Classification: Extraterrestrial
Location/Base of Operations: Mobile in space;
formerly, a base/city hidden beneath the North Pole/in
the Arctic Circle, Earth;
originally the planet Kallu, Kallu-Kan star system,
Andromea Galaxy
- Kallu is Arctic over much
of the planet, with 74% of the surface covered with ocean; it has 110%
Earth's gravity, with an atmosphere composed of 47% nitrogen and 41%
Known Members: Ogor, Hjarmal Svenson imposter
the population is estimated at 11,000 after the rest
were annihilated by the Yirbek
Affiliations: Dr. Hjarmal Svenson
Enemies: Avengers (Captain America/Steve Rogers, Giant-Man/Henry Pym, Iron Man/Tony Stark, Thor Odinson), Yirbek
First Appearance: Avengers I#14 (March, 1965)
Powers/Abilities: The
Kallusians possess starships equipped with warp drive, teleportation,
and powerful weaponry. They also designed matter displacers, stellar
transmitters (via which they picked up terrestrial radio and television
programs, allowing them to master Earth's languages), energy pistols,
ice-guns which can cover a target with ice, and a "freeze ray" which can
paralyze whomever it strikes. They allegedly have weaponry capable of
destroying planets.
Kallusians are unable to breathe the oxygen (or at
the oxygen level) produced in Earth's atmosphere, and must manufacture
their own supply while on Earth.
Traits: The Kallusians were governed by democratic republics. Though they are typically honest, courageous, and perseverant, they are willing to allow "lesser" planets to perish in conflicts with their enemies
Type: Bilaterally symmetric humanoid bipeds
Eyes: Two (on head; they apparently have a white sclera
with a dark/black central region, which is either a pupil surrounded by
a white/colorless iris, or perhaps their iris is black; or some other
alien configuration)
Fingers: Five (including opposing thumb)
Toes: Five
Skin color: Deep pink, with white or gray hair observed
Average height: 6'0"
(Avengers I#14 (fb) - BTS) - For ages, the Kallusians dwelt
peacefully in their galaxy.
(Avengers I#14 (fb) / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe#12 - Yirbek) - "In the ever-changing course of cosmic events," inter-planetary war broke out. Planets fought planets, and alien armies (including the Yirbek) fought "on a scale beyond <humanity's> comprehension. For centuries their skies shook with the nightmare of unending conflict.
(Avengers I#14 (fb)) - Finally, battle-weary and outnumbered, the Kallusians fled their galaxy with their foes in pursuit. After months of desperate searching, the fleeing Kallusians found Earth.
(Avengers I#14 (fb)) - Unable to breathe in Earth's atmosphere, they concealed themselves beneath the North Pole, strictly rationing out their own limited oxygen supply despite resultant fatalities.
(Avengers I#14 (fb) - BTS) - After many years of picking up Earth's radio and television signals with their stellar-transmittor, they leaned much of humanity, including mastering many languages, such as English.
(Avengers I#14 (fb)) - While doing research on respiration in arctic regions, the human scientist Dr. Hjarmal Svenson passed by the entrance to the Kallusians' base, and they brought Svenson to Ogor in the hopes that he could assist them.
(Avengers I#14 (fb)) - Svenson willingly helped the Kallusians in exchange for their promise not to harm Earth.
(Avengers I#14 (fb)) - After many experiments, Svenson produced "tiny oxygen granules" the Kallusians could place in masks that allowed them to survive in Earth's atmosphere. They sent one of their men in an oxygen mask to impersonate Dr. Svenson so that he would not be missed.
(Avengers I#14) - The Kallusian impersonating Dr. Svenson was inadvertently discovered by the Avengers, who were desperately seeking Dr. Svenson so that he could save the life of the Wasp. Giant-Man accidentally pulled off the imposter's mask, and he perished without a supply of his own oxygen.
The Avengers set after the real Dr. Svenson, and discovered the Kallusians' base in the North Pole. When they invaded the base, they were quickly brought down by the Kallusians' paralysis ray, but Thor was immune to it and pretended to be affected in order to infiltrate their base. After they were brought before Ogor, Thor revived the other Avengers and they fought the Kallusians until Dr. Svenson appeared and asked them to stop -- Svenson wished to help the Wasp, who was suffering from a bullet wound in her left lung, and threatened to stop aiding the Kallusians if they refused to halt the attack.
At that moment, a Kallusian monitoring station was destroyed by a Yirbek probe, and the Kallusians began Operation: Last Resort, intending to wage war with the Yirbek on Earth. However, Dr. Svenson was indignant because they had promised to leave Earth alone if he aided them. When the Avengers threatened to renew their battle, Ogor stood down (not wanting to fight a battle on two fronts) and had his people return the Avengers and Svenson to New York with their matter displacer. The Kallusians then evacuated their base, and set off into space to confront the Yirbek fleet at Sector 18-G, intending to fight and destroy them.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#12 - Yirbek) - The Yirbek eventually took over Kallu, massacring its population.
Comments: Created by Stan Lee, Larry Lieber, Larry Ivie, Jack Kirby, and Don Heck.
Profile by Prime Eternal; updated and expanded by Snood
The Kallusians should not be confused with:
Ogor should not be confused with:
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Upon arriving on Earth, the Kallusians set up a base below the ice in the Arctic regions. When the Yirbek approach, the Kallusians abruptly abandoned the base in their fleet of starships, apparently leaving the city and associated technology, etc. behind. --Avengers I#14 |
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These Kallusian weapons fired beams which quickly froze the air in the vicinity of a target. When the Avengers invaded their base, one of the Kallusians managed to hit Giant-Man, and ice began to form around the hero; but Giant-Man burst from the icy covering by flexing his muscles. --Avengers I#14 |
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Apparently by generating some form of space warp, the Kallusians matter displacer allowed them to instantly transport objects and beings across at least sub-planetary distances. It was described as being able to send others to their place of origin, but whether the destination was known and programmed into the device, or whether the device could somehow determine a being's location of origin, is unrevealed. --Avengers I#14 |
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This Kallusian weapon fired a blinding ray that "froze the very molecules" of the living target, causing total paralysis. It could be adjusted so that victims could still hear and think, but just not move at all. Another energy blast (presumably from the same weapon) could reverse the paralysis effect. Thor's Asgardian physiology proved immune to this weapon. Avengers I#14 |
Ogor was the ruler of the Kallusians who had hidden beneath the North Pole and befriended Dr. Svenson. When he realized that his people had been located by the Yirbek, he at first wanted to wage war on Earth, but was convinced by Dr. Svenson and the Avengers to have his fleet of starships leave the Earth and face the Yirbek head-on in battle. --Avengers I#14 |
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The Kallusians possessed starshps equipped with warp drive, teleportation, and powerful weaponry. They could depart Earth before a radar device even recognized them. (Avengers I#14 (fb)) - Finally battle-weary and outnumbered, the Kallusians fled their galaxy with their foes in pursuit. After months of desperate searching, the fleeing Kallusians found Earth and landed in its Arctic region. (Avengers I#14 (fb)) - The entire fleet departed Earth when the Yirbek approached. The Kallusians set off into space to confront the Yirbek fleet at Sector 18-G, intending to fight and destroy them. --Avengers I#14 |
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(Avengers I#14 (fb) - BTS) - While Dr. Svenson produced "tiny oxygen granules" the Kallusians could place in masks that allowed them to survive in Earth's atmosphere, they sent one of their men in an oxygen mask to impersonate Dr. Svenson, so that he would not be missed. (Avengers I#14) - The Kallusian impersonating Dr. Svenson was inadvertently discovered by the Avengers, who were desperately seeking Dr. Svenson so that he could save the life of the Wasp. Giant-Man accidentally pulled off the imposter's mask, and the imposter perished without a supply of his own oxygen. --Avengers I#14 |
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images: (without ads)
Avengers I#14, p12, pan3 (Kallusians)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe#5: Appendix to Alien Races: Kallusians (skivvies image) - art by Paty Cockrum
Avengers I#14, p19, pan2 (Ogor gives departure order)
Avengers I#14, p9, pan3 (Avengers find Kallusians' sub-Arctic city)
Avengers I#14, p8, pan4 (Kallusians with ice-guns)
Avengers I#14, p8, pan5 (Giant-Man gets frozen by ice-gun)
Avengers I#14, p17, pan2 (Avengers and Dr. Svenson enter matter displacer)
Avengers I#14, p9, pan5 (Kallusians with "freeze" ray)
Avengers I#14, p11, pan3 (Ogor)
Avengers I#14, p19, pan1 (Kallusians transport their weapons to starships)
Avengers I#14, p19, pan2 (Kallusians board their starships)
Avengers I#14, p19, pan4 (Kallusian starships depart Earth)
Avengers I#14, p5, pan1 (Giant-Man pulls face mask from Dr. Svenson imposter)
Avengers I#14, p5, pan2 (Dr. Svenson imposter dies)
Avengers I#14 (March, 1965) - Stan Lee (plot/editor), Larry Ivie & Larry Lieber (script), Jack Kirby (layouts), Don Heck (pencils), Chic Stone (inks), Stan Goldberg (colors), Sam Rosen (letters)
First Posted: 01/10/2005
Last updated: 12/03/2023
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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Special Thanks to www.g-mart.com for hosting the Appendix, Master List, etc.!