sun-shredder-rigel-closeupsun-shredder-rigel-fullSUN SHREDDER

Classification: Extraterrestrial (Rigellian) technology/weapon

Creator: Unrevealed (presumably a Rigellian; perhaps the Scientist Supreme or someone associated with him)

Possessors: Rigellians (aka Colonizers of Rigel; notably, the Grand Commissioner was the one who could authorize its use) of Rigel-3

First Appearance Thor 2000: second story (2000)


Powers/Abilities/Functions: The Sun Shredder is a weapon that fires an energy beam powerful enough tear apart the core of a star.

    The Sun Shredder was apparently carried within a ship that presumably orbited the planet (or perhaps floated in the upper atmosphere or was retained in proximity to the capital city).





(Thor 2000/2 (fb) / Thanos I#1 (fb) - BTS) - The ship of "Thanos" (actually one of the Thanos-duplicates known as the Thanosi, but unknown to any involved at the time) entered the atmosphere of Rigel-3 without warning, effectively evading (per one of the Recorders) "the most sensitive and precise detection devices ever invented" and then sent the Mangog to devastate that world.

    In the wake on the monstrous Mangog, there was only destruction and death -- a stunningly effective kill ratio for one lone beast.

    Despite their scientific accomplishments, the Colonizers could offer little in the way of adequate defenses. Within moments of the battle's start, the Rigellians realized the need for the ultimate counter-measure.

    In an effort to save as many lives as possible, the Rigellians -- under the direction of the Grand Commissioner -- utilized the Sun Shredder.

    The Rigellians directed the Sun Shredder's blast, willingly obliterating 422 square blocks of their capital city.

    However, this act of desperation availed them naught, as the Mangog was unharmed and continued its relentless rampage.

(Thanos I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Ultimately, Rigel-3 was so badly damaged that the Rigellians abandoned it and established New Rigel-3.

CommentsCreated by Dan Jurgens and Jose Ladronn.

    The devastation of Rigel-3 (the replacement world following the destruction of the previous Rigel-3 by the Rhunians) was detailed by the unidentified Recorder to Thor, who had been pursuing "Thanos" but had only arrived after the departure of "Thanos" and the Mangog.

Profile by Snood.

The Sun-Shredder should be distinguished from:

images: (without ads):
Thor 2000: second story, pg. 5, panel 1 (weapon in the sky);
          panel 2 (weapon fired);
       pg. 6, panel 1 (Mangog continuing relentless rampage)

Thor 2000: second story (2000) - Dan Jurgens (writer), Jose Ladronn (artist), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Infinity Abyss#3 (September, 2002) - Jim Starlin (writer/pencils), Al Milgrom (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Thanos I#1 (December, 2003) - Jim Starlin (writer/penciler), Al Milgrom (inker), Marc Sumerak & Andy Schmidt (assistant editors), Tom Brevoort (editor)

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

First posted: 09/28/2024
Last updated: 09/28/2024

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