Real Name: Bruno Murphy
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Burglar
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: None
Enemies: The Police
Known Relatives: His Mother (unseen)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Bronx, New York, NY, USA
First Appearance: Power Man#27 (October, 1975)
{Per i
lettori Italiani: Capitan America Editoriale Corno#105/2 (20 aprile 1977)}
Powers/Abilities: Bruno was a normal human. He used a gun.
(Power Man#27 - BTS) - Bruno Murphy was robbing the flat of the old Dr. Klemph.
Dr. Klemph strenuously defended a cylinder that contained a special fluid. That
fluid was a serum based on the theories of Dr. Klemph about the formula created
by Dr. Reinstein, the Super-Soldier Formula; Dr. Klemph hadn't written the
formula down, keeping it saved only in his mind. Bruno Murphy killed him, thinking that the cylinder was
(Power Man#27) - Bruno Murphy run away
from Klemph's flat and hid the cylinder in the Willie Dance's wardrobe in a
wrestling-school. Murphy fled, but met two policemen who were checking a stolen
Murphy extracted his gun and the policemen had to shoot, killing him.
The serum was found by Willie Dance who drank it and became X the Marvel for a while.
Comments: Created by Bill Mantlo, George Pérez and A. McWilliams.
For further discussion on the Super-Solder serum, etc., see Nuke.
Bruno Murphy has no known connections to
Bruno Murphy, Power Man#27, page 4, panel 3
Bruno Murphy - head shot, Power Man#27, page 4, panel 9
Willie Dance and the cylinder, Power Man#27, page 5, panel 10
Other appearances: None
First Posted: 03/14/2005
Last updated: 03/14/2005
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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