Real Name: Dr. Earl Schreiber
Identity/Class: Human mutate, Post-World War II era
Occupation: Government scientist
Group Membership: Long Island research center scientists
Affiliations: None
Enemies: former Black Fox (Robert Paine), Liberty Girl, Monster Hunters (Ulysses Bloodstone, Dr. Druid, Mac Curry (Makkari), Namora, Zawadi), Yankee Clipper (Patrick Carney)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "That horrible creature"
of Operations: Unidentified government research
center, Long Island
First Appearance: Marvel: The Lost Generation I#2 (January, 2001)
Powers/Abilities: In his mutated form, Dr.Schreiber was a massive (perhaps 15-20' tall) creature, with rock-like skin that was impervious to small arms fire. He possessed large claws and superhuman strength to an unspecified degree; however, he didn't appear to be particularly fast or agile, and his intellect was much reduced.
In his human form, he was
presumably quite a capable scientist, or else he
wouldn't have been trusted to be part of a group
studying an item as sensitive as a UFO.
Height: 5'10" (by approximation)
Weight: 165 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Black
(Marvel: The Lost Generation I#2 (fb) - BTS) -
In 1958, Dr.Schreiber was one of a number of
scientists tasked with examining a downed UFO
kept at a research center in Long Island. While
inspecting a piece of equipment deemed to be
harmless, Schreiber was somehow transformed into
a gigantic behemoth.
(Marvel: The Lost Generation I#2) - The "horrible creature" Schreiber had transformed into crashed through the side of the research center, where it encountered several superhumans, some of whom had been brought there to investigate recent security breaches, while others (the Monster Hunters) had been led there by psychic emanations felt by Dr.Druid, which they thought might belong to a monster.
The heroes fought the emerging
Schreiber-creature, but found that bullets
merely bounced off it. Luckily Schreiber
spontaneously reverted back to human form
after a relatively short time.
Comments: Created by Roger Stern (writer), John Byrne (artist), and Al Milgrom (inker).
Since one of Schreiber's fellow scientists described the monster he transformed into as "that horrible creature," I suppose I should have named his transformed state "Creature" or "Horrible" in the grand Marvel monster naming tradition demonstrated by such stalwarts as the Thing and the Hulk.
Dr.Druid sensed "psychic emanations" which drew the Monster Hunters to the site. Unless the group had been in the area anyway (which seems a big coincidence), then either his emanations were precognitive, or the creature he had sensed was not Schreiber, who had only transformed after the group got to the center. (Perhaps Druid sensed the Skrull Zuhn, who was in the area plotting how to retrieve the spaceship?)
Dr.Druid read Schreiber's mind as he
reverted to normal, and from the
sound of it, Schreiber was unaware
that Zuhn and his allies had broken
into the center--this suggests his
transforming when he did was
coincidental, and not linked to the
break-in -- if not, then Zuhn,
Blackjack and Scythe
could be added to Schreiber's
After Schreiber changed back to normal, Zuhn fought "Agent Scott" (secretly another Skrull called Velmax), who was the government operative who had called in Black Fox, Yankee Clipper and Liberty Girl. Zuhn shot Scott with a "bio-moleculizer," and fully expected his victim to change into another rampaging monster. As such, this was probably the device which transformed Schreiber, but it isn't confirmed.
I've listed the heroes the creature fought as "former" enemies, because once Schreiber became human again, they ceased to be foes. However, I have to wonder if Schreiber's return to human form was permanent, or if he became the late 1950s equivalent of the Hulk.
Empyre Handbook, Chimera profile lists Dr. Schriber as Earl Schreiber.
--James Cope
Profile by Loki.
has no known connections to
Three unidentified staff (presumably scientists) who worked at the Long Island research center. They were taken hostage by Zuhn and his allies, Blackjack and Scythe. At least one of them, the woman, witnessed Schreiber's transformation, presumably before being taken hostage (There is a close up of two of them in consecutive panels, but all we can tell about the third is that he was male and wore glasses). They were freed from captivity by the superheroes when they finished fighting Schreiber.
--Marvel: The Lost Generation#2
All images
from Marvel: The Lost
Generation#2, page
numbers listed minus
advert pages.
p9, panel 1 (monster,
full body)
p.11, panel 4
(monster, face)
p.15, panels 1-3
p.15, panel 4
(Schreiber, human
p.13, panel 1
p.13, panels 2-3
colleagues, close-ups)
First Posted: 12/25/2004
Last updated: 07/05/2019
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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