main image


Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Normal human

Occupation: Carnival worker;
   formerly criminal

Group Membership: Boardwalk Carnival

Affiliations: Care Bears (Bedtime Bear, Birthday Bear, Wish Bear)

Enemies: None;
   formerly children, Care Bears (Bedtime Bear, Birthday Bear, Wish Bear)

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Town near Care-A-Lot

First Appearance: Care Bears#13/2 (November, 1987)

Powers/Abilities: Upside-Down Clown was a greedy thief who targeted children to steal their money using an anti-gravity battery, which could generate a null field of about 30' diameter that negated gravity for organic beings, but left inorganic matter unaffected. This anti-gravity field lasted as long as the clown kept it switched on (the range of the signal was not revealed). However, Upside-Down Clown has since been "converted" to abandon his criminal ways and instead spread happiness and positivity, and has destroyed the anti-gravity battery. He has unusually large feet that he keeps bare, possibly because he cannot find standard shoes to fit.

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 155 lbs.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black (possibly a wig)


(Care Bears#13/2 (fb) - BTS) - A clown in the Boardwalk Carnival came into possession of an anti-gravity battery that emitted an anti-gravity field within a small area and affected small-sized organic beings. Choosing to use it for his greedy, nefarious ends, he used the battery as part of his act in the Big Top tent as the Upside-Down Clown. Children were drawn to his act, but when he activated his battery, the children would "float" around and the clown would steal the money that fell from the children's pockets onto the ground.

(Care Bears#13/2) - Using a telescope to merrily spy from the cloud-based Care-A-Lot on the town below, Birthday Bear saw upset children floating and the Upside-Down Clown stealing their money. Birthday bear rushed down with fellow Care Bears Wish Bear and Bedtime Bear and discovered Upside-Down Clown's plot. They gave chase as the clown made off with a large sack of cash, Having trouble keeping away, the clown used his anti-gravity battery on the three Care Bears, and he returned to running away. But the Care Bears continued pursuit by paddling in the air after him. Upside-Down Clown ran into the Hall of Mirrors to hide, so the Care Bears used their positivity-inducing Care Bear stare, amplified by all the mirrors, to "cure" the clown of his evil ways. Upside-Down Clown emerged smiling and wanted to do only good. Asked to turn off the battery, Upside-Down Clown instead went further and smashed it using the carnival's high striker - strength tester, then went after the children he had wronged with love in his heart to return the money he had stolen.


Comments: Created by Michael Gallagher, Howie Post, Roberta Edelman.

Profile by Grendel Prime.

Upside-Down Clown has no known connections to:

images: (without ads)
Care Bears#13/2, p4, pan5 (main image)
   p6, pan1 (headshot, smiling)
   p4, pan2 (using anti-gravity battery - zap!)

Care Bears#13/2 (November, 1987) - Michael Gallagher (writer), Howie Post (pencils), Roberta Edelman (inks), Sid Jacobson (editor)

First posted: 12/30/2024
Last updated: 12/30/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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