Classification: Extradimensional (Asgardian) mystic item

Creator: Unrevealed

User/Possessors: Disciples of Cyttorak, Harokin, Odin, Thor (Odinson), unidentified mystics in Muspelheim, Volstagg

First Appearance: Thor I#129/2 (June, 1966)

Powers/Abilities/Functions: Warlock's Eye is a powerful mystical item that could fire an irresistible stun blast that could paralyze every living being hit by it by controlling the targets' mind.

It is unknown if Warlock's Eye could control the minds of others in any other way.

(Thor I#129/2 - BTS) - Centuries ago Odin sent Thor and the Warriors Three to Muspelheim to retrieve Warlock's Eye from the Temple of Mystics to prevent it from falling into the hands of evil.

   Incidentally Warlock's Eye was stolen by Harokin before Thor and the Warriors Three arrived (maybe Odin already knew).

(Thor I#129/2) - With Warlock's Eye attached to his helmet Harokin led his barbarian hordes to battle against an Asgardian outpost near Muspelheim. As they rode into battle against this final outpost Harokin pressed a hidden stud to activate Warlock's Eye and bath the warriors on the outpost's wall in the Warlock's Eye's beam, which took them down with ease.

(Thor I#130/2 - BTS) - When Thor and the Warriors Three arrived at the fallen outpost, Thor surmised that Harokin had used Warlock's Eye to achieve this goal. Thor sent the Warriors Three to free the jailed warriors from the dungeon while he dealt with Harokin. After defeating Harokin Thor posed as him to get his hands on Warlock's Eye, which he told Harokin's barbarian that they would use against Asgard.

(Thor I#131/2 - BTS) - Thor posed as Harokin and ordered two of his men to bring him Warlock's Eye to ensure their victory over the attacking Warriors Three.

(Thor I#131/2) - Volstagg, unaware of Thor's plan, followed the barbarians and attacked them while they retrieved Warlock's Eye from its hiding place in the outpost. Volstagg then took Warlock's Eye and used it against Harokin's barbarians, stunning them with a beam from Warlock's Eye. Volstagg confronted Harokin, who was still secretly impersonated by Thor, with Warlock's Eye and ordered him to surrender. Thor ended the ruse, took Warlock's Eye from Volstagg and then threatened Harokin's hordes with its power. They quickly surrendered.

BTS - Thor and the Warriors Three apparently delivered Warlock's Eye to Odin in Asgard.


(Thor V#1 (fb) - BTS) - During the destruction of Asgardia many weapons from Odin's vault got scattered across the realms. Warlock's Eye landed on Earth and was discovered by the Disciples of Cyttorak. They planned to use the mind-controlling powers of Warlock's Eye to conquer Earth.

(Thor V#1) - Thor retrieved Warlock's Eye from the Crimson Temple in Thailand. Hunted by the Disciples of Cyttorak, Thor ended up cornered on a cliff and forced to fight Cyttorak's champion Juggernaut (Cain Marko). After defeating Juggernaut, Thor left with Warlock's Eye in his hands.

   With Warlock's Eye under his arm Thor returned to Asgard to tell the dwarves that he needed more hammers (Mjolnir was gone at the time) after he had destroyed all their hammers battling the Juggernaut.

   Thor later left Asgard with Warlock's Eye and took it to the Bronx in New York where many refugees from the Nine Realms resided at the time, including Thor's mother. He met with Jane Foster, who congratulated Thor on retrieving Warlock's Eye and then told him about the possible location of another missing from Odin's weapons vault.

(War of the Realms#3) - Warlock's Eye ended up in storage in the armory at Avengers Mountain.

Comments: Created by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby & Vince Colletta.

At this point Warlock's Eye has more of a "history" outside comics with cameos in movies (Thor (2011) & Thor: Ragnarok (2017)), video games (Marvel Heroes (2013) & Marvel Contest of Champions (2014)), cartoons (Marvel's Avengers Assemble, actually used by Harokin in Season 3, Episode 15) and a Disneyland ride (Guardians of the Galaxy - Mission: BREAKOUT!).

It also appeared in the all ages comic Marvel Universe Avengers: Ultron Revolution#8 (2016).

Profile by Markus Raymond.

Warlock's Eye has no known connections to:

images: (without ads)
Thor I#131, p20, pan2 (main)
Thor I#129, p21, pan2 (as part of Harokin's helmet)
Thor V#1, p5, pan5 (retrieved from Disciples of Cyttorak)

Thor I#129/2-131/2 (June-August, 1966) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Jack Kirby (pencils), Vince Colletta (inks)
Thor V#1 (August, 2018) - Jason Aaron (writer), Michael Del Mundo (artist), Wil Moss (editor)
War of the Realms#3 (July, 2019) - Jason Aaron (writer), Russell Dauterman (artist), Wil Moss (editor)

First Posted: 08/28/2023
Last updated: 08/28/2023

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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