Real Name: Unrevealed, possibly Urinal Cake (see comments)

Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial (Klyntar) symbiote

Occupation: None

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: The Galactus Seed, Gus, his unidentified human host

Enemies: Rooster, work of any kind

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: New York City, New York, USA;
    presumably formerly somewhere in space

First Appearance: Damage Control IV#2 (November, 2022)

Powers/Abilities: Urinal Cake, like most Klyntar symbiotes, possesses a malleable form capable of merging with a host to act through them. While merged with its host, Urinal Cake can communicate with them and somewhat manipulate their actions.

    Urinal Cake is extremely lazy, opting to have its host do nothing but play video games and eat junk food.

Height: Variable
Weight: Variable
Eyes: White (no visible irises)
Hair: None

(Damage Control IV#2 (fb)) - Urinal Cake located a suitable human host and merged with him, forcing the man to wear sweatpants and play video games for hours on end.

(Damage Control IV#2 (fb) - BTS) - Constantly trying to keep the host lazy, Urinal Cake demanded the host eat stuffed-crust pizza and foot-long Italian subs for every meal. When Urinal Cake made the host too lazy to walk, the man ended up getting an expensive all-terrain personal transport for mobility and lost his job at a gas station. The man ultimately began to run out of unemployment so he decided to visit Damage Control to see about filing an insurance claim to cover the expenses and anguish caused by Urinal Cake.

(Damage Control IV#2 - BTS) - Despite still hosting Urinal Cake, the man waited in line in Damage Control's Consumer Affairs department and when employees Bart Rozum and Gus walked past the line of people to meet with Robin Chapel, Urinal Cake's host grew angry until he was threatened by the Punisher. Urinal Cake's host was eventually led into Gus' new "office" (a bathroom), where he related the story of being merged with Urinal Cake. Upon hearing the man's story, Gus became extremely sad and sent the man to Robin Chapel's office to file his claim, prompting the Punisher to summon Gus to Chapel's office moments later.

(Damage Control IV#5 (fb) - BTS) - Urinal Cake apparently separated from its human host under unrevealed circumstances.

(Damage Control IV#5) - As Gus walked down the street holding and speaking to the cosmic Galactus Seed, Urinal Cake crept out from beneath a dumpster and spotted the cat-like Rooster. Unaware that Rooster was actually an alien Flerken, Urinal Cake attempted to lure Rooster near it, only to be surprised when a mass of tentacles emerged from Rooster's mouth and pulled Urinal Cake into Rooster's mouth. Rooster then devoured Urinal Cake and returned to licking itself.

Comments: Created by Adam F. Goldberg, Hans Rodionoff and Will Robson.

    Urinal Cake was only ever referred to as such but it seems very unlikely that it is his real name...

    While Urinal Cake was devoured by Rooster, I think it's quite likely Urinal Cake survived the experience. It wouldn't be the first time a Flerken later coughed up something it had swallowed that was still living after being coughed up.

Profile by Proto-Man.

Urinal Cake
should be distinguished from:

images: (without ads)
Damage Control IV#2, p21, pan3 (Urinal Cake, main image)
Damage Control IV#2, p10, pan5 (Urinal Cake merging with host)
Damage Control IV#5, p21, pan5 (Urinal Cake being devoured by Rooster)

Damage Control IV#2 (November, 2022) - Adam F. Goldberg, Hans Rodionoff (writers), Will Robson (art), Tom Brevoort, Wil Moss (editors)
Damage Control IV#5 (February, 2023) - Adam F. Goldberg, Hans Rodionoff (writers), Nathan Stockman (art), Tom Brevoort, Wil Moss (editors)

First posted: 08/09/2024
Last updated: 08/09/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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