Real Name: None

Identity/Class: Android (LMD)

Occupation: Crimelord

Group Membership: Zodiac (LMDs)

Affiliations: Krona, Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff)

Enemies: Avengers (Black Knight/Dane Whitman, Captain America/Steve Rogers, Captain Marvel/Monica Rambeau, Hercules/Heracles, Wasp/Janet Van Dyne), Defenders (Hellcat, Hulk, Nighthawk, Valkyrie), Jack Norriss, S.H.I.E.L.D., West Coast Avengers (Hawkeye/Clint Barton, Iron Man/Tony Stark, Mockingbird/Barbara Barton, Moon Knight/Mark Spector, Henry Pym, Tigra/Greer Nelson, Wonder Man/Simon Williams), Zodiac Cartel

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: The Ankh Dimension;
   formerly Chicago, Illinois:
   formerly the Theater of Genetics, Belleville, New Jersey

First Appearance: (In shadows) Defenders I#49 (July, 1977); (full) Defenders I#50 (August, 1977)

Powers/Abilities: Aries possessed a pair of horns on his head, enhanced strength, and would attempt to ram his opponents in battle. In his most recent form, he also wore a suit of protective armor, and could project fire from his horns. Aries could also exist underwater.

Height: 6' (by approximation)
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Unrevealed

(Defenders I#48 - BTS) - Aries was one of the LMDs (Life Model Decoys) created in the Theater of Genetics by Scorpio (Jake Fury), who wanted him to serve as a member of his Zodiac, and to be his friend.

(Defenders I#49 - BTS) - When the Defenders invaded the Theater of Genetics, Scorpio was forced to activate the LMDs prematurely.

(Defenders I#50) - Aries flung himself into battle with the Defenders, but was hampered by his recklessness and clumsiness. Aries fought the Hulk at first, then turned on Nighthawk, only to miss him and strike down Aquarius instead. Moon Knight and Nighthawk took advantage of Aries' clumsiness and directed him straight into a wall, knocking Aries out.

(Defenders I#51 - BTS) - The Aries LMD was taken into S.H.I.E.L.D. custody as they cleaned up the Theater of Genetics.

(West Coast Avengers Annual#1) - Aries joined the Zodiac under the leadership of Quicksilver in his attempt to obtain revenge on the Avengers, whom Quicksilver had framed for treason. When one team of Avengers returned to Avengers Mansion through their submarine tunnel, Aries and Taurus attacked them underwater. Aries nearly drowned the Black Knight, but when Quicksilver turned on the tunnel's purge switch, Aries and Taurus were both flung out to the river by the water pressure. Aries was later recovered and turned over to the authorities.

(West Coast Avengers II#26) - Aries was released from prison and joined the Zodiac LMDs in an attack on the human Zodiac Cartel in Dallas, Texas. They managed to kill all of the Cartel members except for Cornelius Van Lunt, and assumed their roles in the criminal underworld.

   Later, Aries joined the LMDs in an attempt to rob businessmen at a cattle auction in Wichita, but they were interrupted by the West Coast Avengers. However, Aries fled the battle with the other LMDs when Hawkeye accidentally slew Sagittarius. Afterwards, Aries was reprimanded with the others by Scorpio, who was disappointed in them for having run.

(West Coast Avengers II#27) - Later, Aries aided the LMDs in ambushing Hawkeye, but was taken out of the fight when Hawkeye caught him and Taurus with a net-arrow. After Scorpio had replaced Hawkeye with his new Sagittarius LMD, Aries attended a meeting with the LMDs as they bickered over how to defeat the Avengers. Aries was not pleased with Scorpio's leadership, considering him to be an equal now that he was an LMD, and joined Leo in calling for a new leader.

(West Coast Avengers II#28) - Aries joined the LMDs in robbing the Denver Mint, but they were interrupted by the Avengers, though Scorpio managed to teleport them to Death Valley along with their loot. When the Avengers caught up to them once more, Aries clashed with Iron Man. When Scorpio brought the Avengers and LMDs to the Ankh Dimension, hoping to have an advantage, the LMDs were all shut down instead, leaving them immobile in the Ankh Dimension.

(JLA/Avengers#4) - Aries (last incarnation) was among the villains pulled forth from time and space by Krona to guard his stronghold from an onslaught by the Avengers and the JLA.

Comments: Created by David Kraft, Keith Giffen, Mike Royer, John Tartaglione and Dave Cockrum.

Improved images by Ron Fredricks.

Profile by Prime Eternal.

Aries should not be confused with:

images: (without ads)
Defenders I#50, p2, pan8 (Aries)
West Coast Avengers Annual#1, p14, pan1 (Aries)
West Coast Avengers II#26, p5 (Aries in armor)

Defenders I#49 (July, 1977) - David Kraft (writer), Keith Giffen (pencils), Mike Royer (inks), Archie Goodwin (editor)
Defenders I#50 (August, 1977) - David Kraft (writer), Keith Giffen (pencils), Mike Royer, Keith Giffen, John Tartaglione & Dave Cockrum (inks), Archie Goodwin (editor)
West Coast Avengers Annual#1 (1986) - Steve Englehart & Mark Bright (writers), Mark Bright (pencils), Geoff Isherwood (inks), Michael Higgins (editor)
West Coast Avengers II#26-27 (November-December, 1987) - Steve Englehart (writer), Al Milgrom (pencils), Mike Machlan (inks), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
West Coast Avengers II#28 (January, 1988) - Steve Englehart (writer), Al Milgrom (pencils), David Hunt (inks), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
JLA/Avengers#4 (February, 2004) - Kurt Busiek (writer), George Perez (artist), Tom Brevoort & Dan Raspler (editors)

First posted: 01/31/2005
Last updated: 03/20/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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