main image


Real Name: Derek Weems

Identity/Class: Normal human

Occupation: Artist (visual medium)

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: None

Enemies: Joshua Carstairs, creatures of Dimension X

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Dimension X;
   formerly unrevealed (likely a major city in the USA)

First Appearance: Strange Tales I#97/5 (June, 1962)

Powers/Abilities: Derek Weems is an accomplished conventional artist in the painting medium, but with little inspiration. Hungry for fame, he is willing to resort to theft and mimicry for success.

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 165 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark brown


(Strange Tales I#97/5 (fb) - BTS) - Derek Weems completed many conventional-style paintings, but struggled to sell them on the street. Weems grew jealous of successful modern artists with one artist particularly--Joshua Carstairs--gaining his ire, because of his apparently bizarre style of portraiture, which garnered much praise and attention.

(Strange Tales I#97/5) - Several weeks passed and Weems had not sold any paintings, but heard much passing talk of Carstairs' art. He visited a Carstairs exhibition and wished for his sales, even thinking to steal Carstairs' art and pass it off as his own. Weems felt dejected, thinking no one would believe he had such talent. A few days later, he overheard someone talk of visiting Carstairs' home and a locked room. Intrigued and desperate to discover the artist's secret inspiration, Weems found and followed Carstairs home. Waiting until Carstairs left, Weems broke in, found the secluded room and smashed the lock. Weems entered what initially appeared to be an empty room, but proved to be an inescapable dimensional bridge to Dimension X. The bizarre beings of Dimension X pulled him across and Weems realized that Carstairs' paintings were actually portraits of these beings. These Dimension X creatures demanded Weems pose for their paintings; stranded, Weems obliged.

(Weird Wonder Tales#21/1) - Dr. Druid later recounted the story of Derek Weems.


Comments: Created by uncredited writer & Gene Colan.

This story was later reprinted in Weird Wonder Tales #21/1 with panels shuffled to allow a full-page introduction by Dr. Druid. The story was also more colorful in the WWT version, particularly in Weems' search and transition into Dimension X.

The Dimension X denizens (and hence Carstairs' style of art) are reminiscent of Spanish painter Picasso's Cubist and Surrealist periods.

There have been other denizens of a "Dimension X", such as in Strange Tales I#80 showing an unseen alien dimension inhabited by weird and aggressive multi-armed humanoids. Likewise, there was the Overlord of Dimension X and his Evil Clowns, presented in Slapstick I#1. It has yet to be revealed if they are the one dimension or a generic term used by several species to describe their own dimension (or just the translation in English/Earth language).

This Dimension X seems to sustain the human Weems, as it's not mentioned that he hungers or needs sleep.

Grand Comics Database suggests that writer may be Stan Lee or Larry Lieber.

If the Muse (Blonde Phantom foe) is an abstract entity from another dimension ("realm of abstract perception"), then perhaps it is the same as Dimension X.
---John Holstein

Profile by Grendel Prime.

Derek Weems has no known connections to:

Creatures of Dimension X

The beings in Dimension X had various bizarre forms compared to humans. Earth artist Joshua Carstairs had a bridge hidden away in his house to their dimension and traveled there to paint their portraits. Thinking his artwork original and visionary, Earth audiences lauded Carstairs' work, but this diminished the efforts of struggling artists like Derek Weems, who became jealous of Carstairs' success. Weems broke into Carstairs' house, hoping to discover the secret to Carstair's inspiration, but unwittingly crossed the dark and misty bridge to Dimension X, with its denizens pulling him across. Unable to cross back, the creatures of Dimension X forced him to pose as they attempted to paint his likeness.







--Strange Tales I#97/5

images: (without ads)
Weird Wonder Tales #21/1, p4, pan5 (main image)
Strange Tales I#97/5, p2, pan3 (headshot)
Strange Tales I#97/5, p5, pan5 (Dimension X beings with Weems (at right))

Strange Tales I#97/5 (June, 1962) - uncredited writer, Gene Colan (pencils & inks), Stan Lee (editor)
Weird Wonder Tales #21/1 - uncredited writer, Gene Colan (pencils & inks), John Tartaglione
(modifications, pencils & inks), Roger Stern (editor)

First posted: 02/11/2025
Last updated: 02/11/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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