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Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Alternate Earth (Earth-295), human mutant, citizen of the United States

Occupation: Hunter

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Apocalypse (En Sabah Nur), Dark Beast (Hank McCoy), Denver Bandits (Carlo, unidentified others), Holocaust (Nemesis)

Enemies: X-Men (Colossus/Peter Rasputin, Gambit/Remy LeBeau, Iceman/Bobby Drake, Magneto/Erik Magnus Lensherr, Rogue/Anna Marie Lensherr, Sabretooth/Victor Creed, Storm/Ororo Munroe, Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff-Lensherr)

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: "Ugly" (nickname used by Iceman)

Base of Operations: Mobile throughout the United States

First Appearance: X-Men Chronicles I#2 (June, 1995)

Powers/Abilities: Wolverine was a genetically altered mutant who possessed numerous abilities. He had super strength (class 50, potentially more), enhanced reflexes and durability. He was an expert long range tracker with senses keen enough to hone in on a target's scent and follow it for hundreds of miles. Through unrevealed ways, he could cause adrenaline levels to surge in others which clouded their minds and gave them increased strength. The process made them subservient to his wishes. His eyes burned bright red when he used this power on others. In battle, he wielded two massive, arm-mounted blades that effortlessly cut through flesh and stone. He was ruthless, cunning and calculating and had no qualms about killing.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 7'3")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 500 lbs.)
Eyes: Red
Hair: Black


(X-Men Chronicles I#2 (fb) - BTS) - The ferocious mutant Wolverine was personally enhanced by Dark Beast. In Apocalypse's service, he became a killer considered the best on the planet by Holocaust who frequently called on his services (see comments).

(X-Men Chronicles I#2) - Wolverine was aiding Holocaust in the culling of Spokane, Washington. When the job was completed, Holocaust had a new mission for him. Word had reached the Horseman that Jean Grey and Weapon X had left the X-Men. Realizing his enemy Magneto was now vulnerable, Holocaust ordered Wolverine to further demoralize him. Wolverine was to track down Magneto, determine who was closest to him and then make him watch as Holocaust killed that person in front of his eyes. Their talk was interrupted by a survivor who, mad with grief, attacked the murderers of his family. Wolverine apologized for missing one and quickly ended the man's life before setting out.

(X-Men Chronicles I#2) - Days later, Wolverine caught up with Magneto who had taken the X-Men on a mission to Denver, Colorado to deal with a horde of bandits. He observed the team's fight against the bandits and used his powers on two unsuspecting gang members. He gave them power ups and sent them against Magneto. One of them managed to draw blood by throwing a non-metallic knife at him. This led to Gambit ordering a strategic retreat, which made Wolverine realize something. He and Holocaust had figured Magneto was closest to his son Quicksilver, instead it was either Gambit or possibly Rogue. After killing the bandits' leader, he forcibly took charge of the gang.

(X-Men Chronicles I#2) - Using his superior tracking skills, Wolverine followed the X-Men's scent back to their New Mexico headquarters. Wolverine led his hopped up band of bandits through the Rocky Mountains, hot on the trail of the X-Men's scent. When they reached the compound, one overly zealous gang member couldn't wait to attack, causing Wolverine to quickly kill him off. They were to wait and carry out his plans to the letter.

(X-Men Chronicles I#2 - BTS) - Later that night, after Magneto had finished a training session with the X-Men, Wolverine had his bandits attack the compound head on. The X-Men opposed the intruders, with Sabretooth taking charge and loving every minute. Magneto and Rogue remained to the side for a minute to discuss their emerging feelings for each other.

(X-Men Chronicles I#2) - Magneto and Rogue failed to notice Wolverine had approached them from behind. He downed Magneto and got ready to kill Rogue to fulfill his mission. Gambit intervened, allowing Magneto time to recover and capture their opponent in a magnetic field. This angered Wolverine so much, he was now ready to ignore Holocaust's plans altogether. He broke free and moved in to kill both Magneto and Gambit, forcing Rogue to decide who she wanted to save most. She picked Magneto and carried him to safety, leaving Gambit to fend for himself. Remy was saved when the X-Men joined the fight.

(X-Men Chronicles I#2) - The X-Men tried their best to stop Wolverine, but were ultimately defeated by the villain who admitted to Rogue and the still unconscious Magneto that he had fun. He then returned to the business at hand, offering Rogue a deal: if she agreed to let him kill her while Magneto watched, he'd spare his life. Once again, Gambit intervened. He shoved a sizeable rock in the villain's belt which was already fully charged with kinetic energy. Before Wolverine could act, it launched him off the mountain and caused him to crash in the valley below.

He never returned to challenge the X-Men again.

Comments: Created by Len Wein, John Romita, and Roy Thomas;
  adapted by Howard Mackie, Ian Churchill, Scott Hanna, Al Vey, Bob Wiackek, and Steve Moncuse

To paraphrase the punchline of the late Gilbert Gottfried's classic Ben Gazarra bit: "Wolverine's a good mass murderer... why can't he be a Horseman?"

Wolverine is good enough, strong enough and doggone it, people like him... If for no other reason than the fact he creates his own thralls with a touch. Someone like that would not be comfortable serving as an underling for too long. Perhaps Hank McCoy bred some basic subservience into him, otherwise he would have been a top contender for the Horseman position.

The man took on an entire team of X-Men without breaking a sweat, so it's hard to believe a little fall could kill him... But that's what happens when you run out of pages in a one-shot that was never about the villain anyway. Wolverine was a means to an end and there was no end to his meanness.

Unlike most characters from Age of Apocalypse, Wolverine does not have a known 616 counterpart, no matter what the name would have you believe.

One wonders why Howard Mackie decided to name this one-off character after one of the company's best known heroes. Bit of an inside joke, I suppose.

Profile by Norvo

Wolverine of Earth-295 should not be confused with

Denver bandits
(Carlo and unidentified others)

A group of Denver based human thugs who ran a protection racket: terrorizing the population by claiming they protected them from mutants. Magneto took his X-Men to Denver to take care of them, but they were caught up in the machinations of Holocaust's servant Wolverine. He used his powers to enhance the strength of Carlo and another bandit, sending them against Magneto. They actually managed to wound the X-Men's leader with a non-metallic blade, which led to the team retreating. Realizing the bandits might serve his purpose, Wolverine took control of the group after killing their leader. He used his adrenaline manipulation powers to increase their strength and make them even more bloodthirsty before leading them to the X-Men's compound in New Mexico. There, they kept the X-Men busy while he focused on his real mission: killing the one person Magneto held most dear. The X-Men made short work of the bandits.

--X-Men Cronicles I#2

Images: (without ads)
X-Men Chronicles I#2, p19, pan3 (main)
X-Men Chronicles I#2, p8, pan3 (missed one)
X-Men Chronicles I#2, p14, pan3 (empowering bandits)
X-Men Chronicles I#2, p42, pans1&2 (death)
X-Men Chronicles I#2, p12, pan1 (Denver bandits)

X-Men Chronicles I#2 (June, 1995) - Howard Mackie (writer), Ian Churchill (pencils), Scott Hanna, Al Vey, Bob Wiacek, Steve Moncuse (inks), Kelly Corvese (editor)

First Posted: 01/03/2025
Last Updated: 01/06/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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