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Real Name: Mary Wong

Identity/Class: Normal human (late 1940s era)

Occupation: High school student

Group Membership:

Affiliations: Sz-to Wai, Yeh Chung-yu

Enemies: Joe, "tough boy" (name unrevealed)

Known Relatives: Sam Wong (father)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: New York City, USA

First Appearance: Junior Miss II#26/6 (September, 1947)

Powers/Abilities: Mary Wong is a dedicated high school, but one who has become tired of overt and unintended racism.

Height: Unrevealed
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black


(Junior Miss II#26/6 (fb) - BTS) - Mary Wong was born and raised in the USA; her father was Chinese born and ran a laundry in New York's Chinatown. They were friends with neighboring herb seller Sz-to Wai and banker Yeh Chung-yu. At 15, she had endured various forms of racism, from exclusion of out-of-school activities by school-only friends, expressions of curiosity, racial stereotyping by her teacher, and outright racial taunting by local boys.

(Junior Miss II#26/6) - One day upon returning home to Chinatown, she endured more aggressive racist derision from locals Joe and "tough boy". Having tolerated too much racism, yet knowing it was unfair as she was an American citizen, she asked her father if they could move elsewhere. Her father was very proud of achievements and wanted to remain. The next day, she came home from school to find the two bullies huddled with a policeman, unsure what to do about an armed thief who had robbed Yeh and was holding her father hostage. She dashed into her father's workplace and confronted the robber. Her father lay half-conscious on the floor and the villain took her hostage instead, calling her by a racist term. Angered, Mary grabbed an iron and swung it at the robber, who was later arrested. There was media attention and photos in the newspapers. The following day, she received more respect from her fellow students, and Joe and "tough boy" offered to walk her home. She cheerfully accepted, thinking all it took was just "a little something to break down the barriers" as a fellow American citizen(!).

Comments: Created by Michele Small & Christopher Rule.

A good attempt for the era for educating diversity in an otherwise white magazine; however, it still remained very white after this.

This was a text story with one image. Junior Miss was a fairly even mix of text and comic stories.

Profile by Grendel Prime.

Mary Wong has no known connections to:

images: (without ads)
Junior Miss II#26/6, p1-2

Junior Miss II#26/6 (September, 1947) - Michele Small (writer), Christopher Rule (pencils & inks), Stan Lee (editor)

First posted: 01/29/2025
Last updated: 01/29/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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