Membership: Bludgeoner, Compressor, Transformer

Purpose: To serve the Yellow Claw and defend his base

Affiliations: Yellow Claw (Plan Tzu)

Enemies: Avengers (Beast/Hank McCoy, Captain America/Steve Rogers, Iron Man/Tony Stark, Jocasta, Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff, Wasp/Janet Pym, Wonder Man/Simon Williams) (see comments)

Base of Operations: Yellow Claw's subterranean missile base in the Gibson Desert of western Australia (longitude 23 South, latitude 123 East)

First Appearance: Avengers I#205 (March, 1981)

(Avengers I#205 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, the Yellow Claw had three of his operatives transformed into super-powered cyborgs.

(Avengers I#205) - Bludgeoner, Compressor and Transformer were stationed at the Yellow Claw's cavern missile base in Australia; they were dispatched against the Avengers when the heroes raided the base. The cybernetic warriors got off to a good start, as Transformer absorbed Iron Man and Jocasta's energy attack and hurled it back at them, Bludgeoner held Captain America and Wonder Man back with his hammer-like hands, and Compressor caught the Beast between the plates of his immense wind generators. Although the Scarlet Witch was able to free the Beast by hexing a stalactite into falling on Compressor, he caught the rock between his fans and hurled it back at the Scarlet Witch in fragments. Iron Man attempted to halt Compressor, but he was pinned to the ground by Compressor's wind generators.

   Finally, the Avengers rallied themselves, noting that their three opponents had no sense of teamwork. Wasp managed to slow down Bludgeoner by dumping dirt into his arm joints, allowing Wonder Man to punch him down; Beast managed to hold Transformer's shield out of the way long enough for Jocasta to strike him down with her eye-blasts; and Captain America was able to knock Compressor's power-arms aside with his shield, allowing Iron Man to kick Compressor down.

   From his island base in the South China Sea, the Yellow Claw was viewing his minions with a monitor screen, and realized they would soon be defeated. Hoping to kill the Avengers, the Yellow Claw pressed a button which caused Bludgeoner, Compressor, and Transformer to touch their weapons together, and they began to glow--an instant later, the trio exploded; however, the Scarlet Witch had cast a protective hex sphere that saved the Avengers from harm.

Comments: Created by Bob Budiansky, David Michelinie, Alan Kupperberg and Dan Green.

Although the Vision ("Victor Shade") was a member of the team and took part in this story, he was away confronting the Yellow Claw on his own, and never actually encountered these three cyborgs.--Ron Fredricks

New and additional images by Ron Fredricks.

Profile by Prime Eternal.

Bludgeoner should not be confused with:

Compressor should not be confused with:

Transformer should not be confused with:


A cybernetically-enhanced agent of the Yellow Claw, Bludgeoner's hands had been replaced with giant solid steel hammers.

In an attempt to kill the Avengers, the Yellow Claw's remotely commanded Bludgeoner to link weapons with Compressor and Transformer, which detonated a bomb within Bludegeoner's cybernetic parts, apparently killing him.

--Avengers I#205


A cybernetically-enhanced agent of the Yellow Claw, Compressor's hands had been replaced with large metal plates which could generate tremendous wind power, allowing him to hurl away opponents, and compress objects caught between his "hands".

In an attempt to kill the Avengers, the Yellow Claw's remotely commanded Compressor to link weapons with Bludgeoner and Transformer, which detonated a bomb within Compressor's cybernetic parts, apparently killing him.

--Avengers I#205


A cybernetically-enhanced agent of the Yellow Claw, Transformer could absorb an energy-based attack through his shield, and then release it back at his opponents through a projector at the end of his right arm.

In an attempt to kill the Avengers, the Yellow Claw's remotely commanded Transformer to link weapons with Bludgeoner and Compressor, which detonated a bomb within Transformer's cybernetic parts, apparently killing him.

--Avengers I#205

images: (without ads)
Avengers I#205, p10, pan4 (Bludegeoner, Transformer, and Compressor confront Avengers)
Avengers I#205, p17, pan3 (Compressor, Bludgeoner, and Transformer link weapons and prepare to explode, surrounded by Avengers)
Avengers I#205, p11, pan3 (Bludgeoner battles Wonder Man)
Avengers I#205, p11, pan6 (Compressor catches Beast)
Avengers I#205, p16, pan4 (Transformer battles Beast)

Avengers I#205 (March, 1981) - Bob Budiansky (plot), David Michelinie (script), Alan Kupperberg (pencils), Dan Green (inks), Ben Sean (colors), John Costanza (letters), Jim Salicrup (editor)

First Posted: 11/23/2004
Last updated: 10/11/2023

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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