Real Name: Chad (last name unrevealed)

Identity/Class: Sub-species of humanity (Inhuman) mutate

Occupation: Destroyer;
    former deckhand

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Damage Control (Lenny Ballinger, Gus), Thor (Thor Odinson)

Enemies: Formerly Thor (Thor Odinson)

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: "Monster," "Odious & Nauseating Sludge Beast"

Base of Operations: Trenton, New Jersey, USA

First Appearance: Damage Control IV#3 (January, 2023)

Powers/Abilities: Trentonn the Terrible possesses superhuman size and strength, sufficient to trade blows with the Asgardian god Thor. He also possesses superhuman durability, allowing him to withstand punches and lightning from Thor with only minor injuries such as a bump on the head and a swollen eye. He can also breathe underwater.

    Trentonn was described as a "toxic sludge beast" but he displayed no powers related to toxicity or sludge (see comments).

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 65'0")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 125 tons)
Eyes: Red irises with yellow sclera
Hair: None

(Damage Control IV#3 (fb) - BTS) - Dormant Inhuman Chad was a deckhand from east Trenton, New Jersey. When he pulled a chunk of Attilantium from the river early one morning, Chad touched the Attilantium and felt a tingle in the pit of his stomach. He was soon mutated by Terrigenesis into a gigantic, catfish-like monster. His mind affected by the Terrigenesis, Chad began referring to himself as Trentonn the Terrible and referring to himself in the third person.

(Damage Control IV#3) - Hours later, just before dawn, Trentonn the Terrible emerged from the river in Trenton, New Jersey and, upon seeing the motto "Trenton Makes, the World Takes." on the bridge, Trenton grabbed the bridge and ripped it in two, proclaiming that, from that point forward, he would break whatever the world makes. Asgardian hero Thor, who just happened to be passing by, witnessed Trentonn's actions and ordered him to halt. Exclaiming that people in New Jersey didn't take orders from anyone, Trentonn suggested Thor return to Asgard and hurled a chunk of the torn bridge at Thor, who dodged and informed Trentonn that he was the sworn protector of all Earth including New Jersey. Thor then charged at Trentonn, who asked if Thor wanted to throw hands before suggesting Thor give it his all as he raised his fists for a fight. Thor's hammer then hit Trentonn square in the nose, prompting Trentonn to comment that he said throw hands not throw hammer. As the battle between Trentonn and Thor intensified, the criminal Black Tarantula saw an opportunity to get into the good graces of his employer, Hammerhead, after buying and renovating a laundromat when Hammerhead expressed interest in laundering. Setting fire to the Trenton Wash-a-Teria, Black Tarantula called New York's Damage Control offices to file a fraudulent insurance claim that the laundromat had been destroyed in the battle between Trentonn and Thor. When Damage Control came out to investigate the claim, the adjuster Nathan pointed over to the rampaging Trentonn in the distance and expressed skepticism that the Wash-a-Teria would have caught on fire when Trentonn was clearly water-based. After Damage Control denied Black Tarantula's insurance claim, Lenny Ballinger went over to speak with Thor about Trentonn and Trentonn revealed that he was actually a deckhand named Chad that had been mutated by a glowing crystal. Investigating the crystal, Lenny determined it to be Attilantium and deduced that Trentonn had been a dormant Inhuman mutated by Terrigenesis, warning Gus against touching the Attilantium.

(Damage Control IV#4 - recap page (fb) - BTS) - As soon as Lenny walked away, Gus touched the Attilantium and was transformed into a giant guinea pig that proceeded to get into a massive battle with Trentonn.

(Damage Control IV#3) - When Lenny Ballinger returned to the scene, he found the guinea pig Gus sitting next to the beaten Trentonn. Lenny reminded Gus of his warning not to touch the Attilantium and Trentonn chimed in that the warning didn't work but an angry Lenny told Trentonn to mind his own business. Lenny then led Gus away, expressing hope that Damage Control's Eugene Strausser could restore Gus to normal, and Trenton said goodbye to Gus as they departed. Gus said goodbye in return, noting to Lenny that at least someone got his name right for once.

(Damage Control IV#4 - recap page - BTS) - After seeing Gus the giant guinea pig outside his window, an Empire State University student using the screenname of SP1DERST4N went on Damage Control's Chirp social media account to gripe about the guinea pig, soon being told via direct message that the guinea pig was a Damage Control intern that got into an epic fight with a giant catfish in Trenton, New Jersey.

Comments: Created by Adam F. Goldberg, Hans Rodionoff and Nathan Stockman.

    In regards to Trentonn being described as a "toxic sludge beast" despite not displaying any superhuman powers related to either toxicity or sludge, it's possible Trentonn was referred to as such because he could survive in the toxic sludge that is the rivers of New Jersey...

    We don't actually see the fight between the giant guinea pig Gus and Trentonn, only the aftermath with the two of them, beaten and sitting next to one another. I originally didn't read Damage Control IV#3 as if the two of them had fought because Trentonn already looked all beat up from his battle with Thor. It wasn't until I did a third read of Damage Control IV#4 that I noticed the reference to Trentonn in the recap page. It doesn't mention Trentonn by name but how many other giant catfish in Trenton, New Jersey do we know about? It was clearly a reference to Trentonn and it mentions that the two had an "epic fight."

Profile by Proto-Man.

Trentonn the Terrible
should be distinguished from:

Trenton Wash-a-Teria

The Trenton Wash-a-Teria was a laundromat in Trenton, New Jersey that was purchased and renovated by the criminal Black Tarantula after he misunderstood his boss Hammerhead's desire to get into laundering. Hoping to get back into Hammerhead's good graces, Black Tarantula took advantage of a battle between Trentonn and Thor to set fire to the Wash-a-Teria and file a fraudulent insurance claim with Damage Control. When Damage Control arrived to investigate the claim, the adjuster Nathan pointed out that Trentonn was water-based yet someone the Wash-a-Teria had caught on fire and denied the claim as an act of god since Thor was an Asgardian god. Spurred on by Damage Control's Gus, Black Tarantula tried to claim a power line damaged in Trentonn's rampage fell on the Wash-a-Teria but Nathan nonetheless still denied the claim.

--Damage Control IV#3

images: (without ads)
Damage Control IV#3, p21, pan6 (beaten Trenton sulking, main image)
Damage Control IV#3, p5, pan2 (Trentonn, headshot)
Damage Control IV#3, front cover (Trentonn battling Thor)
Damage Control IV#3, p11, pan4 (Trenton Wash-a-Teria)

Damage Control IV#3 (January, 2023) - Adam F. Goldberg, Hans Rodionoff (writers), Nathan Stockman (art), Tom Brevoort, Wil Moss (editors)
Damage Control IV#4 (January, 2023) - Adam F. Goldberg, Hans Rodionoff (writers), Nathan Stockman (art), Tom Brevoort, Wil Moss (editors)

First posted: 08/09/2024
Last updated: 08/09/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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