main image


Real Name: Charles Francis Xavier

Identity/Class: Alternate Earth (Earth-295), human mutant, citizen of the United States

Occupation: None, former psychologist and teacher, former soldier

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Gabrielle Haller, Erik Magnus Lensherr, Daniel Shomron, X-Men of Earth-616 (Bishop, Iceman/Bobby Drake, Psylocke/Betsy Braddock, Storm/Ororo Munroe)

Enemies: Amahl Farouk, Legion (David Haller)

Known Relatives: Cain Marko (stepbrother, deceased), Brian Xavier (father, deceased), Sharon Xavier (mother, deceased), Cassandra "Nova" Xavier (sister), David Haller-Xavier (alternate future son), Benedict Xavier (grandfather, deceased), Charles Graymalkin, Marcia Graymalkin, Jonas Graymalkin (ancestors)


Base of Operations: The Xavier estate, the Dead Zone (formerly known as Westchester, New York);
    formerly Haifa, Israel;
    formerly mobile throughout Asia;
    formerly United States

First Appearance: X-Men: Alpha I#1 (January, 1995)

Powers/Abilities: Charles Xavier was a mutant telepath who was only beginning to explore the limits of his psi potential. He could read minds, communicate telepathically and track people down by mentally homing in on their location. He could fire bolts of mental energy that could stun people and stop them in their tracks. He could project his astral self onto the Astral Plane.

Height: 6'0"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Bald (formerly blond)


(X-Men II#40 (fb) - BTS) - Following the tragedies that befell him earlier in life, including serving in the army during a military conflict in Asia, Charles Xavier wandered the Earth looking for a purpose.

(X-Men I#117 (fb) ) - In Cairo, Xavier encountered a young street urchin with white hair and blue eyes that picked his pocket. When he used his mental powers to stop her, he sensed her latent mutant talent. Before he could investigate, he was attacked by the telepath Amahl Farouk, a host of the Shadow King. This led to a tense confrontation on the Astral Plane that ended in Farouk's death. Having encountered an evil mutant made him realize how truly deadly mutant powers could be in the wrong hands.

(X-Men II#40 (fb) - BTS) - Eventually, his travels led him to Israel where he answered the call of his old friend doctor Daniel Shomron, a psychiatrist in Haifa specializing in treating traumatized victims.

(X-Men II#40 (fb) - BTS) - Daniel Shomron introduced Charles Xavier to Erik Magnus Lensherr, a white haired volunteer orderly who was amazed that Xavier was able to get through to his patient Gabrielle Haller, a young woman stuck in a permanent state of near catatonia (Xavier secretly used his telepathic powers to break down the mental barriers she had erected). The two struck up a fast friendship.

(Uncanny X-Men I#321 (fb) - BTS) - Charles Xavier began to realize he had fallen in love with Gabrielle, which he felt was an implacable ethical dilemma as a doctor.

(Uncanny X-Men I#320/X-Men II#40 (fb) - BTS) - Charles Xavier's mentally unstable son Legion decided he had to help his father by going back in time to kill his greatest enemy: Magneto. Though the X-Men tried to stop him, Legion managed to travel two decades into the past, inadvertently taking some of the X-Men with them. As a result of Legion's unorthodox temporal transfer, everyone was rendered amnesiac upon arrival. Legion was later spotted wandering the Haifa docks and taken to the local clinic.

(X-Men II#40) - Charles was surprised when Erik showed him a new lightweight wheelchair for use at the clinic. After dodging some of Charles' questions about his hidden talents, Erik agreed to meet him and Gabrielle for dinner later that night. Xavier then went out to spend time with Gabrielle.

(X-Men II#40 - BTS) - Erik continued his rounds, visiting Legion who was still admitted to the hospital, registered as a 'John Doe'. Erik spotted Charles outside courting Gabrielle, which distracted him enough for Legion to get a peek in his mind. Haller was overcome by the memories of the horrors Erik had endured. Horrified at being violated, Erik ran out of the room and went looking for Charles so he could help the boy.

(X-Men II#40) - Charles picked up his friend's distress and was ready when he approached them on the streets. He accompanied Erik back to the hospital, but when they returned to John Doe's room, they found Haller writhing in pain on the floor, projecting garbled memories of his experiences on Earth-616.

(Uncanny X-Men I#321) - Charles and Erik were so shaken by what they had witnessed in John Doe's room, they discussed it for the next several weeks without revealing that they had powers as well. One night, they went to a local bar to talk about the implications of a potential new race of homo superior when Xavier instigated a bar brawl to stop patrons from bullying a disabled street performer. With Erik's aid, Charles knocked out all the assailants. Though he admired his friend's kind heart, Erik had a hard time stomaching his naivete, especially Xavier's line "every dream worth having is a dream worth fighting for". He promised to one day carve them on his tombstone. During the ferry ride back to the hospital, Xavier asked his friend about getting involved with Gabrielle and the thorny ethical dilemmas that posed. Erik would hear nothing of it: in his opinion, Charles would be a fool if he let Haller slip away.

(Uncanny X-Men I#321 - BTS) - David Haller remembered who he was and left his hospital room to complete his mission. He encountered his mother Gabrielle and telepathically made her believe he was Charles. He then forced himself on her.

(Uncanny X-Men I#321) - When Charles Xavier picked up Gabrielle's mental distress, he and Erik hurried to her side where they found a furious, powered up Legion hovering over her unconscious body. When Legion spotted Erik, he announced that he had come to kill him before he could become the greatest villain the world has ever known.

(X-Men II#41) - Legion's attack briefly knocked out Xavier. He was revived by a very confused Gabrielle Haller who wondered if Legion's claims that he was her son could be true. Xavier confirmed her suspicions and then watched as Erik and Legion fought each other in the sky over Haifa. Xavier realized he was watching the dawn of homo superior, calling it "a genetic atomic bomb and it's exploding over our heads." He was then telepathically contacted by Earth-616's Psylocke who asked him to meet her and the other X-Men.

(X-Men II#41) - After Psylocke mentally updated him on what was going on, Xavier had a hard time believing they were all from the future until he met Storm, who he had met weeks earlier in Cairo when she tried to steal his wallet. This made him realize they were telling the truth, even about the fact Legion was his son

(X-Men II#41 - BTS) - Apocalype watched media coverage of Legion and Erik's fight. Seeing powerful mutants out in the open a decade earlier than his ally Mr. Sinister predicted, En Sabah Nur decided to launch his war against humanity immediately. 

(X-Men II#41) -
Legion was briefly taken down by the arriving Iceman who flash froze every drop of moisture in Haller's body, effectively turning him into a solid ice statue. This only allowed Erik a moment's relief, Haller soon resumed his assault and was moments away from killing him. At the last possible moment, Xavier jumped in and caught the lethal psychic blast meant for his friend. Charles instantly perished, causing the timeline to forcibly correct the temporal paradoxes his demise had caused.

(X-Men II#41 - BTS) - Holding his friend's dead body in his arms, Erik vowed to dedicate his life to honoring Charles' legacy.

(Amazing X-Men I#3 (fb) - BTS) - Erik saw to it that Charles was buried on the Xavier family estate in Westchester County.
Keeping his promise, Erik had the quote "Every dream worth having is a dream worth fighting for" put on his friend's tombstone.

(X-Calibre I#3 (fb) - BTS) - News of his stepbrother's death made Cain Marko renounce his violent, murderous ways.

Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: X-Men - Age of Apocalypse 2005 I#1) - Apocalypse declared war on mankind just as Erik was starting to work out ways to make Xavier's dream of a world where humans and mutants would live together in peace a reality. Erik began to gather a mutant army to fight off En Sabah Nur.

(Age of Apocalypse: The Chosen I#1 - BTS) - Despite the fact that Xavier was long gone by the time Apocalypse rose to power, En Sabah Nur dedicated an entry to him in his Chosen Files. Apocalypse listed him as 'forgotten', but had to concede it was somewhat of a misnomer. After all, Xavier wasn't really forgotten if two decades after his death his dreams were still the driving force behind the mutant rebellion he had to face every day. It made En Sabah Nur wonder how differently things might have turned out had Xavier lived.

(X-Men Alpha I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Magnus and Rogue named their firstborn son Charles in honor of Xavier.

(Amazing X-Men I#3) - Magneto visited Charles Xavier's grave site right before an imminent attack by Apocalypse and his Infinites. Reading the epitaph on the headstone, Magneto wondered how his old friend would feel if he knew how great the price would be for his dream of man and mutant living together in harmony. Magneto then renewed his resolve: he and his X-Men were working towards bringing about a reality in which Xavier remained alive to somehow prevent Apocalypse from taking over half the planet. Magneto's musings were interrupted by Bishop who wondered if this really was the right time to reminisce.

(X-Men Omega I#1) - Twenty years in the past, the fight between Legion, Magnus and the X-Men was interrupted by the arrival of the time traveling Bishop. Xavier watched from a distance how Bishop took down Legion and forced him to use his powers on himself. Legion was fatally wounded and slowly died in Bishop's arms. The moment he perished, the X-Men were drawn back to their own present as the timeline began to correct itself, leaving Charles and Magnus to wonder about what they had just witnessed.

(X-Men Omega I#1 - BTS) - Saving Xavier in the past did not undo Earth-295's future. After killing Apocalypse, Magneto realized the Human High Council was minutes away from bombing the Eastern Seaboard. He rushed to his wife Rogue and son Charles and held them close as the explosions approached them. Moments before the blast wave consumed them, he talked of Charles Xavier, thanking his long gone friend for changing his life. 

(Uncanny X-Force I#12 (fb) - BTS) - The X-Men eventually obtained a sample of Charles Xavier's DNA and used it to create an imperfect, mindless clone. To make use of Xavier's psi potential they connected it to Cerebro and housed it in the robotic armor of M.O.D.O.K. (see comments).

Comments: Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby;
  adapted by Fabian Nicieza, Andy Kubert and Matt Ryan.

It's a testament to the creators' restraint that they didn't find some way to bring Earth-295's Charles Xavier back. He's a telepath with access to the Astral Plane... His astral self could have survived there, no questions asked. They could also have revealed that Charles had moved inside Magnus' head in his dying moments, thus explaining why Earth-295's Magneto remained a noble do-gooder in Apocalyse's realm. Of course, this would have cheapened Magnus' character arc. As it is, Xavier serves a much stronger purpose as a symbol for lost hope.

Of course Rick Remender decided to sort-of revive the character in Uncanny X-Force when he brought in a mindless clone of Xavier shoved in a M.O.D.O.K. harness. That's pretty out there, but a year or so later Greg Pak and Mike McKone turned an alternate Xavier into a hot pink Acanti-human hybrid, so the sky's the limit.

Remender also had the clone Xavier fused with Cerebro. The actual AoA comics never mentioned the mutant seeking device, Magneto's team was relatively light on telepaths so they had limited use for it anyway. Maybe Earth-295's Charles Xavier had some preliminary notes on a mutant tracking device laying around his estate, maybe it's based on technology obtained from Apocalypse and Sinister.

Considering Earth-295's divergence point from Earth-616 is the death of Charles Xavier, this technically means that Earth-295's Charles Xavier had the same past as his Earth-616 counterpart. I've only included events confirmed on panel, like Xavier encountering Storm and the Shadow King in Egypt.

All locations mentioned are Earth-295, unless otherwise specified.

Profile by Norvo

Charles Xavier of Earth-295 should not be confused with

Images: (without ads)
Age of Apocalypse the Chosen I#1, p22, pan1 (main image)
Uncanny X-Men I#321, p3, pan5 (bar brawl)
X-Men II#41, p6, pan4 (meets future Storm)
X-Men II#41, p20, pan1 (dead)
Amazing X-Men I#3, p1, pan1 (gravesite)

X-Men I#117 (January, 1979) - Chris Claremont (writer), John Byrne (pencils), Terry Austin (inks), Roger Stern (editor)
X-Men II#40 (January, 1995) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Andy Kubert (pencils), Matt Ryan (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
Uncanny X-Men I#321 (February, 1995) - Scott Lobdell (writer), Ron Garney (pencils), Tim Townsend, Joe Rubinstein, Dan Green (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
X-Men II#41 (February, 1995) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Andy Kubert & Ron Garney (pencils), Matt Ryan (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
X-Men Chronicles I#1 (March, 1995) - Howard Mackie (writer), Terry Dodson (pencils), Klaus Janson (inks), Kelly Corvese (editor)
Astonishing X-Men I#1 (March, 1995) - Scott Lobdell (writer), Joe Madureira (pencils), Dan Green & Tim Townsend (inks), Bob Harras (editor)

Age of Apocalypse: The Chosen I#1 (April, 1995) - Ian Churchill (pencils), Scott Hanna (inks), Jaye Gardner & Kelly Corvese (editors)
X-Calibre I#3 (May, 1995) - Warren Ellis (writer), Ken Lashley (pencils), Phil Moy, Tom Wegrzyn (inks), Suzanne Gaffney (editor)
Amazing X-Men I#3 (May, 1995) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Andy Kubert (pencils), Matt Ryan (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
X-Men Omega I#1 (June, 1995) - Scott Lobdell, Mark Waid (writers), Roger Cruz (pencils), Bud LaRosa, Tim Townsend, Karl Kesel, Harry Candelario, Scott Hanna, Al Milgrom (inks), Bob Harras (editor)

Uncanny X-Force I#12 (September, 2011) - Rick Remender (writer), Mark Brooks (pencils), Mark Brooks & Andrew Currie (pencils & inks), Jody Leheup (editor)

First Posted: 01/01/2025
Last Updated: 01/06/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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