
Real Name: Jane Foster

Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-73256) human mutate

Occupation: Adventurer

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Avenger Prime (Loki of Reality-18201), Thor (Thor Odinson), Valkyrie (Jane Foster of Earth-616)

Enemies: Council of Red, the Multiversal Masters of Evil

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: The Superflow between realities;
    formerly Earth-73256

First Appearance: Avengers VII#56 (July, 2022)

Powers/Abilities: Thor possesses superhuman strength and durability sufficient to battle hand-to-hand against superhumanly strong demons such as counterparts of the demon Mephisto.

    She wields the nigh-indestructible hammer Mjolnir, which allows her the ability to manipulate the weather, especially as it relates to thunder and lightning. It also grants her the ability to open dimensional portals and the hammer itself is capable of flight. Mjolnir appears to be semi-sentient, able to sense other beings in peril from across the Multiverse and it is capable of independent flight, flying around to hit targets on its own after being hurled. During flight, it can also pull Thor along if she grabs hold of the hammer's thong.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'9")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 450 lbs.)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde

(Avengers VII#56 (fb) - BTS) - When Thor Odinson sacrificed his life to stop the War of the Realms, Jane Foster, feeling as if there must always be a Thor, picked up Thor's hammer Mjolnir and became the new Thor. Allying herself with the Multiversal protector Avenger Prime, Thor learned that Earth-616's Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes) was driving his Hell Charger across the Multiverse to recruit more "Omni-Avengers" to assist Avenger Prime's Multiversal Avengers in the upcoming battle at Infinity's End. Thor herself soon began traversing the Superflow between realities, where she heard rumors that Robbie Reyes-616 had become the ultra-powerful All-Rider and learned that the Multiversal Council of Red had been targeting Avengers across the Multiverse with their illusory temptation traps. During her travels, Mjolnir sensed a Jane Foster in danger and Thor traveled to Earth-616 to assist that reality's Jane Foster.

(Avengers VII#56) - Finding Earth-616's Jane Foster ensnared in a temptation trap by the Council of Red, Earth-73256's Thor came to Jane's assistance, dispersing the Council of Red with her hammer as she arrived on the scene. Quickly asking Jane-616 what she needed to hear to prove Thor was a counterpart of her own self, Thor learned that Jane-616 could already sense Jane-73256 was really Thor and Thor suggested further explanations wait until they had fully defeated the Council of Red. When Thor asked where the Council had hidden Jane-616's hammer, she learned that Jane-616 wielded the All-Weapon Undrjarn as Valkyrie instead of using the Thor alias. The two then teamed up against the Council of Red, ultimately forcing the Council to flee. When the Council's temptation trap began to collapse as the Council fled, Thor suggested they swiftly move out of the collapsing illusion and as they departed the illusion, Thor informed Valkyrie that the Council of Red had targeting Avengers across the Multiverse and asked how the Council was able to ensure Valkyrie. Valkyrie explained how she had been searching for Earth-616's Ghost Rider in the nether-realms and Thor revealed the rumors she had heard about Ghost Rider-616 before Valkyrie asked if Thor was from Earth-616's future.

    Explaining that she was from a different reality entirely, one where she assumed the role of Thor following Thor Odinson's death, as she opened a dimensional portal, Thor expressed wishes that she could stay longer before noting that she needed to get back to the Superflow, as many realities were being rewritten by the Multiversal Masters of Evil. Further remarking on how she had stopped briefly to assist a Jane Foster in trouble, Thor admitted that Jane-616 would've likely been fine on her own. The two Jane Fosters then shook hands and lightheartedly noted that Janes tended to be a hardy bunch before Thor informed Valkyrie of the Multiversal Masters of Evil's alliance with the Council of Red and how they would need more heroes to stop them. Thor then flew off into the dimensional portal to continue her fight against the Multiversal Masters and Council of Red.

Comments: Created by Jason Aaron and Javier Garron.

    All characters mentioned in this profile are the Earth-73256 incarnations except where noted otherwise.

Profile by Proto-Man.

Earth-73256's Thor
should be distinguished from:


Earth-73256 was the home reality of both Thor Odinson and Jane Foster. At some point, the planet was endangered by the Asgardian War of the Realms but Thor Odinson sacrificed himself to stop the war. Jane Foster then picked up Thor's hammer and assumed the mantle of Thor.

--Avengers VII#56 (fb) - BTS


Mjolnir was the semi-sentient, nearly indestructible hammer of Thor. It was first wielded by Thor Odinson but when the Odinson sacrificed his life to stop the War of the Realms, Jane Foster picked up Mjolnir and assumed the mantle of Thor, wielding Mjolnir herself in battle.

--Avengers VII#56 (#56 (fb) - BTS, #56,


Thor Odinson was the original wielder of the hammer Mjolnir and associate of Jane Foster. During the War of the Realms, Thor sacrificed his life to put an end to the war and, feeling as if there must always be a Thor, Jane Foster picked up Mjolnir and was transformed into a new incarnation of Thor.

--Avengers VII#56 (fb) - BTS

images: (without ads)
Avengers VII#56, p18, pan1 (Thor, main image)
Avengers VII#56, p17, pan1 (Thor, headshot)
Avengers VII#56, p12, pan1-2 (Thor rescuing Jane Foster)
Avengers VII#56, p14, pan1 (Mjolnir)

Avengers VII#56 (July, 2022) - Jason Aaron (writer), Javier Garron (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)

First posted09/11/2024
Last updated: 09/11/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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