trouble-shooters-7484-at28-cover TROUBLE-SHOOTERS

Classification: Alternate reality (Earth-7484) advanced technology-users

Membership: Five unidentified men

Purpose: To kill Deathlok (Luther Manning)

Aliases: None

Affiliations: Death-Machine/Super-Tank, Simon Ryker;
    formerly indirectly Nina Ferry (under Ryker and the Omni-Computer's control)
    connected to the Omni-Computer (and through that to Nina Ferry) by unrevealed parties under the supervision of Simon Ryker

Enemies: Deathlok (Luther Manning), Linc Shane

Base of Operations: Manhattan, New York;
    specifically active from the North Wall and into Suicide Park

First Appearance: Astonishing Tales I#28 (February, 1975)

Powers/Abilities: Each of the Trouble-Shooters carried a laser rifle with a heat conversion unit.

    They were able to force Deathlok to flee from them under fire, but were no match for him in direct combat.

    They briefly rode in and/or fought beside the Death-Machine.


(Astonishing Tales#28 (fb) - BTS ) - Ryker used the mind of Nina Ferry linked to the Omni-Computer, allowing a synergy between computer programming and the human mind, to send a tank (referred to as the Super-Tank and Death-Machine after Deathlok. Ryker also had his Trouble-Shooters, five agents armed with laser rifles, ride along inside the tank. 

(Astonishing Tales I#28 - BTS) - Ryker's Terminal Eye noted that Deathlok was unaware of "cannibal-decoys" and that it was initiating phase two of his plan.

(Astonishing Tales#28 (fb) - BTS) - As Deathlok fought a group of cannibals in the vicinity of the 42nd street museum, the Super-Tank headed toward him.

(Astonishing Tales I#28) - As Deathlok finished off the cannibals, he was shocked to see the approaching tank. However, he had no idea of the tank's true nature. 

    Having previously destroyed his laser pistol in a pique of anger, Deathlok hurled a grenade he had claimed from an armory in a park near Fort Dix, New Jersey. However, Deathlok was disappointed when the grenade proved to be a dud and did not go off. trouble-shooters-7484-at30-nwall

    The Trouble-Shooters then exited and fired on Deathlok, forcing him to flee. Deathlok subsequently encountered the revolutionary Linc Shane; after some discussion, Shane joined Deathlok in fleeing from the pursuing Trouble-Shooters.

(Astonishing Tales I#28 - BTS) - Observing the events via his Omni-Computer, Simon Ryker resolved that either his Trouble-Shooter agents or his Super-Tank would destroy Deathlok.

    Deathlok led Shane toward his waiting helicopter atop a nearby building two blocks east, but other agents of Ryker pushed the helicopter off of the building, causing it to crash to the ground. The two continued to flee on foot but then ran into a dead end at the North Wall. As the tank approached them, Deathlok advised Shane to take cover, but Deathlok was frustrated when his automatic weapon -- obtained from the same armory as his grenades -- jammed. Unwilling to just wait for the Trouble-Shooters to arrive, Shane charged the tank armed only with his handgun.

(Astonishing Tales I#30) - As the Death-Machine's weapon had locked onto Shane, Deathlok rushed toward Shane, carrying him out of the way of a direct hit. However, the concussion knocked them both to the ground, and Shane's body was punctured with multiple pieces of shrapnel. As the tank prepared to fire at close range, Deathlok ran to the wounded Shane, picked him up and tried to leap over the wall while dodging fire from the Trouble-Shooters. One of the Trouble-Shooters urged the others to "Burn 'im -- 'cause if he makes it over that wall, Ryker'll burn us!"

    Shane's weight prevented Deathlok from clearing the wall, but he was able to grab the top of it. However, before Deathlok could pull himself and Shane over to the other side, the Trouble-Shooters shot Shane repeatedly, killing him.

trouble-shooters-7484-at30-armory yellow
     Reluctantly dropping Shane's corpse, Deathlok pulled himself over the top of the wall and hit the ground, after which the tank blasted a hole in the wall and then moved at high speed to smash its way through the damaged wall. Encountering the smaller Columbus Circle perimeter of the barricade surrounding Suicide Park, Deathlok vaulted over it.

    As the tank backed up to build up sufficient speed to smash through this wall, the Trouble-Shooters pursued Deathlok on foot into Suicide Park, considering that if they did not take some on-foot initiative, Ryker was going to give their lasers -- and their right to live -- to a new group of Trouble-Shooters.

(Astonishing Tales I#30) - Encountered the auxiliary weapons armory, Deathlok ripped off the bars covering one of the window and entered the the building.

trouble-shooters-7484-at30-armory orange

    Deathlok picked up at least a pair of handguns and bandoleers, after which he heard a pair of scuffling footsteps, and his computer confirmed that two of the antagonists were approaching the armory's east wall.

(Astonishing Tales I#30) - As the two Trouble-Shooters approached and flanked the armory's doors, the one in the yellow shirt shushed his orange-shirted partner and told him to get ready.

    Having heard "the loudest shush in all my death," Deathlok smashed his hand through the wall by one of the waiting Trouble-Shooters, striking and killing him. 

    Deathlok's computer noted, "First subject successfully extirpated." Drawing his handguns, Deathlok decided to drag out his "Two Gun Kid-Corpse" routine.

     Exclaiming "Holy son of a--", the other Trouble-Shooter attempted to flee, but Deathlok -- mocking him as a cream puff -- exited the building and fatally shot him with one of the handguns.


trouble-shooters-7484-at30-3 out fftrouble-shooters-7484-at30-3 in ff      Hearing the other Trouble-Shooters approaching, Deathlok was forced to flee before he had a chance to pick up one of the rifles.

(Astonishing Tales I#30 - BTS) - Coming across the "Flesh Factory" (a medical cryogenics facility where illegal surgery -- such as the creation of cyborgs -- was allegedly performed), Deathlok entered it and waited for the remaining Trouble-Shooters.

(Astonishing Tales I#30) - The three Trouble-Shooters approached soon after, and the light green-shirted member noted that Deathlok had to be in the cryogenics building. The gray (or light lavender?)'s shirted guy noted that Deathlok was likely waiting in ambush and that he didn't like it at all.

    As they entered the building, the gray-shirted guy continued that the place gave him the creeps: He noted that the place used to be called the Flesh Factory because they manufactured things from pieces of bodies, from living flesh; he reiterated that he did not like it.

    The green-shirted guy then silenced him, calling him a "yellow-spined" jerk and then noting that the only body in the building now (beyond the three Trouble-Shooters, of course) belonged to the Deathlok cyborg.

    He continued that Deathlok had to be in the operating room in front of them. "So unless you want Ryker to manufacture something outta your living flesh, you're gonna stick with us until we freeze Deathlok for good!"



trouble-shooters-7484-at30-shotthrudoor    Deathlok's computer noted their approach and advised him that his ballistic weapons were no match for his opponents' high-intensity maximum-destructive laser weapons and that there was an 98.75% chance of failure, injury, dysfunction and/or termination of his lifelife.

    Disregarding this with a "Yeah...but so what?," Deathlok kicked open the door as the men approached and stated, "Hello suckers...and goodbye...suckers." The green-jacked man fled through another door while the gray- and brown-shirted guys stood, shocked, and could only voice "WHA--?!" before Deathlok fatally fired through their chests and/or faces.

    Deathlok's computer warned him that the third assassin remained extant, but Deathlok had seen him slink off, and he fired through the door behind which the man stood, finishing him off as well.

(Astonishing Tales I#30 - BTS) - Deathlok subsequently took out the approaching Death-Machine with a giant crossbow he had fashioned from a girder (the "arrow") and a bumper/fender and some cable.

CommentsCreated by Rich Buckler.

    So, the main image is not a great representation of the Trouble-Shooters, as none of them really match that appearance. But it is a relatively dynamic image and the only one that shows all five clearly. We'll call it artistic license.

    As he had so easily taken out the first two Trouble-Shooters, I don't know why he wouldn't have continued to use the armory as a shield/base long enough to take them out as well...or why he didn't take the time to grab one of the laser pistols and finish off the other Trouble-Shooters.

    I would think that Ryker's agents might be ex-US Army or something, and I'd expect them to be outfitted/dressed in some paramilitary gear, rather than street clothes.
    Actually, looking back, in Astonishing Tales I#28, they were wearing military fatigues (or something like that). Astonishing Tales I#29 was a reprint, and the series was bi-montly, so the two issues came out four months apart...and #30 also was not just Rich Buckler penciling, but also Keith Pollard and Arvell Jones.trouble-shooters-7484-at28-fatigues
    Regardless, we pretty much have nothing to go on about these guys.

    If anyone wants to expand this profile to give each of the members their own sub-profiles, feel free. Since they are unidentified and having minimal defining features beyond hair, shirt, and pant-color, I didn't deem it necessary at this time.

Profile by Snood.

The Trouble-Shooters have no known connections to

images: (without ads)
Astonishing Tales#28 cover (Trouble-Shooters exiting tank and firing on Deathlok);
       pg. 14, panel 4 (fatigues);
    #30, pg. 4, panel 1 (firing on Deathlok as he attempts to leap over the North Wall);
       pg. 8, panel 10 (Trouble-Shooter outside armory; just before getting smashed by Deathlok);
       pg. 11, panel 4 (Trouble-Shooter shot outside armory);
       pg. 15, panel 3 & 5 (three remaining Trouble-Shooters pursuing Deathlok outside and within Flesh-Factory);
       pg. 16, panel 5 (shooting two Trouble-Shooters);
       pg. 17, panel 1-3 (shooting last Trouble-Shooter through the door)

Astonishing Tales I#28 (February, 1975) - Rich Buckler (writer/artist), Roy Thomas (editor)
Astonishing Tales I#30 (June, 1975) - Rich Buckler & Doug Moench (writers), Rich Buckler, Keith Pollard & Arvell Jones (pencils), Al McWilliams (inks), Len Wein (editor)

First posted: 08/11/2024
Last updated: 08/12/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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