    The Stranger revived while Nebula was toying with the Avengers, and he confronted Gunthar and demanded to know how he had accomplished this feat.

    Fearing Nebula more than the Stranger, Gunthar gave the desired explanation, after which the Stranger transported Gunthar back to Nebula's ship.

    With Gunthar's presumptive aid, the Stranger located the Infinity Union, while he angonizingly re-routed its energies into himself, Sersi -- per the Stranger's guidance -- took advantage of Nebula's weakness to remove the implant without otherwise harming Nebula.

stranger-ship-av318-med-sci (Avengers I#318 ) - Bringing the Stranger back to his ship, the Avengers took him to its advanced medical facilities, the restorative systems of which revived the Stranger in minutes.

(Avengers I#318) - Reviving, the Stranger thanked the Avengers for their quick ministrations, as he was barely able to survive the Infinity Union's energies.

    As he acknowledged the Avengers' advice that the Union should be destroyed and agreed to personally see the task done, Gunthar suddenly transported himself and Nebula back to her ship.

    As they escaped at warp velocity, the Stranger noted that the damages she had done to his own ark had left it unable to pursue her. Presumably his recent injuries prevented him from converting to energy and pursuing her himself.
    At Captain America's request, the Stranger transported the Avengers back to Avengers Headquarters.

CommentsCreated by John Byrne, Fabian Nicieza, Paul Ryan, and Tom Palmer.

    The Stranger's ship was immense, dwarfing Nebula's ship, which in turn dwarfed the Avengers' spacecraft. However, it's actual size is unrevealed.
    Spider-Man jokingly noted that it was roughly the size of Argentina, but would seem likely to be hyperbole.
    However, in #317, the narrator describes the ship as "continent-sized." If that is accurate, I would guess we are talking more like Australia than Asia...

Profile by Snood.

The Stranger's ship should be distinguished from:

images: (without ads):
Avengers I#317, pg. 7, panel 1 (exterior);
       pg. 16, panel 1 (equiment used to scan Nebula);
    #318, pg. 1 (exterior);
       pg. 2, panel 1-2 (interior, with Nebula on screens);
       pg. 20, panel 1 (medical facility)

Avengers I#317 (May, 1990) - John Byrne (plot), Fabian Nicieza (script), Paul Ryan (penciler), Tom Palmer (inker), Howard Mackie (editor)
Avengers I#318 June, 1990) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Paul Ryan (penciler), Tom Palmer (inker), Howard Mackie (editor); special thanks to Tom Morgan for the 11th hour art assist!

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

First posted: 09/16/2024
Last updated: 09/16/2024

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