main imageVon Boom

Real Name: Von Boom (first name unrevealed)

Identity/Class: Normal human;
    German citizenship;
    World War II era;

Occupation: Fifth Columnist, Spy, Saboteur

Group Membership: Unrevealed, likely Fifth Column, Nazi Party

Affiliations: His agents

Enemies: The Patriot (Jeff Mace), Scarbo and his son

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: New York

First Appearance: Marvel Mystery Comics#37/4 (November, 1942)

Powers/Abilities: As a spy leader, Von Boom had a certain proficiency in scheming and planning, also having the ruthlessness for using any means necessary to reach his goals.

    He didn't despise to go personally into action, but his martial abilities were far inferior than the Patriot's.

    He wore a monocle over his right eye.

Height: 5'8" (approximately)
Weight: Approximately 200 lbs.
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Blonde

head shotHistory: (Marvel Mystery Comics#37/4 (fb) - BTS) - Von Boom was the leader of a group of German spies in New York. He and his agents were always in search for new ways to infiltrate the underworld society, in order to sabotage the U.S. war efforts.

    When the Star News published the story of "Thick lips" Scarbo, Von Boom guessed that Scarbo, a criminal, could become the perfect tool for his plans. The Nazis were sure that former gang boss Scarbo, once out of prison without money would easily accept their bribes to introduce them to the criminal underworld. The Nazis had the money and with that they sought to control the gangsters. Von Boom also had a back-up plan, should Scarbo refuse their money: The son of Scarbo.

    The day after they had schemed their actions, Scarbo was released from prison. A German spy was ready to welcome him in a taxi. Under the menace of a gun, Scarbo was kidnapped and brought to the Nazi hideout. However, the spy did not notice the reporters that tried to interview the gangster immediately before.

    The three followed the taxi and were led to the hideout as well.

    Von Boom immediately put the things in clear perspective for Scarbo, showing him his son. The negotiation, however, could not proceed because Jack Casey and Mary Morgan entered the hideout. Jeff Mace, too, was there. He grasped the situation, and was quick enough to jump back, pushing Von Boom away and running for an alley.

    While the Nazis imprisoned Casey and Morgan, Von Boom reached the alley, but found the Patriot waiting for him. The hero landed a punch on Von Boom's jaw, and downed another Nazi, intimidating Von Boom to flee back to his lair to get help. The Patriot was faster, and he used the spy chief to smash the door. A rumble started, the Patriot against four Nazis, but the hostilities ceased when Scarbo grabbed a gun. Von Boom and his spies had to yield.

Comments: Created by Al Fagaly.

    Jeff Mace called the police, and the spies were likely arrested.
    The first "cover-page" of the story showed the Nazis in uniform, but in-story they all wore civilian clothes. The hideout was adorned with swastikas, Nazi flags and pictures of Adolf Hitler.

Profile by Spidermay.


Von Boom has no known connections to:

Scarbo has no known connections to:

Needham's corpse floating"Thick lips" Scarbo

    Scarbo was a normal human with deep knowledge of the criminal gangs' world. Moreover he was able to manage a gang by himself.

    Once "Thick lips" Scarbo was a criminal, a gang czar, and was rich. He went in prison for 5 years, before the beginning of World War II. He also had a son,

    At the end of the 5 years, the warden called him in his office, to suggest that he behave, so he would not have to go back to prison.
    Scarbo was renown, so the news of his release appeared on the newspapers.

    The day of Scarbo's release, some reporters -- Jack Casey and his pals, Jeff Mace and Mary Morgan -- tried to interview him. Scarbo didn't stop at all, but rather took a taxi and went away. In the taxi he found an armed man with German accent that kidnapped him. Unaware that the reporters were following, the kidnapper led the three journalists to his hideout, a Nazi hideout.

    The Nazis had captured Scarbo's son to force the gangster to work for them, but their transaction was abruptly interrupted by the three reporters. Two of them were captured, but the tallest one fled, pursued by the Nazi chief and his accomplices. After a while, the Nazi chief went back, smashing the door, but behind him there was the Patriot! A rumble begun between the hero and the Nazis. In the resulting chaos, Scarbo picked up a Luger handgun and menaced the Nazis, stopping the hostilities. Seeing the things under control, and trusting the ex-convict, the Patriot left the scene.
    Scarbo's son was freed, as well as the two reporters.

--Marvel Mystery Comics#37/4

Marvel Mystery Comics#37/4, p4, pan8 (Von Doom, main image)
Marvel Mystery Comics#37/4, p2, pan6 (Von Doom, head shot)
Marvel Mystery Comics#37/4, p7, pan1 (Scarbo controls the situation)

Marvel Mystery Comics#37/4 (November, 1942) - Al Fagaly (artist)

First posted: 06/02/2024
Last updated
: 06/02/2024

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