Real Name: (first name unrevealed) Wright
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: CIA agent
Group Membership: CIA Crack Squad
Affiliations: CIA
Crack Squad, Spike Freeman;
formerly X-Force
Alicar, Dead
Girl/Moonbeam, Doop, Orphan/Guy
Bob Reilly,
the Spike/Darian
U-Go Girl/Edie
Sawyer, Vivisector/Myles
Enemies: Bush Rangers (especially Tray), X-Force (Anarchist/Tike Alicar, Dead Girl/Moonbeam, Doop, Orphan/Guy Smith, Phat/Billy Bob Reilly, the Spike/Darian Elliott, U-Go Girl/Edie Sawyer, Vivisector/Myles Alfred)
Known Relatives: Louise
Wright (daughter)
Aliases: "Fool"
Base of Operations: Presumably mobile
First Appearance: X-Force I#125 (April, 2002)
Powers/Abilities: Agent
Wright had no superhuman powers but he was a skilled government agent
and a fairly skilled leader, if not somewhat cowardly when it came to
his own life being endangered.
He commanded the CIA Crack Squad, which consisted of a bunch of guys with guns.
Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'6")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 140 lbs.)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark brown
I#125 (fb) - BTS) - Agent Wright was one sixteenth Native American. As
part of the CIA, Wright was involved in a secret project in which the
CIA experimented on several Texas State Penitentiary inmate volunteers,
mutating them into the shapeshifting Bush Rangers in hopes of creating
a group of mutates subservient to the CIA.
(X-Force I#127 (fb) - BTS) - More recently, Wright
had a daughter Louise who became very ill and he learned from several
drug companies that celebrity mutant group X-Force had allowed mutant
cure-all Paco Perez
go free instead of turning him over to government custody. Angry that
X-Force had released the only possible cure his daughter Louise had and
feeling like X-Force didn't care, as their public image would be saved
by their money and fame, Agent Wright grew to hate X-Force and he began
keeping a photo of Louise on him at all times.
(X-Force I#125) - During the briefing on their latest mission, X-Force
were introduced to Agent Wright by their owner, Spike Freeman. Upon
being introduced, Agent Wright immediately claimed that he hated
everything X-Force stood for, accusing them of being the "putrid
underbelly of American society" and expressing interest in seeing
X-Force eradicated from the face of the Earth. Smiling, he then
sarcastically remarked that he hoped he and X-Force could work
together, prompting X-Force member the Spike to immediately proclaim
that he did not join X-Force to play house-servant to the CIA. When the
Spike's teammate, the Anarchist, agreed, Agent Wright ordered them both
to sit down and shut up before claiming he had to save X-Force from
their own leader, the Orphan, who had recently and deliberately
released mutant Paco Perez rather than bringing him back to the USA.
The Orphan promptly responded by backhanding Agent Wright in the face
and, as he gathered his bearings, Wright called the Orphan a spineless
jellyfish, which angered X-Forcer U-Go Girl, who teleported Wright into
the air above the Grand Canyon and dropped him. As Wright clung to U-Go
Girl, terrified of falling to his death, U-Go Girl warned Wright
against speaking out against the Orphan and Wright revealed how several
pharmaceutical companies were angry at the Orphan for freeing Paco
Perez instead of turning him over and how X-Force's completion of
Wright's mission would keep the companies from destroying X-Force using
a targeted ad campaign to ruin their image.
U-Go Girl then teleported Wright and herself back into X-Force's mission room, where she discussed the situation with the rest of X-Force. After everyone had re-composed themselves, Agent Wright continued on with the mission briefing, this time treating the Orphan with a bit more respect thanks to U-Go Girl's threats, and he revealed how the CIA had one year earlier mutated a group of prison inmates into the shapeshifting Bush Rangers and how the Bush Rangers had taken over the Mars 2010 Space Station in which they were being trained. Agent Wright then revealed that he had made a deal with the pharmaceutical companies angry at the Orphan to square things with them in exchange for X-Force going into space and feigning capture at the hands of the Bush Rangers, thereby allowing the CIA to come in and "save" them to improve the CIA's public image. Wright then stood by as X-Force voted whether or not to go on the mission or not, ultimately deciding to head into space to accomplish the CIA's mission. Still fearful of what U-Go Girl might do to him if he didn't suck up, Agent Wright expressed happiness that X-Force would go on the PR mission for the CIA then announced that the CIA would be happier if U-Go Girl replaced the Orphan as X-Force leader. U-Go Girl argued against the idea, confusing Agent Wright, who thought she wanted that, and proclaimed that the CIA would get X-Force with the Orphan as leader or not at all.
I#127) - Once in space, Agent Wright contacted X-Force, only to find
them relaxing and waiting for the CIA to arrive instead of being
captives as planned. The Orphan informed Wright that they were waiting
until the CIA got closer to the Space Station before allowing
themselves to get captured and Wright warned the group against pressing
their luck with him, as he was the one keeping the pharmaceutical
companies from turning X-Force into the biggest hate figure since Osama
bin Laden. U-Go Girl countered by warning Wright not to push it with
them either, as they could easily decide to take their chances with the
bad publicity, but the Orphan interrupted, agreeing that they probably
go ahead and get themselves captured. By the time Agent Wright and the
CIA docked with the Mars 2010 Space Station, X-Force had killed or
wounded nearly all of the Bush Rangers and when Wright arrived, he
announced a change of plans and unleashed the CIA Crack Squad against
the mutants, claiming that the official word would be that the CIA had
"tried" to save X-Force but the team always had a high mortality rate.
Before the CIA Crack Squad could kill anyone, however, U-Go Girl
teleported herself, the Orphan, Doop and the Anarchist into a nearby
satellite, leaving Wright to wonder where they had gone.
discovering the foursome inside the nearby satellite, Wright informed
them that the satellite was on a course headed for deep space, where it
would eventually disintegrate or collide with something. When the
Orphan demanded Wright find a way to turn the satellite around and
asked why Wright had betrayed them, Wright explained that he was doing
it all for his sick daughter Louise, who had been hospitalized since
age three in hopes of future medical breakthroughs, and how he felt a
chance at those breakthroughs had been thrown away when the Orphan had
released Paco Perez into the custody of former X-Force member Saint Anna's
father instead of delivering him to the US government. He then ended
communication with the four X-Force members on the satellite but soon
found himself facing the remaining X-Force members, who easily took
down the CIA Crack Squad. Insisting that the "popular" X-Force members
were as a good as dead and the remaining members could do nothing about
it, Agent Wright reached into his uniform, prompting "the Spike"
(secretly disguised Bush Ranger Tray posing as the Spike) to impale
Wright with a bevy of spikes. X-Force members Vivisector and Phat asked
why killing Wright was necessary and "the Spike" claimed he had seen
Wright reach for something. "The Spike" then searched for what Wright
was reaching for, only to find a photo of Wright's daughter Louise.
(X-Force I#128) - While Vivisector attempted to
communicate with a small shuttle that had emerged from the out of
control satellite housing U-Go Girl, the Orphan, Doop and the
Anarchist, Agent Wright's lifeless body laid off to the side looking
like a human pincushion. Once the Orphan, U-Go Girl and Doop docked at
the Mars 2010 Space Station to regroup with their teammates, they
noticed Agent Wright's body in the corner. Soon after, Agent Wright's
body was covered with a sheet (as much as possible given the spikes
sticking out of him) and X-Force member Dead Girl realized Agent
Wright's corpse was speaking to her via its decomposing bacteria,
disintegrating tissue, hair and skin. Using her powers in a new way to
essentially "read" Agent Wright's corpse, Dead Girl learned that Wright
had lied about the satellite being out of control and the rest of
X-Force took control of the satellite to rescue the Anarchist. Later,
the rescued Anarchist awoke next to Wright's impaled corpse and Dead
Girl explained how she'd learned how to "read" Wright's corpse in order
to rescue the Anarchist.
Comments: Created by Peter Milligan and
M.D. Allred.
Profile by Proto-Man.
Agent Wright has no known connections to
The X-Force, a.k.a. X-Statix, that Agent Wright dealt with, should not be mistaken for
The CIA Crack Squad was an elite group of CIA
soldiers who worked directly under Agent Wright. As part of their
mission against the Bush Rangers, X-Force was to feign capture and
allow the CIA Crack Squad to then arrive to "save" them from the Bush
Rangers. As X-Force were waiting for the Crack Squad to arrive, a fight
occurred with the Bush Rangers that killed or wounded nearly all of the
Bush Rangers. When the Crack Squad finally arrived, Agent Wright
betrayed X-Force and ordered the Crack Squad to fire on the team. The
senior members avoided death by teleporting onto a nearby satellite
while the remaining X-Force members made short work of the CIA Crack
The C.I.A. Crack Squad apparently didn't possess any superhuman powers but they each used a variety of handguns and armor.
--X-Force I#127 |
--X-Force I#127 (fb) - BTS
(#127 - BTS, |
X-Force I#125 (April, 2002) - Peter Milligan
(writer), M.D. Allred (artist), Axel Alonso (editor)
X-Force I#127 (June, 2002) - Peter Milligan (writer), Michael Allred (artist), Axel Alonso (editor)
X-Force I#128 (July, 2002) - Peter Milligan (writer), Michael
Allred (artist), Axel Alonso (editor)
First posted: 12/08/2004
Last updated: 11/30/2023
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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