Real Name: Jack Truman

Identity/Class: Human technology user;
   formerly cyborg

Occupation: Independent covert operator;
   former S.H.I.E.L.D. Manhunter, S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, soldier

Group Membership: Formerly Doyle's L.A. gang, S.H.I.E.L.D. (Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate), S.H.I.E.L.D. cyborg squad (Clayton Claymore, Edwin Darwin, Eugene Spandell), S.H.I.E.L.D. Stealth Ops Division, U.S. Army

Affiliations: Armbruster, Black Mamba (Tanya Sealy), G.W. Bridge, Defenders (Nighthawk/Joaquin Pennysworth, Kyle Richmond, She-Hulk/Jennifer Walters, Son of Satan/Damian Hellstrom, Warlord Krang), Douglock (Warlock), Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan, In-Betweener, Nick Fury Senior, Teen Brigade (Barnell Bohusk, America Chavez, Angel Salvadore, Ultimate Nullifier/Mayne), Zzzax;
   formerly Mr. Postal

Enemies: Braak'nhud, Chinese mob (L.A. branch), Clown (Eliot Franklin), Doyle's gang, Dum Dum Dugan LMD, Alfred P. Feiffer, the Hand, Miguel Mezro, Puff Adder (Gordon Fraley), S.H.I.E.L.D. Air Cavalry (Blake, Jackson, Kelso, Seagrum, Larry Young), Martin Thraller (Ringmaster/Maynard Tiboldt), Young Masters of Evil (Egghead, Executioner/Danny DuBois, Radioactive Kid);
   (mindless cyborg only) Red Skull (Johann Shmidt)

Known Relatives: Unidentified father, Lillian Trubane (sister), possibly unidentified nephew (see comments)

Aliases: Agent 18, Billy Bailey, Ted Bailey, Colonel Damage, Deep Throat, LOK (Logarythmic Organic Kinetics), Deck Schiffler, Larry Young

Base of Operations: Formerly an unidentified Men's Hotel, the Bowery, NYC; a flophouse safehouse in Los Angeles

First Appearance: (mentioned as Agent 18) Cable I#58 (September 1998);
   (seen, as Agent 18/Jack Truman) Cable I#59 (October 1998);
   (as Deathlok) Uncanny X-Men I#371 (1999)

Powers/Abilities: When Truman was Deathlok, his cyborg form was heavily armored, superhumanly strong (Class 50), and armed with a variety of inbuilt weapons, including blasters in mouth and palms, incendiary and gas devices in his mouth, and missile launchers in his forearms. He was also equipped with short-range radar, and telescopic and infrared sight, and could shut down any of his senses at will. He used spray-on skin to pass for human and internal jammers ensured x-rays and scanners read him as normal. He did not need to eat, and could interface with and override other machines through probes in his fingers.

   Truman is a skilled tracker, and an expert in multiple weapons and combat techniques - he is so skilled that even in the body of a six year old he can easily overpower trained agents with his martial arts. He can also use a Tibetan mental technique to swap bodies with others after locking eyes with them. He can read lips and is a skilled computer hacker.

Height: (both original human body and as cyborg) 6'4"; (in Young's stolen body) 6'2"; (in Ted Bailey's body) 6'1" (by estimation); (in Billy Bailey's body) 3'9" (by estimation)
Weight: (original human body) 200 lbs.; (cyborg) 630 lbs.; (in Young's stolen body) 170 lbs.
; (in Ted Bailey's body) 160 lbs. (by estimation); (in Billy Bailey's body) 45 lbs. (by estimation)
: (original human body) Blue; (cyborg) variable; (in Young's stolen body) blue
; (in Ted Bailey's body) blue; (in Billy Bailey's body) blue
Hair: (original human body) Black; (cyborg) none; (in Young's stolen body) white, formerly black
; (in Ted Bailey's body) blond; (in Billy Bailey's body) brown 

(Deathlok III#1 (fb) - BTS) - Jack Truman's dad wasn't around much while he was growing up, apparently feeling he had better things to do than to raise Jack and his kid sister...

(Deathlok III#5 (fb)) - Lillian. They had a swing in their backyard and every day Truman would ask his father to push him, but he never did; by the time Truman was in kindergarten it was rusty. As a child Truman liked to hang around with his friends in the woods and down by the creek, and used stolen wood, hammer and nails to build a rickety clubhouse hidden among the trees. It only survived a couple of months before a storm wrecked it, but nothing could take away the sense of achievement young Truman felt over having made it himself.

(Deathlok III#7 (fb) - BTS) - Lillian was eleven years younger than Jack, and he was never much of a big brother.

(Deathlok III#1 (fb) - BTS) - When Jack did talk to his father, it was usually about cars, something Jack's father was passionate about, from how they were put together to how they worked. He promised to buy Jack one when the boy turned sixteen, and an excited Jack realized he actually meant it. As he got closer to his sixteenth birthday Jack learned how to drive using friends' cars, all automatic transmissions since he felt they were easier to drive, as you had both hands free. He told his father he didn't care what kind of car he got, but just begged him to get an automatic. After a few months not hearing from him, Jack's dad showed up with Jack's car, a beat up old stick-shift Honda, a car he didn't know how to drive; the father's response to his son's upset was simply "You need to learn." Jack cursed his father and hated him for this; it was the last Jack ever saw of the man. But he did learn how to drive stick-shift.

(Deathlok III#5 (fb)) - By seventeen Truman was already a national track star, Olympic material, leading S.H.I.E.L.D. recruiters to spot him. They elected however to wait and monitor his choices, watching as he sidestepped the chance to pursue an athletics career and instead enlist in the Army as soon as he graduated, taking to a life of discipline like a duck to water. When he began to rapidly rise through the ranks S.H.I.E.L.D. finally stepped in to recruit him. Put through deliberately brutal training, he made it look effortless and qualified for active duty in record time. His first few tours were in the Stealth Ops division, eventually leading his own team before requesting to go solo and becoming the best manhunter in the organization.

(Deathlok III#7 (fb) - BTS) - When Jack was twenty-three and Lillian twelve she told her brother that she wanted to enlist too, unhappy at being left alone with their lonely, bitter father. It would be fourteen years before they saw one another again.

(Deathlok III#1 (fb)) - On a mission to Libya against insurgents armed with nerve gas shells Truman was given the green light from senior S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Dum Dum Dugan to begin a tactical bombardment.

   On another mission Truman faced off against a man with a Russian accent who threatened to cut a hostage's throat, stating her blood would be on Truman's hands; Truman told the hostage-taker he didn't care (see comments).

   On another mission Truman battled several ninjas (probably the Hand).

(Deathlok III#2 (fb) - BTS) - While visiting Tibet Truman learned an ancient technique that would allow him to transfer his consciousness into someone else's body, or to swap bodies with them, needing only to lock eyes with his target to do so, but he never thought he'd use this trick.

   At some point Truman learned that Nick Fury had the designers of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s flying cars encode a password, Wah Hoo, that could override any and all subsequent activation locks.

(Cable I#59 (fb) - BTS) - Truman became so covert that he had no official S.H.I.E.L.D. file either under his real name or as Agent 18.

(Cable I#60 (fb) - BTS) - At some point he encountered Lawrence Young, a commander in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Air Cavalry, whose independent attitude struck a chord with Truman but who the Manhunter also considered to be unnecessarily heavy handed.

(Cable I#59 (fb) - BTS) - On one of his missions he was informed that agent Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan was intended to assassinate the U.S. President. Sent to eliminate Dugan first, Truman discovered his prey was actually a malfunctioning LMD (Life Model Decoy) android, and slit its throat.

   A few years later Truman spent six months on a stakeout in Tunisia, trying to take down an embassy bomber. However, just as he finally began to close in on his target, the man, a manic depressive, committed suicide. Feeling cheated, an unhappy Truman went to the Republic of the Sudan to unwind, with no one supposed to know the remote location he had chosen to visit.

(Cable I#58 - BTS) - S.H.I.E.L.D. decided to capture the mutant Cable, ostensibly because he was considered a dangerous terrorist, but really because S.H.I.E.L.D.'s ExTechOp division wanted to examine his techno-organic components for ways they could be used in ExTechOp's ongoing cybernetics Nemesis Program. One of those in attendance at the meeting to discuss how this capture could be achieved, Seth Waters, suggested that Agent 18 would be best suited for the task, though Clay Quartermain, who was overseeing the meeting, was disquieted both that Seth knew of Agent 18's existence (Seth was secretly a triple agent, working for both Hydra and Leviathan) and that he had mentioned the top secret operative in front of civilians. Nevertheless, once the meeting concluded, Clay began the process of assigning the task to Truman.

(Deathlok III#1 (fb) - BTS) - By this point Truman was thirty-seven years old.

(Cable I#59) - Still on vacation in the Sudan, Truman was out on a drive in the savanna and carelessly let himself get lost in his own thoughts, only to realize he'd wandered dangerously close to a bull elephant. It charged him, and though he'd not gone out with the intention of hunting he was left with no choice but to kill it with a single well-placed brainshot. Returning to his hotel he was met by Agent Gerard, who Truman instantly pegged with disdain as a desk agent. Truman dismissed Gerard as soon as he had handed over the dossier he was delivering, and Truman read up on Cable, initially thinking his new target seemed fairly routine until he spotted the note that Cable was a mutant, something Truman had never captured before. As he read further he realized his superiors were trying to hype up Cable as a dangerous terrorist, which Truman saw as them trying to appeal to his morality to sell him on the hunt, but Truman didn't care about the deception, as he was hooked by the challenge of taking on a genuinely dangerous quarry.

(Cable I#61 (fb) - BTS) - Truman hoped this capture would be his greatest challenge, a defining moment in his life.

(Cable I#59) - Truman noticed with less enthusiasm that he was first to visit former S.H.I.E.L.D Acting Director G.W. Bridge in Switzerland, a man who Truman didn't rate highly and had no use for.

   In Switzerland Truman met briefly with Bridge, who was handling clean up operations at a site Cable had recently been active, then hopped a flight to the States. On the plane Truman studied up on his target, soon realizing that his target was not a terrorist but instead a hero. However, rather than putting Truman off the hunt, this instead provided him with an idea how to draw Cable out into the open, since S.H.I.E.L.D. Psi-Division had lost track of Cable around Hell's Kitchen in Manhattan. Since Cable had psionic abilities, Truman chose to utilize Zzzax, an electrical being that would not only lure him out but also feed on his psionic powers, and recreated the electrical monster with an old S.H.I.E.L.D. power core. His ploy worked, and Cable was not only drawn out but, already struggling against a techno-organic virus that was sapping his telepathic abilities, was further weakened shorting out the creature. Barely able to stand, Cable was confronted by Truman.

(Cable I#60) - Though he could have simply shot Cable, Truman decided he would prefer to take him on one-on-one, and so put down his gun and took him on hand-to-hand. Though a skilled fighter, Cable was already badly weakened, and so Truman easily won the bout, but the Manhunter held back from finishing off his opponent, eager to let him catch his breath so their contest could continue. However, before it could they were interrupted by the arrival of Lawrence Young's Air Cavalry squad, whose arrival Truman read as evidence that the suits had already lost faith in him being able to handle the capture. The distraction enabled Cable to grab Truman's gun and open fire on the Cavalry's flying cars; the Cavalry returned fire with missiles that ultimately only provided cover for Cable's retreat. As the Air Cavalry attempted to track Cable using their vehicles' sensors, Truman returned to his own car to listen in on their comms and to rearm himself with heavier weaponry. Surmising that Cable would use the sewers to evade the Cavalry, Truman intercepted the mutant as he exited via a manhole and overpowered him with surprising ease thanks to Cable's virus-weakened state. However, it didn't feel like a true victory to Truman, and though he wouldn't normally question orders he was angered by being lied to and by having the Air Cavalry sent in to "back him up," and so determined to learn why Cable had really been targeted.

(Cable I#61 (fb) - BTS) - Truman surmised that the most likely person to have sent in the Air Cavalry was Clay Quartermain, who refused the Manhunter's requests to see him, and by accessing classified files Truman learned that Cable had been moved to the Helicarrier division of ExTechOp, and his file had then been deleted on the orders of ExTechOp's Doctor Horatio Belgrade, leading Truman to deduce that Cable being declared a "terrorist" was merely a smokescreen to justify capturing him for Belgarde's experiments. Continuing by hacking into Belgrade's personal logs, Truman learned that ExTechOp wanted to harvest Cable's techno-organic virus to use in their stalled Nemesis Program, to create artificially intelligent but fully programmable robots, and also learned why Cable had been so weak when they fought. Feeling Quatermain, Belgrade and the others had cheated him of his defining moment and now foolishly expected him to just accept this like a junkyard dog, Truman broke into Belgrade's lab and released Cable so they could have a fair rematch.

(Cable I#62) - Truman left the lab before Cable was fully revived so that his opponent would have time to regain his strength, then confronted Cable as he was attempting to escape the Helicarrier. To Truman's pleasure, Cable had fully recovered his psionic abilities, making it a much more challenging bout, but as they fought Cable pointed out that the Helicarrier's engines had blown up (thanks to Belgrade's experiments with the techno-organic virus turning several robots into rampaging renegades), and that they should evacuate before the ship blew up. Cable insisted neither of them had anything to prove, but Truman had been overtaken by the need to win their fight, and ignored Cable's warnings until it was too late; suddenly the ceiling above him collapsed and he was engulfed in an inferno of raining metal.

   Despite this fire bath, Truman survived, but suffered severe full body burns. He was transferred to ExTechOp, who had saved other badly wounded S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in the past by turning them into cyborgs. Despite being trapped unable to move and with much of his body destroyed, Truman hoped Cable had survived, as he was looking forward to a rematch.

(Deathlok III#2 (fb)) - ExTechOp immediately began experimenting on Truman, putting him through agonizing pain even worse than that caused by his injuries. Deciding he only had one longshot way out, he decided to try the Tibetan mindswap technique to bounce his psyche into low-level S.H.I.E.L.D. operative Ted Bailey, hiding at the back of the unaware Ted's mind with the intention of breaking his body out when the chance arose. Presumably because he was sharing Ted's body rather than having stolen it by shunting Ted's mind into his vacated body, Truman was largely unaware of his host's actions, and rode along like a hitchhiker as Ted went home from work, then inadvertently bounced out of Ted's subconscious into the back of the mind of Ted's six year old son, first grader Billy Bailey living on Long Island.

(Uncanny X-Men I#371/X-Men II#91/X-Men '99 Annual) - Meanwhile ExTechOp transplanted Truman's brain and nervous system into their new Logarythmic Organic Kinetics robotic body to create a new Deathlok cyborg, only for it go on the run.

(Deathlok III#1) - At first Billy's mind was in the driver's seat, with Truman's consciousness sleeping, but flashes of Truman's memories began to surface as his mind woke up within Billy's brain. Playing wargames with his Colonel Damage figures triggered a memory of Truman's mission to Libya, and momentarily recalling facing off against a hostage taker disrupted Billy's dinner. His fitful dreams were of battling ninjas and being charged by rogue elephants and Billy woke screaming for his mother to comfort him. The next day during recess Truman's instincts took over as Billy played Colonel Damage versus the Nazi terrorists with his friends, and "Billy" left a half dozen of his classmates sprawled around the ground crying in pain after he attacked them. It was Billy, sitting in headmaster's Alfred P. Feiffer's office, who listened in shame as Feiffer chastised him for his uncharacteristic violence, desperately wanting to go home to his mother, but then Truman imagined how easy it would be to simply kill the man by ramming his desk nameplate into his brain, and it was the Manhunter who dismissively stalked off, casually stating he needed to "hit the head." Staring at his reflection in the bathroom Billy's memories fought with Truman's for supremacy; Billy managed to utter one final desperate plea for his mother's help before Truman took over, finally recalling who he was, though not yet how he had become trapped within a six year old's body nor what had happened to his own body.

(Deathlok III#2) - Having spent several days trying to reconcile conflicting memories before Truman's mind became conscious, Truman spent the next several hours trying to piece together what had happened to him. He recalled fighting Cable and then getting burned, before finally remembering transferring his mind to Ted Bailey; though he had no clear recollection of returning to Ted's home nor of the subsequent transfer to Billy, he was able to extrapolate that this is what had happened from his current predicament. Using Ted's computer he hacked into the S.H.I.E.L.D. mainframe and learned that what was left of his body had been implanted into the Deathlok cyborg and was now AWOL and running amuck in Las Vegas. Worse, S.H.I.E.L.D. had sent Larry Young's Air Cavalry in, and Truman realized he needed to figure a way to get there while there still was a Vegas. After faking his way through family breakfast, Truman snuck a ride in the trunk of Ted's car to get inside the front company where he worked, and from thence to the building's motor pool, full of flying cars. Though he was spotted by two guards, they hesitated upon seeing he was just a kid, and he quickly overpowered them with his martial arts. Though the cars were voice print activated and his child voice wasn't on record, Truman used Nick Fury's secret activation code to bypass the security measures and made a noisy exit smashing through the roof of the building.

(Deathlok III#3) - As he neared Las Vegas Truman could feel a strange pull tickling at the back of his brain. Listening to radio chatter Truman learned that Zero Company, a team specializing in massacres, had been sent in to stop the cyborg, and realized this would be his only chance to reclaim his body and life. As he buzzed by a car carrying two of the Air Cavalry, Kelso and Seagrum, some of Billy's immaturity took over momentarily, and he taunted them over the radio, prompting them to give chase and disable his engines with some choice shots. Undeterred, Truman climbed out onto the exterior of his plummeting vehicle, confidently jumped across to the Air Cav one, yanked open the driver's door and threw Seagrum out. Taking the controls he told a shocked Kelso he had a two choices of how to exit, and despite this threat coming from a small child, the attitude behind it prompted Kelso to jump rather than be thrown.

   Truman finally reached the cyborg after a drunken Larry Young had taken down most of Zero Company, causing a lull in the combat. The cyborg's arm guns deployed, and Truman realized he couldn't rely on just his six year old body's reflexes to win the coming confrontation. Setting the car down, he opened the driver's door, but exited from the underside of the vehicle as the robot raked the driver's area with gunfire just as he'd anticipated. He fired a couple of shots to knock the cyborg off balance, but then noticed the smell of gas coming from a broken main, meaning he couldn't risk another shot. Dropping his guns he locked eyes with the approaching cyborg and transferred his mind back into what was left of his original body. As the main exploded the Truman cyborg carried Billy's now unconscious body to safety, and found the newly arrived Nick Fury; seeing the cyborg gently carrying the child, Fury realized its rampaging had ceased, and though he lacked the capacity to speak, Truman signaled that his mind was in control by tapping out in Morse code on his metal chest that he was reporting for duty. He was swiftly removed to a secure facility for containment while Fury decided what to do with him.

(Deathlok III#4 - BTS) - Still comatose, Billy was sent to a hospital to be watched over by his worried parents, with S.H.I.E.L.D. picking up all the medical expenses. Meanwhile Deathlok had sustained repairable structural damage and was secured aboard a Helicarrier in ExTechOp custody, awaiting Fury's decision on whether to let ExTechOp's scientists rebuild and upgrade him, or let Truman die in peace. Ultimately Fury elected to restore the cyborg.

(Deathlok III#5) - As the scientists worked on repairing his body, Truman's mind hallucinated, with a small winged elephant-headed humanoid replaying some of his memories. As his body was rebuilt layer by layer so too was his mind, with illusions taunting him, testing his sanity, but his consciousness refusing to concede defeat. The final part of the physical process was adding a layer of artificial epidermis so his robotic form could pass for human. Completed, he stepped free of the repair chamber, ready to be deployed.

(Deathlok III#6) - Truman soon discovered that his flesh epidermis began flaking off after being exposed to the elements, requiring it to be regularly reapplied via spray cans. He was assigned a mission by Mr. Postal, a senior S.H.I.E.L.D. agent part of or associated with ExTechOp, instructed to lead a team of three fellow cyborgs (Darwin, Spandell and Claymore, results of other aborted cybernetic programs) to the small Central American island of El Corazon De la Muerte ("the Heart of Death") and overthrow its dictator Miguel Mezro. Meeting with local rebels shortly after being dropped onto the island, the cyborgs were lead through the jungle towards the capital, but en route Truman spotted a high tech lab that wasn't on the map. Before he could decide whether to deviate from their mission goals to investigate the group began taking fire, killing most of the rebels, and an approaching tank took out Darwin before Truman destroyed it. Regrouping, Truman elected to change the mission parameters and investigate the lab, suspicious that it had more to do with the real reason they were there than taking down a petty dictator. Hover-drones, suspiciously advanced tech for a third world nation, killed the last rebel before the cyborgs could eliminate them, but the three remaining cyborgs made it into the building, clearly highly advanced, expensive and brand new, and witnessed Mezro ranting to some of his men that they would reap the rewards now that they controlled the facility. Truman gunned down the soldiers, but left Mezro alive to answer questions; however the dictator instead summoned a giant robot guard and fled. It crushed Spandell and broke Claymore literally in two, but Truman decapitated it with a punch. Wanting answers, Truman elected not to immediately pursue Mezro, instead interfacing with the lab's computer to confirm his suspicions - the lab was ExTechOps, established on the remote island to hide its illegal experiments, but Mezro had broken whatever agreement he'd made with ExTechOp and taken over the lab himself, prompting ExTechOp to send in the expandable cyborgs without Fury's knowledge to eliminate the dictator. With a self destruct sequence triggered Truman carried the dying Claymore to safety and called for exfiltration; Claymore passed away before it arrived. Returning to S.H.I.E.L.D., Truman provided a minimal debriefing and then walked out, ignoring Postal's protests.

(Deathlok III#7) - Truman went to visit his sister, now an actress living in Los Angeles with the stage name Trubane, partially to reconnect but also because S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't know she was connected to him since his personnel files had been deleted years earlier when he went covert. Understandably it took her a moment to recognize him, but she let him in and left him in her apartment while she went to an audition. While she was out he extracted a tracking device from his leg, and took a message from a surfer dude who identified himself as Lillian's "steady" that he couldn't take Lillian's friend out that night like he'd promised her. Upon hearing this when she returned an annoyed Lillian demanded Truman be the plus one for her friend, fashion model Tanya Sealy, while she attended a charity dinner. However, while there Truman realized his human mask was breaking down, something he confirmed with a trip to the washroom to check his face in the mirrors. Never the type to slip out the back door when things went wrong, he decided to return to Sealy and make the best of things, only to find her being harassed by her ex, "Puffy." When Puffy threatened to get physical with Truman the cyborg gut punched him, but an enraged Puffy got back up, now visibly larger, and Truman realized he was facing a superhuman foe. Puffy exhaled an acidic gas over Truman, but this merely destroyed the remainder of his fake skin, and a brawl ensued that spilled out of the venue into the street until Tanya stepped in to chastise both of them for ruining her evening. She explained to Truman that she used to be Black Mamba of the Serpent Society, and Puffy - Puff Adder - was just an overly clingy ex. Coping well with the revelation that her date wasn't human thanks to her own background, Tanya thanked him for his chivalry and gave him her card. Truman returned to Lillian's apartment and told her everything; she took his cyborg nature surprisingly well, but told him that he was still selfish and self-involved, and that she wasn't there just for him to run to when he wanted to hide from his life. Telling him it was too little too late and they were both better off as orphans, she threw him out, leaving him believing she hated him; however, after he left a clearly upset Lillian threw a photo against the wall, smashing it (see comments).

(Deathlok III#8) - Truman headed to Nasty Joe's Bar in Los Angeles, a hangout for retired agents, where he was approached by Dum Dum Dugan, who informed him that Nick Fury had gone missing. This information prompted him to return to S.H.I.E.L.D. for repairs and then head out to track down the missing director, first setting up in a safehouse hidden in an apparently abandoned flophouse, and then after discovering Fury seemed to be running in criminal circles to Armbruster, an agent undercover in the L.A. crime scene, seeking a way into that world. Armbruster informed him that this would be difficult, as a new player, Doyle, had recently begun making waves, and so everyone in the underworld was nervous and wary. Nevertheless, Armbruster facilitated Truman, now using the alias of Milwaukee criminal Deck Shiffler, to get him an intro to Doyle. Upon seeing Doyle however, Truman was shocked to see that the new underworld supremo was Fury himself!

(Deathlok III#9) - Truman hid his surprise for the duration of the meeting and returned to his safehouse trying to figure out if Fury was undercover or had gone insane. Attending another meeting, he was surprised when Fury/Doyle picked him out of the crowd as muscle for an upcoming job; getting a close look into Fury's eyes, Truman realized that Fury wasn't acting. That night Truman took part in a cargo hijacking at Long Beach harbor, but seeing some of Doyle's thugs about to beat an innocent driver to death he stepped in, deliberately drawing Doyle's ire with taunts intended to prod Fury's memories. Blows were exchanged, and when Truman knocked Doyle down the gang turned their guns towards him; deciding to drop the pretense, Truman powered up, burning the skin off his face, but even this didn't restore Fury's memories. Before Doyle could shoot him, the Chinese mob, rivals to Doyle's gang, attacked, catching Doyle's men off guard and gunning them down. Unperturbed, Doyle returned fire, but Truman tackled him into a building out of the line of fire and sprayed him in the face with an airborne neural agent, a last choice method to try and trigger Fury's memories. It worked, and Fury recalled who he was, though not who had rendered him amnesiac. The pair headed off to return to S.H.I.E.L.D., but before they had gone more than a few paces they were confronted by a new attacker, the Clown, who had been hired to eliminate Doyle.

(Deathlok III#10) - Truman returned fire as Fury ducked for cover, then while Fury drew the Clown's attention Truman slipped through a building to get behind Clown, used radar to locate the assassin, and caught him off guard by smashing through a wall to reach him. Reacting quickly Clown threw flash powder into Truman's face, expecting to incapacitate him, but this instead merely burned off the flesh covering. Thinking his opponent a robot (and having had a recent bad experience with several mechanical foes), Clown elected to withdraw, leaping up to a nearby rooftop. From that vantage he overheard Truman using Fury's name and mentioning S.H.I.E.L.D. and Clown realized his target was not who he'd been lead to believe and decided to abandon the contract. However, while Fury departed, Truman stayed to continue hunting Clown, only to have the assassin ram him with a fuel tanker. Though it exploded, Truman emerged from the flames unharmed apart from having his clothes and remaining fake skin burned away, but by this time the Clown had escaped.

(Deathlok III#10 (fb) - BTS) - Fury used S.H.I.E.L.D.'s technology to prompt his memories, and recalled that he had been hypnotized by Presidential candidate Martin Thraller, secretly the former Ringmaster of the Circus of Crime. In a diner Clown caught one of Thraller's speeches, and also recognized his former colleague, who Clown blamed for a recent incarceration.

(Deathlok III#11) -  Now beginning to suffer from headaches as his mind began to reject his cyborg body, Truman met with Fury and Dugan to discuss the Thraller problem. Given how easily Thraller could hypnotize most people and not wanting to cause a national nightmare by publicly reveal Thraller's true identity, they decided to have Truman stage a fake assassination of Thraller live on air, then use an LMD to fake Thraller's death while actually taking him into custody. Later Truman suffered nightmares of his flying elephant friend, Truman concluded he had to find a way out of his mechanical body before he lost his soul and his sanity.

   At Thraller's rally Truman mingled with the crowds, waiting for his moment, but before he could strike the Clown attacked, also after Thraller. Trying to salvage things and prevent the wildly firing Clown from massacring innocents Truman intervened, and the pair fought as the civilians stampeded and Secret Service evacuated Thraller. Clown fled after his target when Truman began using his eye lasers, and Truman lost him in the crowd. Catching up with Thraller, Clown shot him then fled as Fury and his men arrived, unaware he had actually helped them achieve their objective. As he escaped into the sewers he found Truman waiting for him, but instead of attacking him Truman congratulated him for being a formidable opponent and admitted that though they had come to blows they'd actually both been there for the same reasons, though he also added that if he wasn't currently wrestling with his own sanity he would probably have killed Clown just for closure. Telling Clown he would let him live, Truman let the assassin go.

   Truman then located Larry Young, now suspended from S.H.I.E.L.D. and drowning his sorrows at Nasty Joe's bar. Telling Young he had never liked him, Truman used his Tibetan mindswap technique again and swapped bodies with Young, then walked away before Young's mind, now trapped within the cyborg, could process what had just happened.

(Vengeance#1 (fb) - BTS) - More because of the abuse its original owner had put it through than because of actual advanced age, Young's body aged poorly, and Truman found himself balding with his remaining hair rapidly going white. 

(Vengeance#1 (fb)) - While hiding out in a cheap "Men's Hotel" in the Bowery, Truman watched a news report on a protest that had turned into a riot, and watched as the reporter tried to interview new S.H.I.E.L.D. head Steve Rogers for his opinion on the event. Deciding that the authorities were all useless, he decided to get up off the bench and do something about it.

(Vengeance#4 (fb) - BTS) - Truman felt that he couldn't just go quietly into that good night, and that a lot was happening in the world that tended to get overlooked and could do with being dealt with.

(Vengeance#2 (fb) - BTS) - Acting as a Deep Throat, Truman began funneling classified S.H.I.E.L.D. files out of ancillary data streams and various cloud networks to the proactive young heroes making up the latest iteration of the Teen Brigade, directing them to handle problems he felt needed resolved.

(Vengeance#1 - BTS) - Truman directed the Brigade to a secret holding facility near Broom Lake, Nevada which was posing as a decommissioned military base. Ms America Chavez investigated, and liberated the In-Betweener, who had been incarcerated there. 

(Vengeance#2 - BTS) - Kyle Richmond's Defenders became aware of the leaks Truman had facilitated, and began investigating, hoping to locate the person behind them.

(Vengeance#3) - Returning to the Hotel late at night Truman noted immediately the abnormal absence of other residents and realized someone was waiting to confront him. Sensing his opponent above him, Truman glanced up to the room's rafters and spotted a winged costumed man (Nighthawk/Joaquin Pennysworth) roosting there. Calling him Agent Young, Nighthawk offered to let him come peacefully, but Truman decided otherwise, insisting he should be called Larry instead and taking up a fighting stance. The pair fought, but though Truman was more skilled, his opponent wasn't far behind and had the advantage of being younger and in much better shape than Truman's stolen body. After Nighthawk finally pinned Truman down, Kyle Richmond showed himself, and shocked Truman by revealing that they knew who he really was, then asked him if he wanted a drink.

(Vengeance#4) - The trio went to bar (with Pennysworth switching to civilian clothes), and the two Defenders asked why Truman was stealing and leaking files. Truman explained his reasons, as well as how he had ended up in Young's body and that due the Deathlok body had apparently broken down thanks to Young's alcoholic mind and lack of proper maintenance. Deciding that they were all on the same side Richmond proposed a toast to cleaning up the mess of the world, a dirty job but one that someone had to do.

(Vengeance#5) - Later, back at the Men's Hotel, Truman packed his things, informing some of the other residents who expressed concern at his forthcoming departure that he had somewhere to go and a plan to follow. He headed over to the Teen Brigade's base, revealed himself to be their Deep Throat, and informed them that Latveria would need them as the Young Masters of Evil were planning an assault on the country and to assassinate its ruler, Kristoff Vernard.

(Vengeance#6) - Truman alerted the Defenders to this threat too, then accompanied the Teen Brigade to Latveria, finding it easy to sneak into the country as Kristoff was throwing a national celebration. When the Young Masters launched their assault Truman and his allies went into action; spotting the Radioactive Kid about to slaughter several innocent civilians, Truman ran the murderous youth over with a truck. The Defenders also arrived to help, but suddenly a portal opened in the sky, unleashing a demonic horde, the Braak'nhud; however, this Biblical turn of events merely excited Truman, who felt unexpected twists like this only served to make life more interesting. Fighting alongside the heroes, Truman waa impressed by how well the youths were handling this apocalypse and by the Defenders' "old school" prowess. Despite their best efforts though, the demonic hordes kept on coming, threatening to overwhelm the heroes by sheer numbers, until the Brigade's Ultimate Nullifier figured out how to unleash the full power of the In-Betweener, who then absorbed the demons into himself. With the battle over, Truman accompanied the two groups of heroes on their jet back to the U.S.A., glad to have proven to himself he could still pick the right people for the job.

Comments: Created by Joe Casey, Jose Ladronn and Juan Vlasco.

   When Billy Bailey sees the memory of Truman facing off against the (Russian?) hostage taker, he reacts with a visceral "No!" to Truman responding that he doesn't care if the hostage is murdered; whether this was Billy's reaction or it means Truman was lying and did care about the hostage's fate is unclear.

   The photo shown at the end of Deathlok III#7 is confusing. It shows two young people, the elder, possibly adult one, looking slightly feminine and the younger, a child, appearing male, posing with Spider-Man. This probably can't be Jack and Lillian as kids since Jack was the elder by eleven years, and here the older looking one looks like a woman; additionally, Jack is too old to be a child when Spider-Man is around. Yet the picture clearly has relevance to Lillian just after she's ranted about family. Is the woman a younger Lillian? And if so, perhaps the boy is her son, a nephew Jack is unaware of because he's been out her life so long? And if that's also the case, then what's happened to the lad? Clearly a seed for a storyline that never got followed up on thanks to the book's cancellation.

Profile by Loki.

Jack Truman, Deathlok, has no known connections to:

Deathlok cyborg (minus either Truman or Young's minds)

(Deathlok III#2 (fb)) - Jack Truman escaped the agony of ExTechOp experimenting on his badly burned body by transferring his consciousness into the subconscious of S.H.I.E.L.D. operative Ted Bailey, from where it subsequently transferred to Ted's son Billy.

While Truman's mind was in the bodies of Ted and then Billy Bailey, leaving his human remains without a consciousness...

(Uncanny X-Men I#371) - On board the Helicarrier scientists examined the captured Machine Man's body, harvesting technology from it for their Logarythmic Organic Kinetics body, and discussed removing Truman's brain and nervous system from his body, kept alive at the moment by a life-support pod, to transplant into their new cyborg, on the orders of Project Manager Major Remington Sole. Shortly after they had done so Fury returned from being off the Helicarrier and was enraged to learn of this unethical medical procedure.

(X-Men II#91) - Sole showed off the Deathlok cyborg (running using Machine Man's personality-wiped computer to control it in the absence of Truman's mind) as it gunned down targets on a firing range.

(X-Men'99 Annual) - Using the captured Douglock and his techno-organic virus to control people, the Red Skull seized control of the Helicarrier, The Skull examined the inert cyborg, interested only in the unit it contained that was designed to interface the human brain with a regulating computer, as he hoped to modify it to create an irreversible mind control device. However, while he was occupied with his plans, Douglock sought to thwart his captor's plans, and spotted a loophole in the constraint commands he had been issued - he could make no direct action against the Skull, nor call in outside help, nor make independent use of the agents he was holding in thrall, but none of those precluded activating Deathlok or Machine Man. While Machine Man teamed up with the X-Men, who had infiltrated the Helicarrier seeking to rescue their captured friend, Deathlok received instructions from Douglock to assassinate him in order to free everyone else. Limited to using non-lethal force on any other targets, Deathlok overpowered some controlled agents and prepared to shoot Douglock when the X-Men Shadowcat arrived and placed herself between them, delaying him long enough for Fury and the X-Men to break the Skull's control mechanism. Freed from the Skull's control he in turn released Deathlok. The cyborg escaped the Helicarrier and began wandering aimlessly.

(Deathlok III#1) - The cyborg began running down the Las Vegas strip and was detected by S.H.I.E.L.D. satellites. Larry Young's Air Cavalry unit was sent in, but despite strict orders to only observe from a distance Young recklessly buzzed the cyborg, triggering its defensive programs, then used the excuse that it had attacked him to justify opening fire. The cyborg then downed one of the Air Cavalry craft and hijacked a second one, throwing out its pilot, Kelso.

(Deathlok III#2) - The cyborg's stolen vehicle was eventually shot down, but the cyborg bailed out in time. With the Air Cavalry having lost track of it, the cyborg stopped being fighting and returned to wandering.

(Deathlok III#3) - S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Zero Company arrived and attacked the cyborg, resuming the battle, and despite their superior numbers and heavy weapons Zero Company found itself outmatched. Truman arrive soon after in a stolen flying car, still in Billy Bailey's body, and switched his mind back into the cyborg, regaining control of it.

images: (without ads)
Vengeance#5, p4, pan3 (main - Truman's current body, the aged Larry Young)
Deathlok III#5, p9, pan6, recolored for OHOTMU entry (headshot of Jack Truman, original body)
Cable I#59, p23, pan1 (original body, in S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform as Agent 18)
Deathlok III#2, p3, pan7 (in Ted Bailey's body)
Deathlok III#1, p16, pan4 (in Billy Bailey's body)
Deathlok III#3, p20, pan1 (in cyborg body, carrying Billy Bailey)
Deathlok III#6, p16, pan2 (Deathlok, with artificial epidermis in place)
Deathlok III#11, p24, pan1 (Truman in Young's newly stolen body)
Deathlok III#3 cover (Deathlok body without fake human skin)

Cable I#59-62 (October-December 1998) - Joe Casey (writer), Jose Ladronn (pencils), Juan Vlasco (inks), Mark Powers (editor)
Uncanny X-Men I#371 (August 1999) - Alan Davis (plot), Terry Kavanagh (script), Jimmy Cheung (pencils), Mark Morales (inks), Mark Powers (editor)
X-Men II#91 (August 1999) -
Alan Davis (plot), Terry Kavanagh (script), Andrew Robinson (pencils), Dan Panosian (inks), Mark Powers (editor)
X-Men '99 Annual (August 1999) -
Alan Davis (story), Terry Kavanagh (script), Rick Leonardi (pencils), Bob Wiacek (inks), Mark Powers (editor)
Deathlok III#1-3 (September-November 1999) - Joe Casey (writer), Leonardo Manco (art), Ruben Diaz (editor)
Deathlok III#4 (November 1999) - Joe Casey (writer), Eric Canete (pencils), Armando Durruthy and Rick Perrota (inks), Ruben Diaz (editor)
Deathlok III#5 (December 1999) - Joe Casey (writer), Leonardo Manco (art), Ruben Diaz (editor)
Deathlok III#6 (January 2000) - Joe Casey (writer), Matt Smith (pencils), Richard Case (inks), Ruben Diaz (editor)
Deathlok III#7 (February 2000) - Joe Casey (writer), Eric Canete (pencils), Rick Perrota (inks), Ruben Diaz (editor)
Deathlok III#8-9 (March-April 2000) - Joe Casey (writer),  Leonardo Manco (art), Ruben Diaz (editor)
Deathlok III#10 (May 2000) - Joe Casey (writer), John Buscema (pencils), Tom Palmer (inks), Bobbie Chase (editor)
Deathlok III#11 (June 2000) - Joe Casey (writer), Leonardo Manco (pencils, inks), Bill Sienkiewicz (inks), Bobbie Chase (editor)
Vengeance#1 (September 2011) - Joe Casey (writer), Nick Dragotta (art), Tom Brennan (editor)
Vengeance#3-6 (November 2011-February 2012) - Joe Casey (writer), Nick Dragotta (art), Tom Brennan (editor)

First Posted: 08/31/2024 - well, it was still the 31st August in the Howland and Baker Islands!
Last updated:

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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