Real Name: Hayward (first name not revealed)
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: World War II Veteren
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: The Darkhold Dwarf, Louise Hastings, The Other
Enemies: He had a dislike of the Japanese who he saw as taking over Hawaii, Mr. Fujisaki
Known Relatives: Bobby Hayward (grandson)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Maui, Hawaii
First Appearance: Darkhold#6 (March, 1993)
Powers/Abilities: None
History: (Darkhold#6 (fb) - BTS) - Mr. Hayward fought in World War Two, serving in Hawaii as Pearl Harbor was attacked. He recieved several medals for his service.
(Darkhold#6) - When Mr. Hayward's unemployed grandson was refused a job at a local hotel because he didn't speak Japanese, Mr. Haward went to speak to the owner. When the owner reasonably told Hayward that the majority of their guests were Japanese, Hayward stormed out complaining about how the Japanese were taking over Hawaii. The Darkhold Dwarf appeared and gave Hayward an envelope. Upset that everything he and his fellow soldiers had fought for had been forgotten, he used the page of the Darkhold.
(Darkhold#6 - BTS) - The Other responded to Hayward's desires by drawing a mass of Mnemonic ectoplasm from his head, which gives form to his memories.
(Darkhold#6) - The ectoplasm created Japanese military forces that attacked the island.
(Darkhold#7) - When Louise Hasting found and confronted Mr. Hayward at the center of the ectoplasmic storm, she was able to convince him that they couldn't live in the past and that everyone, American or Japanese, had to work together for the future. He agreed and as he died, he used the ectoplasm to show Louise and the others what had caused this, the Dwarf.
Comments: Created by Chris Cooper, Al Bigley and Ariane
CLARIFICATIONS: --Darkhold#6 Images taken from: Last updated: 01/10/05
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
Non-Marvel Copyright info
Mr. Hayward should not be confused with:
Mr. Fujisaki was born outside of San Diego in an internment camp for Japanese Americans. He was raised to speak only English, but when he moved to Hawaii and began running a hotel he learned Japanese because he saw the way the world economy was transforming. Eventually he went on to refuse Bobby Hayward a job, which led to a confrontation with Bobby's grandfather.
Darkhold#6, page 8, panel 4 for Hayward
Darkhold#6, page 8, panel 3 for Fujisaki
Darkhold#6 (March, 1993) - Chris Cooper (writer), Richard Case & Al Bigley (pencils), Stan Woch & Ariane Lenshoek (inks), Hildy Mesnik & Bobbie Chase (editors)
Darkhold#7 (April, 1993) - Chris Cooper (writer), Rurik Tyler (pencils), Bud LaRosa (inks), Hildy Mesnik & Bobbie Chase (editors)
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