Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Netherworld of Otherworld)

Occupation: Agent of Necromon

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Doomwraiths, Necromon

Enemies: Black Knight (Dane Whitman), Captain Britain (Brian Braddock)

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: Death

Base of Operations: Otherworld

First Appearance: Hulk Comic#20 (Marvel UK; July 18th, 1979)

Powers/Abilities: The White Rider of Death was a rotting skeleton animated by the Netherking Necromon. He wielded a flail and sword as weapons and could ride a horse.

It is unknown whether he could think and talk by himself or if Necromon merely used him like a puppet.

Height: Unrevealed (6'; by approximation)
Weight: Unrevealed (25 lbs.; by approximation)
Eyes: Red
Fur: None

(Hulk Comic#20) - After Captain Britain cracked open the door to Otherworld, the White Rider of Death rode on a horse out the door. Introduced by one of the Doomwraiths, the White Rider made sure to let Captain Britain know that he was also known as Death and was there to claim his soul.

(Hulk Comic#21) - White Rider hit Captain Britain with his flail and was already celebrated by the Doomwraiths as the sure winner, but Captain Britain blocked the second blow with his quarterstaff. With the flail's chain wrapped around his quarterstaff, Captain Britain pulled the White Rider down from his horse. Captain Britain now realized that the White Rider was merely a physical being animated by a demonic will. He smelled the White Rider's rotting flesh and gave him a beating with the quarterstaff until the arrival of the Black Knight and his flying horse Valinor distracted him. The White Rider took the opportunity to stab Captain Britain through the heart with a sword to kill him. Shocked by Captain Britain's death the Black Knight went after his murderer, shattered his sword and then cut through the animated skeleton with Excalibur to destroy it.

Comments: Created by Steve Parkhouse, Paul Neary & John Stokes.

Hulk Comic was a black & white Marvel UK that included mostly reprints, but also the excellent Siege of Camelot storyline featuring Captain Britain and Black Knight. The only time we saw the White Rider's red eyes was on the cover of the issue.

It was never specifically stated that Necromon was the one controlling the White Rider, but he was the big bad of the storyline and pretty much everyone on the way to Necromon was one of his agents.

Profile by Markus Raymond.

Oool has no known connection to:

images (without ads)
Hulk Comic#20, p3, pan8 (main)
Hulk Comic#20, p3, pan7 (head shot)
Hulk Comic#20, Cover (in color)

Hulk Comic#20-21 (July 18th-25th, 1979) - Steve Parkhouse (writer), Paul Neary (pencils), John Stokes (inks), Dez Skinn (editor)

First Posted: 10/13/2024
Last updated: 10/13/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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