Real Name: Neron-Alak
Identity/Class: Extra-terrestrial or extra-dimensional being (Hyborean Era)
Occupation: Possibly some sort of scientist
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Egon Allov
Enemies: None
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: A distant planet First Appearance: Monsters on the Prowl#9 (February, 1971)
Powers/Abilities: Not much was shown, but he was confident in his superiority to humanity. He also carried a staff that emitted "kyth-rays" which he used to open the secret exit from his tomb.
History: (Monsters on the Prowl#9/2, (fb) - BTS)- "Untold eons" ago Neron-Alak came to Earth. Somehow he ended up in the Tomb of Neron-Alak in some sort of suspended animation.
(Monsters on the Prowl#9/2)- Awakened by Egon Allov, Neron-Alak thanked the man and left him to die while he went off to continue his mission to take relics from Earth back to his distant world.
Comments: Created by Allyn Brodsky, Jay Hawk and Barry Windsor-Smith.
Allov makes a comment about twenty centuries of sand burying the tomb, so that's probably how long Neron-Alak has been in the tomb.
I don't know much about them, but I suppose it is possible that Neron-Alak has some connection to the Horusians from Incredible Hulk II#145.
The Tomb of Neron-Alak,
Sahara desert
2000 years ago is about 8000 years too recent to be part of the Hyborian era,
but I guess he could have landed on Earth much earlier, as evidenced by the
"untold eons" comment.
CLARIFICATIONS: Professor Egon Allov was an archaeologist who went to the Sahara Desert in search of the Tomb of Neron-Alak, and he found it. Meeting with the people who lived near the tomb, Allov ignored their warnings against taking relics from the tomb and letting loose a terrible danger. Allov killed their
sheik and set fire to their encampment before digging to find entry to the tomb. Inside, he got lost but managed to stumble into a room filled with treasure. A falling piece of rubble breaks Allov's leg and he tries to
search for an exit, but cannot find one. Touching what appeared to be a statue, he awakened Neron-Alak. Neron-Alak told him he was going to take relics from back to his own distant world and left Allov to suffocate in the tomb. --Monsters on the Prowl#9/2 Images taken from: Appearances: Last updated:
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
Non-Marvel Copyright info
Neron-Alak should not be confused with:
Monsters on the Prowl#9, page 18, panel 3
Monsters on the Prowl#9, page 12, panel 1
Monsters on the Prowl#9 (February, 1971) - Allyn Brodsky (writer), Jay Hawk (Jack Katz) (pencils), Barry Windsor-Smith (inks), Stan Lee (editor)
Giant-Size Chillers#3 (August, 1975) - reprint
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