main image


Real Name: Gail Wentworth

Identity/Class: Normal human

Occupation: Unrevealed

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Dick Harper, Sally Wentworth

Enemies: None

Known Relatives: Sally Wentworth (sister)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Unrevealed town/city in the USA

First Appearance: Teen-Age Romance#83/3 (September, 1961)

Powers/Abilities: Gail Wentworth was winsome in appearance, but displayed no special abilities.

Height: 5'3"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond


(Teen-Age Romance#83/3 (fb) - BTS) - Her whole junior life, Sally Wentworth felt she lived in the shadow of her old sister Sally, who enjoyed success and attention, especially singing and romance in their small town.

(Teen-Age Romance#83/3 (fb)) - Although she felt sidelined in life, she warmly farewelled her sister as she left for singing audition in New York City. Men whom Sally had dated came up to her to talk about Sally's singing success or seek her number, and Gail became tired of it. Eventually Sally invited Gail to New York and showed her around, soon introducing her music arranger Dick Harper; Gail was instantly attracted to Dick. He visited the sisters' apartment to go over Sally's music compositions, but Gail's conversations with Dick were cut short when Sally was ready to sing. Thinking Sally was dating Dick, Gail became upset and fled back home, desiring Dick over the following weeks. Eventually the recording sessions ended and Dick went to Gail's house, much to her surprise. He declared that he saw something special in her, and they resolved the confusion and revealed their true feelings for each other.

(Teen-Age Romance#83/3) - Some time later and having married, Gail and Dick cuddled together in their home and watched Sally on television.



Gail Wentworth had the same distinctive double dimples like MJ Watson.

This story was reprinted in My Love II#8/3 (November, 1970) (which is where the images are from) and #14/4 (November, 1971) (the latter with recolored brown (and wavy) hair for Gail and red hair for Sally), but with minor art modifications to make the clothes seem contemporary. Thanks to Grand Comics Database for the basic info, which adds Stan Lee and Larry Lieber as the likely writers.

These romance stories often had the flavor of the time in which they were written, and nothing else to tie them into Marvel's sliding timescale. As such, it's likely that the stories took place at the time of publication rather than being part of the sliding timescale.

Profile by Grendel Prime.

Gail Wentworth has no known connections to:

Dick Harper

Dick Harper was renown music arranger in New York City. New talent Sally Wentworth joined with him in recording music. Sally invited her younger sister Gail to visit and the two were quickly but quietly drawn to each other. He visited the sisters' apartment over the next few days organizing compositions, his conversations with Gail cut short to work musically with Sally. One day, Gail grew upset at again being in Sally's shadow, thinking that Sally was dating Dick, and Gail fled back to her small home town. Once the recording with Sally was complete, Dick went to Sally and declared that he saw something special in her, and they revealed their true feelings for each other. They later married and watched Sally's success on television together.







--Teen-Age Romance#83/3

Sally Wentworth

Taller than her younger sister Gail, Sally Wentworth received praise and attention, especially with her singing coaching; Gail felt sad living in her sister's shadow. She gained attention from the lads in the small town where she grew up, but her voice gained her an audition and recording contract in New York City and she moved there. She eventually invited her sister to visit and Gail was excited. Sally introduced Gail to her music arranger Dick Harper and Gail was immediately drawn to him. But the younger sister again saw Sally receive the attention and fled the sister in tears, returning home. Sally continued recording with Dick's help. Once complete, Dick romantically coupled with Gail while Sally rose to further success.







--Teen-Age Romance#83/3

images: (without ads)
My Love II#8/3, p2, pan5 (main image)
   p3, pan2 (headshot)
   p5, pan5 (Harper)
   p4, pan3 (Sally)

Teen-Age Romance#83/3 (September, 1961) - uncredited writer, Don Heck (pencils & inks), Stan Lee (editor)

First posted: 02/14/2024 - Happy Valentine's Day!

Last updated: 02/14/2024

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