tau_ceti_iv-massacre.jpg-cm5-15TAU CETI IV

Official Name: Tau Ceti IV

NatureExtraterrestrial planet (or planetoid, moon, etc.), unidentified star system, unidentified galaxy 

Environment: IT is unrevealed whether it has a life-sustaining biosphere or not...

Gravity: Unrevealed (but presumably possessed a gravitational field in which it was comfortable for Kree and Badoon (both of whom are stronger than the average human) to function)

Atmosphere: An unspecified combination of gases (it is not clear from the sole image whether the Kree or Badoon breathed this air without assistance)

Natural Satellites: Unrevealed

Artificial Satellites: Unrevealed

Natives: Unrevealed (possibly none)

Population: Unrevealed (it is unrevealed how many Badoon and/or Kree were there, but they were apparently all slain)

Capital City: Unrevealed (possibly inapplicable)

Government: Unrevealed (perhaps run by Badoon, Kree, or a union of both)

Languages: Presumably at least formerly Badoon and Kree; possibly others

Monetary Unit: Unrevealed (possibly inapplicable)

Major Resources: Unrevealed

Planetary Defense: At least formerly Badoon and Kree soldiers

Places of Interest: At least formerly a military training camp

Prominent Residents: Formerly unidentified Badoon and Kree troops

Visitors: Captain Marvel (Genis-Vell)

First Appearance: Captain Marvel V#15 (November, 2003)

Captain Marvel V#15 (fb) - BTS) - According to Skrull visual reports, Badoon massed on a secret base on Tau Ceti IV. They trained with Kree aid, Kree weaponry and Kree soldiers overseeing it all. The Skrulls at least believed that the Kree intended to use the Badoon as foot soldiers in new realms of conquest.

    Captain Marvel (Genis-Vell), somewhat maddened by his Cosmic Awareness, slaughtered the Badoon and Kree on Tau Ceti IV.

(Captain Marvel V#15 (fb) - BTS) - The Council was convened to discuss the threat of Captain Marvel (Genis-Vell), whose cosmic awareness had caused him to go insane.

    The Skrull delegate accused the Kree of having formed an alliance with the Badoon, "a race so warlike, so vile, they're not even a member of this council." The Kree captain present countered that they had offered philanthropic aid to the Badoon, whom he noted to be a downtrodden, misunderstood race, seeking to better themselves: "It is simply our desire to embolden them. To lift them up to the level of other, more civilized races, such as the princely Skrulls."

    Detailing what his people's intelligence had showed them, the Skrull delegate then showed their visuals of Tau Ceti IV, the site in which the Kree were allegedly training the Badoon, only to find that all present had been slaughtered.

    Captain Marvel then appeared in their midst, taking credit for and making light of the massacre: "I'm afraid the Badoon simply had to die. I mean, honestly...green scaly skin with maroon ensembles. It just wouldn't do. And the Kree, well...all the screaming and shouting while I was slaughtering the Badoon. I couldn't concentrate."

    After threateningly asking them to guess who would be next, Captain Marvel vanished. 

Comments: Created by Peter David and Paul Azaceta.

    The main image is a visual from Skrull recordings of the secret base. It is really poorly scene...there look to be some body fragments and perhaps some plants or rock formations, but nothing is clearly seen. The Skrull makes accusations, the Kree denies it, the Skrull shows the image and all are surprised by the devastation.

Profile by Snood.

Tau Ceti IV  has no known connections to

images: (without ads)
Captain Marvel V#15, pg. 5, panel 1 (Council viewing destruction on Tau Ceti IV);

Captain Marvel V#15 (November, 2003) - Peter David (writer), Paul Azaceta (penciler), uncredited inker, Mark Sumerak (assistant editor), Andy Schmidt (editor)

First posted: 12/20/2024
Last updated: 12/20/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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