Real Name: UnrevealedTango ready to fight the Goblin army

Identity/Class: Human, unconventional technology user

Occupation: General, soldier, mercenary

Group Membership: Wild Pack (notably Foxtrot, Juliet, Romeo, X-Ray), his own battalion (Symkarian, Delvadian and Naduan fighters)

Affiliations: Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Mockingbird (Bobbi Morse), Silver Sable (Silver Sablinova)

Enemies: Countess Katarina Karkov, Norman Osborn and the Goblin Army

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Symkaria, Europe

First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man IV#27 (July, 2017)

Powers/Abilities: Tango was proficient in the use of conventional and unconventional resources like fire-weapons and vehicles, whether they moved on land or in air, whether they were meant for transport or for war.

    He already knew how to use the advanced technology tools of Parker Industries.

    He was at ease in war scenery and had the experience and the capability to command a battalion of fighters.   

Height: 6'9" (by approximation)
Weight: 261 pounds (by approximation)
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Black

Tango head shotHistory:
(Amazing Spider-Man IV#26 (fb) - 27 (fb) - BTS) - Norman Osborn allied with the last monarch of Symkaria, the Countess Katarina Karkov, and they began transforming Symkaria as the main producer of weapons in Europe. The process, however, involved all the population; even children were enslaved to work in the industries.

    In order to foil Osborn's schemes, Silver Sable gathered a revolutionary army, led by her Wild Pack, a group of five generals: Foxtrot, Tango, X-Ray, Romeo and Juliet. Each general led his or her own battalion of freedom fighters.

(Amazing Spider-Man IV#27) - Sable also obtained the help of Spider-Man, the technology and the weapons built by Parker Industries, and also Mockingbird. Advised by Mockingbird, the Wild Pack waited near the southern Symkarian border for the rendezvous with Silver Sable and the air cargo that transported the
Parker Industries weapons.

    When Spider-Man showed them the weaponry he had transported from the Parker Industries, Tango asked for the user's manual, joking with Spider-Man.

    The Wild Pack
evacuated the workers of the ammunition factories, then, well armed, destroyed the sensible targets. Karkov's defensive forces counterattacked: Giant bipod tanks Kingslayer Mark 1, Goblin Gliders, and soldiers empowered by the Goblin serum! But Osborn's greatest weapon was ready to be launched, a missile full of Goblin serum, which would transform all Symkarian population in an unbeatable army under the command of the Countess and Osborn.  

(Amazing Spider-Man IV#28) - When the missile rocketed into the sky, Mockingbird flew to reach it. Foxtrot and Tango, with their jets, covered her, neutralizing the Goblin Gliders. The rest of the Generals tried to evacuate the town, while Spider-Man and Sable assaulted the Castle to find a means to shut the missile down.
    Unfortunately, the most part of the population still believed to Countess Karkov, and refused to leave the town. Mockingbird managed to deactivate the explosives in the missile, but could do nothing to prevent it from falling on the town and free the gas as well.
Using the web-slingers mounted on the jets, Foxtrot and Tango spun a web that intercepted the missile right above the central square, stopping it and saving the day.

Comments: Created by Dan Slott (writer), Stuart Immonen (pencils), Wade von Grawbadger (inks).

"Tango" was a codename. All the Wild Pack Generals had a code-name derived from the NATO phonetic alphabet.
Tango pulling Spider-Man's leg

Profile by Spidermay.

Tango has no known connections to:

images: (without ads)
Amazing Spider-Man II#28, p1, pan1 (Tango, main image)
Amazing Spider-Man II#27, p8, pan1 (Tango, head shot)
Amazing Spider-Man II#27, p8, pan3 (Tango pulling Spider-Man's leg)

Amazing Spider-Man IV#27 (July, 2017) - Dan Slott (writer), Stuart Immonen (pencils), Wade von Grawbadger (inks), Marte Cracia (colors), Nick Lowe & Devin Lewis & Alison Stock (editors)
Amazing Spider-Man IV#28 (August, 2017) - Dan Slott (writer), Stuart Immonen (pencils), Wade von Grawbadger & Andres Mossa (inks), Marte Cracia (colors), Nick Lowe & Devin Lewis & Alison Stock (editors)

First Posted: 02/25/2024
Last updated: 02/25/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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