Real Name: Presumably Weezhil
Identity/Class: Terrestrial
fauna (weasel) mutate (New Men) relocated to extraterrestrial worlds
(including the High Evolutionary's Counter-Earth)
Occupation: Agent of/aide to the Man-Beast;
Group Membership: New Men; specifically the Man-Beast's New Men (Barachuudar, Cobrah, Haukk, Kohbra, Lizhardus, Monck, Phrogg, Pih-Junn, Rhodan, Snakar, Triax the Terrible, others)
Affiliations: Man-Beast,
Enemies: High Evolutionary (Herbert Edgar Wyndham), Hulk (Bruce Banner), Porcunius and his New Men opposing the Man-Beast's agenda (Eaglus, others unidentified), Sir Ram, Recorder #211, US Air Force of the High-Evolutionary's Counter-Earth (notably including General Ross), Adam Warlock;
| presumably Count Tagar, Knights of Wundagore (notably Sir Lepard, Sir Lyan, Sir Ossilot, and other unidentified Knights), Thor Odinson;
possibly the Beyonders, Prime Movers of Tarkus, Sphinxor, Thanos
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None known
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
formerly active within underground laboratory base below Washington, D.C., on the High Evolutionary's Counter-Earth;
at least formerly various hidden base on the High Evolutionary's Counter-Earth;
presumably formerly Wundagore-3;
formerly somewhere in the galaxy Dromisana;
presumably created in the High Evolutionary's Citadel of Science atop Mount Wundagore, Transia;
First Appearance: (Possible first appearance, behind-the-scenes) Thor I#135 (December, 1966);
(confirmed, identified) Incredible Hulk II#176 (June, 1974)
Powers/Abilities: A weasel evolved into humanoid form, Weezhil had elongated ears and sharp teeth. He had humanoid hands and nails, without sharp claws like a weasel.
Like many New Men, he presumably possessed enhanced strength, speed and/or reflexes.
He was experienced with a handgun as well as a rocket-launcher-type weapon.
(Thor I#135 - BTS / Quicksilver I#9 (fb)) - Locking
himself within the
Evolutionary's genetic laboratory in his Citadel of Science atop Mount
Wundagore, the Man-Beast used his evolutionary ray (presumably still
powered by Isotope C) to create a number of his own New Men, presumably including Weezhil.
(Thor I#135 - BTS) - The Man-Beast and his New Men engaged Thor and
the Evolutionary and his Knights of Wundagore.
Thor subdued the Man-Beast, and Count Tagar and the Knights forced the rest of the
New Men into the Evolutionary's Star Chamber, which then transported
them to the "galaxy Dromisana" (see comments).
The Man-Beast then using the High Evolutionary's machinery to guide the newly developed humanity on Counter-Earth to commit the violent crimes the High Evolutionary had sought to prevent. The High Evolutionary revived and attacked the Man-Beast, who summoned his New Men (apparently including Weezhil to aid him. Though the High Evolutionary stopped them as well, the distraction allowed the Man-Beast to strike down the Evolutionary with a psychic blast. Before the Man-Beast could slay the Evolutionary, however, Him -- the creation of the Enclave whom the Evolutionary had rescued from space -- rushed to attack the New Men. The Man-Beast teleported himself and his followers down to Counter-Earth, and the Evolutionary considered destroying his now-tainted world, but Him convinced the Evolutionary to allow him to track down the Man-Beast and to save humanity. The Evolutionary gave Him the Soul Gem and sent him to Counter-Earth with the new name of Adam Warlock.
(Marvel Premiere#2 (fb) - BTS) - The Man-Beast and his New Men established the base of Wundagore-3.
(Warlock I#1 - BTS) - The High Evolutionary altered Counter-Earth so that it vibrated on a different plane, a mere micro-second out of sync with the rest of the dimension, so that a rocket from Earth approaching Counter-Earth could neither see nor be seen by Counter-Earth.
(Incredible Hulk II#158 (fb) -
BTS) - After the Man-Beast dissolved into mist to escape de-evolution
by Adam Warlock (although he secretly possessed Rex Carpenter), Kohbra
assumed leadership of the New Men and plotted to conquer Counter-Earth.
Porcunius led a rebel group of New Men who sought only acceptance, not dominance.
(Incredible Hulk II#158 - BTS) - Weezhil was presumably present with Kohbra's forces in assaulting Porcunius' forces, drawing the attention of the US military, and allying with the Rhino against Porcunius' forces' ally, the Hulk. After the two aliens were sent back to their own world, both groups of New Men fled to escape the US military.
(Incredible Hulk I#176 (fb) - BTS) - Adam
Warlock was defeated and taken captive by the Man-Beast who had
him brought to an underground base where his agent Lizhardus tortured
him to break his spirit.
Comments: Created by Roy Thomas, Gil Kane, and Dan Adkins.
As far as I know, there is not
anything that indicates that the Man-Beast was able to create
additional New Men on his own without the High Evolutionary's
evolutionary ray, which would indicate that Weezhil was likely created and present in Thor I#135.
In fact, the Man-Beast specifically notes, referring
to Barachuudar, Cobrah, Snakar & Weezhil, that the High
Evolutionary had exiled each of them.
I am listing Weezhil as
behind-the-scenes in Thor I#135, etc.
The New Men face order is definitely Cobrah, Barachuudar, Snakar, Weezhil...and I think the human face order is Cobrah, Snakar, Barachuudar, Weezhil. |
Additionally, the coloring was
very different between Incredible Hulk II#176 and in #177-178. Weezhil
was not too affected by this, but his fur was orange in #176 and light
brown in #177-178.
In #176, his uniform was all green, but in #177 it
was a red tunic with silver/metallic armbands and neck piece. The
patterns otherwise match.
It IS possible that he changed outfits (and dyed his
fur) between the Hulk being knocked out and reverting to Banner in #176
and the New Men carrying him toward the White House in #177, and they
likely took a short flight to get back to the White House.
The appearance in #177-178 is way cooler.
I think the coloring was off with these guys in #176 for some reason.
I took the image of the Hulk throwing Weezhil in
#177 and flipped it 180 degrees to show what his uniform looked like in
the latter two issues...and what I think it should have looked like in
To the best of my knowledge, Weezhil did not appear after the battle in Incredible Hulk II#178
Assuming Weezhil did
not perish at some point earlier, he was presumably
present on
Counter-Earth when Sphinxor and the Prime Movers took the world for the
Beyonders' museum circa Marvel Two-In-One I#61-64 (1980)...and when
Counter-Earth was apparently destroyed by the Infinity
Gauntlet-possessing Thanos (as revealed circa Warlock and the Infinity
Watch#4 (1992).
I am not really certain what the deal is with the
Counter-Earth that appeared circa Uncanny Avengers II#1 (2015), but I
do not believe Weezhil was seen with them.
Weasels are typically long and lanky, like a ferret or an otter...Weezhil was pretty stocky.
It's really
tempting to give this guy a real name like Pollyshur....after the
actor/comedian Pauly Shore, aka the Wee-zill...
Profile by Snood.
Weezhil should be distinguished from:
Thor I#135 (December, 1966) - Stan
"The Man" Lee (writer/editor), Jack "King" Kirby (penciler), Vince "The
Prince" Colletta (inker) - BTS; presumed
Marvel Premiere#1-2 (April-May, 1972) - Roy Thomas (writer),
Gil Kane (pencils), Dan Adkins (inks), Stan Lee (editor) - BTS; presumed
Warlock I#1 (August, 1972) - Roy Thomas (plot),
Mike Friedrich (script), Gil Kane (pencils), Tom Sutton (inker), Stan Lee (editor) - BTS; presumed
Warlock I#2 (October, 1972) - Roy Thomas (plot),
Mike Friedrich (script), John Buscema, Tom Sutton & Gil Kane (pencils), Tom Sutton (inker), Stan Lee (editor) - BTS; presumed
Incredible Hulk II#158 (December, 1972) - Roy Thomas
(plot/editor), Steve Gerber (writer), Herb Trimpe (penciler), Sal
Trapani (inker) - BTS; presumed
Incredible Hulk II#176-177 (June-July, 1974) - Gery Conway (writer), Herb Trimpe (penciler), Jack Abel (inker), Roy Thomas (editor)
Incredible Hulk II#178 (August, 1974) - Gery
Conway (plotter), Tony Isabella (script), Steve Gerber (writer), Herb
Trimpe (penciler), Jack Abel (inker), Roy Thomas (editor; also conceived story)
All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z#8 (August, 2006) - Jeff Christiansen (head writer/coordinator), Sean McQuaid, Stuart Vandal, Ronald Byrd, Michael Hoskin, Mark O'English, Chris Biggs, Eric J. Moreels, Mike Fichera, Al Sjoerdsma, Barry Reese, Chad Anderson, Madison Carter, Anthony Flamini & Rich Green (writers), Michael Short (assistant editor), Jeff Youngquist & Jennifer Grunwald (editors)
First posted: 12/14/2024
Last updated: 12/15/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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