Real Name: Unrevealed, possibly Sainte-Cloud
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Poet
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Ted Sallis (later the Man-Thing), Sheboygan (her dog), Jeremy
Enemies: Charlie/Chuck and his uncle
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: East Village, New York
First Appearance: Man-Thing I#15 (March, 1975)
Sainte-Cloud is a free spirit, with some skill in poetry and guitar playing.
History: (Man-Thing I#15 (fb)) - In Greenwich Village, Sainte-Cloud met Ted Sallis when she asked him for spare change. Intrigued by the young free spirit, he gave her some change, with which she bought coffee for the both of them, and they shared their woes with each other. Specifically, Sallis told her of his moral dilemma over his research (though he didn't tell her details, he was worried about the SO-2 chemical, which would make mankind resistant to pollution, but would also cause a large amount of mutation). Afterwards, he allowed her to sleep on the couch of his apartment.
(Man-Thing I#15 (fb)) - Moved by his conversations with Sainte-Cloud, Sallis told her that he spoke out against the project (Project Sulfur), and then he proposed to her. However, she felt they were too different to make it, and left him laying on a hill in Central Park.
(Man-Thing I#15 (fb) - BTS) - Sainte-Cloud moved to a small apartment in the East Village, where she intermittently dated a guy named Chuck, though she eventually broke it off with him. She later began dating a blind man, Jeremy.
(Man-Thing I#15 (fb) - BTS) - Chuckconvinced his uncle, the
candle-maker of Grennard Candleworks, to fashion a candle in the form of the
Man-Thing, inspired by the creature's recent rampage through Manhattan (@
Giant-Size Man-Thing#2). Charlie knew that Sainte-Cloud would want such an odd
candle, and he had the candle-maker mix an hallucinogen with the wax, so that
Sainte-Cloud would suffer delusions, from which he could rescue her, intending
to ingratiate himself to her.
Chuckthen told Sainte-Cloud about the the candle ship.
(Man-Thing I#15) - From the Grennard Candleworks, Sainte-Cloud
purchased the Man-Thing candle. Seeking something to inspire her meditations for
her poetry, she was drawn to the hideous form of the creature. She did not know
that the Man-Thing was her old friend Ted Sallis. Returning to her apartment,
she prepared to meditate on the candle, ignoring the warnings of her blind
friend Jeremy, who insisted there was something evil about the candle. Lighting
the candle, Sainte-Cloud had a flashback to her meeting of Ted Sallis, but then
the flashback went awry as the Man-Thing seemingly appeared and attacked her. As
the Man-Thing grabbed her terrified form, she burnt her wrist on the candle and
was shocked back to reality.
She invited Jeremy over to help her regain her composure, but
the candle continued to burn, affecting both of them. Jeremy seemingly regained
his sight, while Sainte-Cloud flashed back to the day she had last seen Sallis.
Again the flashback warped, and she seemed to be transported to a swamp, where
the Man-Thing spoke to her in the voice of Sallis. Jeremy then appeared to her,
offering to show her the way out, but actually was leading her to an open
window. Chuck then came to the apartment, stopping them from falling out the
window. Chuck revealed that the candle had contained an hallucinogen, leading to
a fight with Jeremy, whose hallucination of sight quickly faded. However, Chuck
was affected by the drug as well, and when Jeremy followed the sound of his
voice and tackled him, he appeared to fall at the feet of the Man-Thing, who
touched and burned his terrified face. In reality, it was the candle which had
burned his face, as his fall had splashed him with hot wax. The candle now out,
Sainte-Cloud and Jeremy called an ambulance for Chuck, while Sainte-Cloud picked
up the candle and thought more about Ted Sallis.
Comments: Created by Steve Gerber and Rico Rival.
Odd, surreal, little story.
All the dates given in this comic are topical. They would be in reference to 1971, the year the Man-Thing was created. I.e. the date of 1967 would mean that the events took place 4 years before Sallis became the Man-Thing. However, I'm not certain that even that information would be correct, given the numerous ret-cons, etc. in the Man-Thing's history. According to Man-Thing I#15, the last time Sallis saw Sainte-Cloud was September, 3-4 years before his mutation.
Sainte-Cloud would seem an unlikely name
for a girl born in the fifties or forties, as the original story would require.
However, given the sliding time scale, she would have been born decades later,
her parents could have been hippies, and Sainte-Cloud might be her realm name.
Or they could have been beatniks, who were around in the
--Per Degaton
Profile by Snood.
No known connection to:
other "Saint" or "Cloud" characters
Man-Thing I#15, p1
p10, panel 3 (candle)
p26, panel 4 (face)
Last updated: 01/18/05
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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