thrnn_race-mainPeople of THRNN
(possibly the "THRNN" race)

Classification: Semi-humanoid extraterrestrial race 

Location/Base of Operations: Planet Thrnn, unidentified star system, unidentified galaxy (see comments)

Known Members: Would-be assassin; the disembodied head likely belonged to a ruler of some sort;
    none identified

Affiliations: None known;
    they were at least formerly ruled by the Shi'ar

Enemies: Vulcan (Gabriel Summers), Imperial Guardsmen serving Vulcan (notably Gladiator/Kallark), Shi'ar forces serving Vulcan

First Appearance: War of Kings: Warriors#1/1 "Duty"  (September, 2009)

Powers/Abilities: Unrevealed;

    Grossly humanoid, the green-skinned people of Thrnn presumably possess roughly human physical abilities; some may be somewhat greater, some may be somewhat lesser.

    They may be reptilian, mammalian or perhaps some other species.

    They may or may not have any special abilities.

thrnn_race-disembodiedheadTraits: The people of Thrnn had at least one major city with advanced architecture.

    It would seem likely that the rest of the world was similarly developed, but that is unrevealed.

    They may or may not have had an organized military, but theirs was no match for that of the Shi'ar under the direction of Vulcan.

    It is unrevealed whether their world had any sort of global government or just numerous independent nations.

    While behavior and technology cannot be generalized, at least one native was willing to assassinate a hostile conqueror, presumably appreciating that his life would be forfeit regardless of his success or failure.

Type: Bilaterally symmetric humanoid bipeds
: Two (on head; solid yellow color seen); a disembodied head had white sclera with either small irides or white (or lacking) irides and just small pupils)
: Unrevealed (only a limited side view of one hand was shown, and it looked to have perhaps three fingers; an opposable thumb would be likely but is unconfirmed)
: Unrevealed
Skin color: Green
Average height: Approximately 5'10"? (none were shown in close relationship to anyone of known height)
Other Distinguishing Features: Bilateral ridges on the top of the head (it is unrevealed whether these are part of the skull or just more superficial tissue)

(War of Kings: Warriors#1/1 (fb) - BTS) - In his push to expand his empire, Vulcan (Gabriel Summers) exterminated entire civilizations and enslaved countless others.

    One of the latter such societies was that of the planet Thrnn.

(War of Kings: Warriors#1/1 (fb)) - In the process of conquering the people of Thrnn, Vulcan either decapitated or had one of his agents, such as Gladiator decapitate that person.

    Vulcan triumphantly held the disembodied head in his hand, presumably showing this to the people either to force their surrender or to impress his dominance over them after they had already surrendered. thrnn_race-assassin-rifle-profile

(War of Kings: Warriors#1/1 (fb) - BTS) - Vulcan traveled to a city on Thrnn to deliver his standard speech to a conquered people.

(War of Kings: Warriors#1/1) -During this speech, an unidentified native -- stationed across the city on a distant building -- attempted to assassinate Vulcan with a rifle combining Rigellian precision with Badoon lethality.

    The powerful Imperial Guardsmen's praetor, Gladiator, instantly spotted the would-be assassin. However, questioning Vulcan's actions, motivations and fitness to rule the Shi'ar, Gladiator waited, allowing the native to fire his weapon.

    Ultimately, Gladiator resolved his need to be loyal to the ruler of the Shi'ar, and he caught the bullet, after which he slew the assassin with his eyebeams.

Comments: Created by Christos N. Gage and Mahmud A. Asrar.

    Despite the vast distances between galaxies, the Shi'ar were warring against the Kree and other races outside of the "Shi'ar Galaxy" (see comments in this profile), so it is not confirmed whether Thrnn is within the "Shi'ar Galaxy" or the Andromeda Galaxy, Greater Magellanic Cloud, Milky Way Galaxy or someplace even further distant...

    Both precision and accuracy are important in using a weapon. Accuracy basically means being able to hit an exact target, while precision basically means being able to hit the same spot repeatedly. Or, at least that's what someone taught me once...

Profile by Snood.

The people of Thrnn should be distinguished from:


thrnn_race-main     The Planet Thrnn exists in an unidentified solar system and galaxy (see comments in the main profile).

     It appears to have two moons, one significantly closer than the other.

     It apparently has a life-supporting biosphere and is home to the green-skinned population featured in the main profile. It's atmosphere and gravity, etc. were presumably hospitable to the human mutant Vulcan (Gabriel Summers), although he may or may have used technology to make the environment tolerable to him.

     At least one city of advanced architecture existed, and it may be assumed that the rest of the planet was similarly populated, but that is unconfirmed.

--War of Kings: Warriors#1/1 "Duty"

would-be assassin

thrnn_race-assassin-endon   This native of Thrnn could possessed a rifle combining Rigellian precision and Badoon lethality.

    A shot from the rifle was presumably powerful enough to slay the powerful human mutant Vulcan (Gabriel Summers).

    He could fire from a great distance and with great accuracy across a city.


(War of Kings: Warriors#1/1 (fb) - BTS) - This native of Thrnn obtained the Rigellian-Badoon rifle under unrevealed circumstances.


thrnn_race-assassin-slain(War of Kings: Warriors#1/1 - BTS) - After Vulcan had conquered the plant Thrnn, he delivered a speech, during which a native -- stationed across the city on a distant building attempted to assassinate Vulcan.

    However, Gladiator spotted him, caught the bullet he had fired and then slew the assassin with his eyebeams.

--War of Kings: Warriors#1/1 "Duty"

Note: The would-be assassin is also shown in profile at the bottom of the main profile here.

images: (without ads)
War of Kings: Warriors#1, story pg. 1, panel 4 (Rigellian-Badoon weapon, profile);
       pg. 2, panel 1 (end on);
          panel 5 (end on, firing);
       pg. 16, panel 1 (bullet approaching Vulcan);
          panel 2 (Gladiator catching and destroying bullet)

War of Kings: Warriors#1/1 "Duty"  (September, 2009) - Christos N. Gage (writer), Mahmud A. Asrar (penciler & inker), Jeffrey Huet (inker), Michael Horwitz (assistant editor), Bill Rosemann & Ben Morse (editor)

First posted: 03/18/2025
Last updated: 03/18/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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