Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Alternate reality
(Earth-89149) human mutant
(see comments)
Occupation: Unrevealed
Group Membership: The second Annex Squad
Affiliations: The second Annex Squad ("Inhibitor,"
Enemies: Forge's
Triploid New Mutants, X-Men (Armor/Hisako Ichiki, Cyclops/Scott
Summers, Emma Frost, Storm/Ororo Munroe, Wolverine/James Howlett) (all
of Earth-616)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "Agent X-13" (possibly - see comments)
Base of Operations: Presumably mobile
throughout Earth-89149
First Appearance: (hands only, identified)
Astonishing X-Men III#25 (September, 2008);
(fully seen) Astonishing X-Men III#26 (October, 2008)
Powers/Abilities: Subject X had the powers of
pyrokinesis but was required to touch the object to set it aflame.
Height: Unrevealed
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Red
Hair: White
History: (Astonishing
X-Men III#30 (fb)
- BTS) - Subject X was a mutant from Earth-89149, whose reality
had seemingly been ravaged by its inhabitants' extensive use of Ghost
Boxes. He
was a member of the second "Annex Squad," whose mission was to seek out
alternate realities to annex and relocate to.
(Astonishing X-Men: Ghost Boxes#1 (fb) - BTS) -
Subject X desired to attempt annex Earth-889, as it was a pre-digital
culture, but his superiors instead chose Earth-616 (see comments).
(Astonishing X-Men III#30 (fb) - BTS) - Earth-616's Forge discovered that Earth-89149 had become interested in Earth-616 and created a race of artificial mutants (see comments) to combat their impending invasion force. He was able to kill Earth-89149's first Annex Squad and obtained their Ghost Box.
(Astonishing X-Men III#28 (fb) - BTS) - After the disappearance of their first team on Earth-616, Earth-89149's Subject X and his Annex Squad were sent to investigate the cause of the disappearance and to activate another Ghost Box on Earth-616. They traveled to Earth-616 and set up base in Tian, China, a city completely hidden from the rest of the world (including China itself) that formally housed the "Chinese X-Men."
(Astonishing X-Men III#29 (fb)
- BTS) - Subject X and his second Annex Squad were unable to power the
Ghost Box in Tian and were found
by Forge's artificial New Mutants. Subject X fled to San
Francisco while being pursued by one of these mutants.
(Astonishing X-Men III#25)
- Subject X managed to track his pursuer and burned him to death,
leaving his body in an alleyway, which brought him to the attention of
the X-Men.
While the X-Men were investigating the artificial mutant's death,
Subject X traveled to a spaceship scrapyard in Chaparanga in an
attempt to find a power source for his Ghost Box.
Comments: Created by Warren Ellis and Simone
Subject X and other mutants on
Earth-89149 have their
X-Gene on the 13th chromosome instead of the 23rd chromosome, making
these mutants a potentially different species than the "Homo
superior" on Earth-616.
The "New Mutants" created by Forge have a third set of chromosomes which housed the X-Gene (on what would be Chromosome 66), which was grafted onto their genetics.
Subject X was the only name given
to him, revealed only in the notebook of the artificial "New Mutant" he killed. An
alternate counterpart was called Agent X-13 so it is assumed
but not confirmed to be this character's codename as well.
The codename of
Subject X was also confirmed as more than a nickname in the recap page
of Astonishing X-Men III#27. --Proto-Man
The annexation of Earth-616 vs. Earth-889 is never discussed by this Earth-89149 Subject X counterpart but instead by the Agent X-13 of Earth-58123 (where the annexation of "Earth-616" was successful, diverging Earth-92272 from Earth-616) and the Agent X-13 of Earth-12472 (where his superiors listened to him and he attempted to annex Earth-889 instead of Earth-616). It can be presumed that this version also had the same desire.
A series of alternate versions of Subject X/Agent X-13 were
seen in the pages of both issues of "Astonishing X-Men: Ghost Boxes."
These are all presumably from different
realities, as both Earth-616 and Earth-89149 would have diverged due to
the events as outlined. These are presented below in the subprofiles of Agent X-13 of Earth-12472, Agent X-13 of Earth-81035 and Agent X-13 of Earth-91138.
The Annex Squad of Earth-58123 is also covered but Earth-58123's Agent X-13 may be saved for his own profile someday. --Proto-Man
All characters
in this profile are considered native to Earth-89149 unless
specifically noted (which, with all of the divergent and alternate
realities related to this profile, they NEEDED to be noted, haha!)
Profile by Copeinator123.
Earth-89149's Subject X has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Astonishing X-Men III#26, p12, pan3 (Subject X,
main image)
Astonishing X-Men III#26, p11,
pan2 (Subject X, headshot)
Astonishing X-Men: Ghost Boxes#1, p14, pan2
(Agent X-13 Earth-12472)
Astonishing X-Men: Ghost Boxes#1, p3, pan1 (Agent X-13 Earth-81035)
Astonishing X-Men: Ghost Boxes#2,
p5, pan4 (Agent X-13 Earth-91138)
Astonishing X-Men III#28,
p12, pan3 ("Inhibitor")
Astonishing X-Men III#28, p14, pan4 ("Laser")
Astonishing X-Men III#25 (September,
2008) - Warren Ellis (writer), Simone Bianchi (art), Axel Alonso
Astonishing X-Men III#26 (October, 2008) - Warren Ellis
(writer), Simone Bianchi (art), Axel Alonso
Astonishing X-Men: Ghost Boxes#1 (December, 2008)
- Warren Ellis (writer), Alan Davis (pencils), Mark Farmer (inks),
Astonishing X-Men III#28 (March, 2009) - Warren Ellis (writer), Simone
Bianchi (pencils, ink washes), Andrea Silvestri (ink washes), Axel
Alonso (editor)
Astonishing X-Men III#29 (June, 2009) - Warren Ellis (writer), Simone
Bianchi (pencils, inks), Andrea Silvestri (inks), Axel Alonso (editor)
Astonishing X-Men III#30 (August, 2009) - Warren Ellis
(writer), Simone Bianchi (art), Axel Alonso (editor)
First Posted: 04/17/2024
Last updated: 04/17/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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