of Earth-Mutant X (Earth-1298)
Membership: Brother Voodoo, Devil Dinosaur,
Fin Fang Foom, Gargoyle, Moon Boy-Knight, Sherry
the Showgirl, Slapstick (all of
Purpose: Unknown, possibly supernatural adventurers
Affiliations: Daredevil (of Earth-1298)
Enemies: The Goblin Queen (posing as the Beyonder) (of Earth-1298)
Base of Operations: Apparently New York
City, Earth-1298
First Appearance: Mutant X Annual 2001#1
History: (Mutant X Annual 2001#1) – As the Goblin Queen, using the guise of the Beyonder, arrived in New York, she was distracted by Daredevil until the Lethal Legion could arrive. As the team, along with Daredevil, attacked the "Beyonder", Spider-Man watched in horror as the god-like being released a nuclear-style blast that killed the heroes.
Comments: Created by Howard Mackie, James Fry and Andrew Pepoy
As with much in the Earth-Mutant X world, not much is explained as far as how these various heroes came together, or what they did before their first appearance.
Some of the members of this team were amalgamations of different
Earth-616 supernatural characters. Artist James Fry, after seeing this
profile, wrote in and corrected a large amount of my assumptions.
Here's some of his notes:
MUTANT X writer HOWARD MACKIE told me to populate this
version of THE LETHAL LEGION with whomever I liked, and left it up to
me what changes to make to the characters, if any...so I did.
SLAPSTICK was there because I was getting less and less work from
Marvel and I was determined to draw the character one last time before
calling it a day. As it happens, that story, four years ago, was my
second -to-last work for Marvel since, so I'm glad I did it when I had
the chance.
THE GARGOYLE is wholly unchanged simlpy because I'd forgotten my plans for him. Said plans consisted of either giving him the mask and gloves of the GREY GARGOYLE, or redesigning him to make him more closely resemble DISNEY'S GARGOYLES. Eh.
FIN FANG FOOM is wearing a mask in order to protect his true identity. As long as he's disguised, that could be ANY centuries-old Chinese dragon on the team. The resemblance to NIGHTMASK's mask is entirely coincidental (I had originally believed this to be an actual connection - Madison).
BROTHER VOODOO... Wanted to put Brother VooDoo and SIMON GARTH, the ZOMBIE on the team, but realized I was already repeating myself a little with FIN and DEVIL DINOSAUR, so I split the diff and made B.V. a zombie himself, creating a version of the character whose adventures I'd have loved to draw!!!
DEVIL DINOSAUR : MARVELS and ASTRO CITY author KURT BUSIEK used to joke that it would be cool to find out that Devil Dinosaur did not get his name from his distinctive coloring and temperament, but rather that he was LITERALLY a devil. The older brother, in fact, of DAIMON HELLSTROM. I thought this was too funny an idea to pass up. And speaking of Devil Dinosaur...
THAT'S NOT MOON KNIGHT ON HIS BACK. That's supposed to be DEVIL DINOSAUR's companion MOON BOY, re-configured here as MOON-KNIGHT-BOY An easy mistake to make, and mosty my fault.The figure does look more lupine than simian (it was 4:00 AM !!!) , and the colorist ignored or forgot my instructions to make the highlights in his fur blue (and to leave the crescent moon on his chest white, too).
one of my ASSumptions - Madison)That
is, in fact, a character from Marvel's pre-FANTASTIC FOUR era named
SHERRY THE SHOWGIRL. I couldn't think of what females to put on the
team, and Sherry was a longtime favorite of both myself and inker
ANDREW PEPOY, so I tossed her in. Good guess about the jewel in her
navel being the BloodGem, though. While it never gave BLOODSTONE
the power of flight, I figured it would be as good an explanation as
any as to how the previously non-super-powered Sherry could suddenly
defy gravity."
Ronald Byrd added to the above that Sherry the Showgirl's last name was, oddly enough, Storm.
Clarifications: No known connection to
LETHAL LEGION (Grim Reaper, Living Laser, Man-Ape, Power Man (Josten), Swordsman) , @Avengers I#78
LETHAL LEGION (Living Laser, Power Man (Josten), Whirlwind) , @Avengers I#164
LETHAL LEGION (Grim Reaper, Ultron, Man-Ape, Goliath (Josten), Black Talon, Nekra) , @West Coast Avengers II#2
LETHAL LEGION (Attuma, Batroc, Beetle, Bulldozer, Lizard Man, Dr. Arthur Nagan, Piledriver, Sabretooth, Thundra, Trapster, Unicorn, Whirlwind, Wrecker) , @Marvel Age Annual#1
LETHAL LEGION - (Hangman, Axe of Violence, Coldsteel, Cyana, Zyklon), @Avengers West Coast II#98
Any other "lethal" or "legion" characters
Sherry the Showgirl of Earth-1298 should not be confused with:
The Brother
of this reality appeared to be a zombie. It is unknown how he came to
be this way. He died with the others in the attack on the Beyonder.
possessed the darksoul and trident of Daimon Hellstorm. How he came to
be possessed by this is unknown. He died with the others in the attack
on the Beyonder.
Fin Fang Foom
wore unlike his Earth-616 counterpart a mask to disguise himself and so he wouldn't be recognized. He died with the others in the attack on the Beyonder.
The Gargoyle
appeared to be unchanged from his Earth-616 counterpart. He died with the others in the attack on the Beyonder.
Moon Boy-Knight
appeared to be Devil Dinosaur's companion Moonboy, wearing the cloak
and crescent of Moon Knight. How he came to possess these, and if he
had any connection to the god Khonshu, is unknown. He died with the others in the attack on the Beyonder.
Sherry the
had somehow had imbedded in her naval a Bloodstone fragment that
granted her the power of levitation. She was killed along with the rest
by the Beyonder.
appeared no different from his Earth-616 counterpart. He died along with the rest in the attack on the Beyonder.
images: Mutant X Annual 2001#1, page 15, panel 3
Last updated: 06/21/05.
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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