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Real Name: Rahne Sinclair

Identity/Class: Alternate Earth (Earth-92131) human mutant

Occupation: Government operative

Group Membership: X-Factor (Forge/Daniel, Havok/Alex Summers, Multiple Man, Polaris/Lorna Dane, Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff, Strong Guy/Guido Carosella)

Affiliations: Iceman (Robert Drake), X-Men (Beast/Hank McCoy, Cyclops/Scott Summers, Jubilee/Jubilation Lee, Professor X/Charles Xavier, Wolverine/Logan)

Enemies: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: X-Factor Headquarters

First Appearance: X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Cold Comfort" (February 4, 1995)

Powers/Abilities: Wolfsbane is a mutant with the ability to transform herself into a wolf or into a transitional state that combines human and lupine aspects, which is often referred to as a werewolf form. In both forms, she benefits from enhanced senses, including acute hearing, smell, and night vision. Her physical abilities are also significantly boosted, providing her with superior strength, agility, speed, and durability. While in her hybrid form, she retains her human intellect, combining the advantages of both her wolf and human traits.

Height: human form: 5'2"; transitional form: 8'; lupine form; 12' (presumably same as her 616 counterpart)
Weight: human form:110 lbs.; transitional form: 410 lbs.; lupine form; 1050 lbs. (presumably same as her 616 counterpart)
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red


(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Cold Comfort") - Wolfsbane was grafted onto the government-financed mutant team X-Factor alongside Forge, Havok, Multiple Man, Polaris, Quicksilver and Strong Guy.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Cold Comfort" (fb) - BTS) - When Forge noticed X-Man Jubilee and former X-Man Iceman broke into their training facility he and X-Factor quickly subdued the duo and tied them to chairs. Wolfsbane and X-Factor were unaware that Jubilee had joined Iceman in search of his former girlfriend Polaris who'd become a member of X-Factor after being recruited by Forge in Seattle. But when Forge then witnessed the arrival of X-Men Professor X, Beast, Cyclops and Wolverine, in search of Jubilee and Iceman, he decided a friendly little skirmish with the X-Men could teach X-Factor some good pointers.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Cold Comfort") - Just as Beast, Cyclops and Wolverine revealed their presence to Jubilee and Iceman, planning to apprehend the ice-like mutant, Wolfsbane and X-Factor revealed their presence. Eager to test their skills against the X-Men, X-Factor immediately attacked the heroes. During a fierce battle Wolfsbane quickly transformed into her transitional form and jumped Beast but was easily kicked into a large crate. While Jubilee was stuck in Quicksilver's whirlwind she managed to take out Havok with her fireworks. This prompted Xavier to command his X-Men to switch targets after which Beast threw Wolfsbane into Quicksilver, leading to X-Factor's defeat. In the end Forge and Polaris appeared, revealing Polaris wasn't truly missing but had joined with X-Factor and fallen in love with Havok, Forge introduced himself and the team to the X-Men. Cyclops and the X-Men expressed they'd be eager for a rematch after which Iceman and the X-Men left the X-Factor's training facility.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Sanctuary - Part II") - Wolfsbane and X-Factor were part of the many recipients of a global transmission sent by mutant supremacist Fabian Cortez from Asteroid M. Cortez called for the immediate release of all mutants from captivity and pay restitution for human crimes against them, a feat which the inhabitants of Asteroid M celebrated. Others who viewed the message were the siblings Haven and Monsoon, Externals Gideon and Saul, and US President Robert Kelly. In the end, Magneto destroyed Asteroid M's active warheads, defeated Cortez and in a mighty show of force destroyed Asteroid M.

(X-Men '97: The Animated Series cartoon - "Lifedeath - Part I" - BTS) - Forge kept a photograph of his X-Factor team in his home, which included Wolfsbane.

Comments: Created by Chris Claremont and Bob McLeod;
    adapted by Len Uhley and AKOM Productions. (see Appearances list for full list of artists)

When, in 2015's Secret Wars, the Multiverse was destroyed following the incursions of planets it appeared as if Reality-92131 was drafted onto Battleworld as the Westchester domain. However, this has since been debunked. As such the reality seen in the two volumes of X-Men '92 (2015 and 2016-2017) now have their own reality-designation of Earth-15730. The X-Men '92: House of XCII (2022) series was inspired by both the animated series and Hickman's House of X run but is its own separate reality. The limited series X-Men '97 (2024), however, is Reality-92131 and bridges the gap between the original X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon and the new X-Men '97: The Animated Series cartoon.

Profile by MarvellousLuke

Wolfsbane has no known connections to

images: (without ads)
X-Men The Art and Making of The Animated Series book, p171 (main image, digitally colored by MarvellousLuke)
X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Cold Comfort" (attacking Beast)

X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Cold Comfort" (February 4, 1995) - Len Uhley (writer), Frank Brunner, Mark Lewis (model design), Darrel Bowen, Russell Chong, Mark Lewis, Steve Olds, Frank Squillace (prop design), Cesar Magsombol, Frank Squillace, Wayne Schultz, Zhaoping Wei (layout design), Patricia Mendelson (color key), Philip Kim, Dennis Venizelos (color background), Patrick Archibald, Francis Barrios, Romeo Francisco, Curt Geda, Greg Garcia, Adrian Gonzales, Rick Hoberg, Larry Houston, Jim James, Doug Murphy, Tom Nesbitt, Frank Squillace, Michael Swanigan, Dan Veesenmeyer (storyboard directors), Patrico Aganasin, Abel Laxamana, Mark Lewis, Romeo Lopez, Tec Manalac, Andre Nieves, Phil Stapleton (storyboard cleanup), AKOM Productions (animation studio), Eric Lewald (story editor)
X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Sanctuary - Part II" (October 28, 1995) - Jeff Saylor (writers), Frank Brunner, Mark Lewis (model design), Darrel Bowen, Russel Chong, Mark Lewis, Steve Olds, Frank Squillace (prop design), Cesar Magsombol, Frank Squillace, Wayne Schulz, Zhaoping Wei (layout design), Trish Mendelson (color key), Philip Kim, Dennis Venizelos (color backgrounds), Sue Peters (animation director), Patrick Archibald, Francis Barrios, Romeo Francisco, Curt Geda, Greg Garcia, Adrian Gonzales, Rick Hoberg, Larry Houston, Jim Janes, Doug Murphy, Tom Nesbitt, Frank Squillace, Michael Swanigan, Dan Veesenmeyer (storyboards), Patrico Aganasin, Abel Laxamana, Mark Lewis, Romeo Lopez, Tec Manalac, Andre Nieves, Phil Stapleton (storyboard cleanup), AKOM Productions (animation studio), Sharon Janis (editor), Tifany Lenhart (assistant editor)
X-Men '97: The Animated Series cartoon - "Lifedeath - Part I" (April 3, 2024) - Beau DeMayo, Charley Feldman (writers), Chase Conley (director), Roger Oda (art director), David Maximo (assistant director), Naseer Pasha (animation lead), Jarret Ballard, Christopher Graybill, Marisa Ledina, Anthony Martin, Russell McCoy, David Miller III (composite artists), Marty Walker (lead retake animator), John Berry, Fabian Corona, Allister Jones, Chayadoll Lomtong, Daisy Schofield (retake animators), Jon Davies (pixel animator), Walter Kim, Derek Kosol, Mark Taihei, Adri Torres (prop designers), Martin Britt, Jerry Gaylord, Ibraheem Jara (storyboard artists), Justin Brown, Amber Blade Jones, Jordan Willis (storyboard revisionists), Marvel Studios (animation), Beau DeMayo, Victoria Alonso, Louis D'Esposito, Kevin Feige, Brad Winderbaum (executive producer), Dana Vasquez-Eberhard (co-executive producter)

First Posted: 06/26/2024
Last Updated: 06/26/2024

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