Real Name: Simon William Garth
Identity/Class: Human zombie
Occupation: Servant of those who wield the Amulets of Damballah;
former president and founder of Garwood Industries, maker of Garth Manor coffee
Legal Status: Citizen of the U.S.A., legally dead
Group Membership: Howling Commandos (Living Mummy/N'Kantu, Man-Thing/Ted Sallis, Frankenstein's Monster), Legion of Monsters (Living Mummy/N'Kantu, Frankenstein's Monster, Satana, Werewolf/Jack Russell)
Former controllers: Black Talon (Samuel Barone), Phillip Bliss, Calypso, Donna Garth, Glory Grant, Gene Griggs, Gyps, Dora Katz, Lilith (Daughter of Dracula), Myrna Lukaikas, Fred Miller, Mister Six, Papa Shorty, Gideon Starr, Harvey Stoller; presumably S.H.I.E.L.D.
Affiliations: Phillip Bliss, Calypso,
Anton Cartier, Damballah, Deadpool ("Headpool") of Earth-2149, Kathy, Hannibal King, Layla, Moira Mason, Midnight Sons (Hellstorm, Jennifer Kale, Man-Thing/Ted Sallis, Morbius, Werewolf), Papa Doc, Papa Shorty, Sagbata (possibly, see
comments), S.H.I.E.L.D. (Phil Coulson, Maria Hill, Melinda May, Jeremiah Warrick, others), Spider-Man;
formerly Hackman, Brian Stockwood (former
business partner)
Enemies: Andre, A.R.M.O.R. (Alternate Reality Monitoring and Operational Response), Calypso, Captain Mexica of Earth-1519, Dormammu, Glory Grant, Gene Griggs, Gyps, Hackman, Hellspawn, Katanya, Dora Katz, Lilith (Dracula), Myrna Lukaikas, Teddy Masterson, Mindless Ones, Fred Miller, Mister Six, Narcisse, Papa Nebo, Ramon, Richard Ricard, Robert, Shotgun (J.R. Walker), Lucien Sinclair, Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Gideon Starr, Harvey Stoller, a pair of hunting dogs (deceased), unidentified mugger and bargoers
Known Relatives: Donna Garth (daughter), Bruce Mason (son-in-law, see Donna's comments), Miranda Garth (ex-wife)
Aliases: Formerly the Coffee King of New Orleans
Place of Birth: Birmingham, Alabama
Base of Operations: Mobile;
buried in New Orleans, Louisiana
First Appearance: Menace#5 (July, 1953);
(retold) Tales of the Zombie#1 (August, 1973)
Powers/Abilities: As a zombie, Garth
possesses certain supernatural abilities derived from the loa (voodoo
spirits). Unlike most zombies, for some reason (perhaps due to
the spell of Layla) his spirit never fully left his body at death.
He was aware of his surroundings; when no one held the Amulet of
Damballah, he was free to act on his own. The person holding the
Amulet of Damballah controls his actions, but has at times he has
been able to exhibit his human persona and take control of his
own actions. He has even spoken on occasion.
However, his spirit may have passed on after
he was laid to rest by Papa Doc.
The Zombie possesses enhanced strength (he can lift 1200 lbs.), can quickly regenerate from even extensive injuries, does not need to breathe or eat, and cannot feel physical pain. The use of a devil-doll or voodoo doll has been shown to be able to cause him incapacitating agony. There is no evidence that Simon Garth had to consume human flesh to maintain his existence as a zombie.
The Zombie cannot smell, taste, or feel. He can see and hear, but these are magical senses, rather than a function of his nervous system.
During his human lifetime, Garth was fiercely driven and a control freak, though he possessed a violent temper.
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 220 lbs.
Eyes: White
Hair: Black
Distinguishing Features: The Zombie's skin is yellowish, coarse, brittle, and in a state of decay.
History: (Tales of the Zombie#9 (fb) - BTS) - Simon Garth was a hero in an unspecified war. (Tales of the Zombie#9 (fb)) - Simon married
Miranda. (Tales of the Zombie#1 (fb)) - <25 years
before the main story> - Simon Garth and Brian Stockwood
became business partners, eventually forming Garwood Industries,
the largest coffee distributor in the South via Garth Manor
Coffee. (Tales of the Zombie#9 (fb)) - Simon's intense
desire to succeed financially led to strife at home. (Tales of the Zombie#2 (fb) - BTS) - Simon
Garth was longtime friends with Anton Cartier in Haiti. (Tales of the Zombie#9 (fb)) - <10-12 years
before#1> - After many public displays of violence, Miranda
walked out on Simon Garth. They had a quiet divorce. (Tales of the Zombie#2 (fb)) - Simon Garth
brought his daughter, Donna, to Haiti, where he had his agent,
Hackman, explain how they paid musicians to play along the field
workers, as it markedly improved their productivity. (Tales of the Zombie#1 (fb)) - After
forbidding Donna from hanging out with one of her friends (a
hippie!), Garth chastised his gardener Gyps for his slow work,
telling him to sharpen his shears. His day at work consisted of
him berating his partner and staff for a reluctance to increase
production as the workers were already overextended. He returned
home to find Gyps harassing Donna after catching her skinny-dipping;
Garth savagely attacked Gyps, beating him, firing him, and
throwing him off the grounds. However, a few hours later, as
Garth left for a dinner party, Gyps ambushed him, smashing a
bottle over his head and taking him out into the bayou where a
"red sect" of voodoo practitioners planned a human
sacrifice. The priestess of the ritual was Layla, Garth's
secretary, who had fallen in love with, and she promised him that
he would not die by her hand. (Tales of the Zombie#1) - Layla pretended to
be performing the sacrifice, but then suddenly cut Garth's
restraints, allowing him to flee into the swamp. However, Gyps
caught up to him and slew him with his shears (which he had
indeed sharpened). Feeling cheated nonetheless with Garth's quick
death, Gyps threatened to kill Layla unless she performed the
ritual to transform Garth into a zombie. Upon digging out of his
fresh grave, Garth went on a rampage, until one of the cultists
threw one of the Amulets of Damballah around the Zombie's neck,
giving its twin to Gyps, allowing him to control Garth. (Menace#5/Tales of the Zombie#1/2) - Gyps sent Garth into town to steal some money for him. He killed and began robbing a man, but was caught in the act by a policeman. Rather than risk captured, the Zombie fled back to Gyps who whipped him for his failure until realizing the whipping bothered Garth in the least. Gyps then sent the Zombie to scare Donna Garth, intending to pretend to rescue her, hoping to earn her favor. The Zombie approached Donna, but upon seeing her he managed to throw off Gyps control, returning to his shack and killing his former master before returning to his bayou grave. (Tales of the Zombie#1/6) - A few weeks after
Simon Garth's disappearance, Detective Sam Jagger called in Donna
Garth to confirm the identity of the dead Gyps. She confirmed
this, after which she convinced Jagger to give her the amulet
they had found at Gyps' shack (as she sensed some connection to
her father). As she concentrated on the amulet, the Zombie
emerged from his grave, killing a pair of hunting dogs that
attacked him and driving off their abusive master. Later, as
Donna headed home, Gene Griggs, a heroin addict, stole her purse.
Griggs was annoyed with the three dollars he found in her purse,
but kept the amulet, hoping he could sell it. Unaware that the
Zombie was heading towards him, Griggs then killed a couple
walking down the street to rob them, but the wife tore open his
pocket as she tried to fight him off. The amulet fell to the
ground, leaving the Zombie free from his control, and the Zombie
grabbed his gun and forced Griggs to shoot himself in the head. (Dracula Lives#2/5) - The Zombie was present
in downtown New Orleans, nearly encountering Dracula. (Tales of the Zombie#2) - The Zombie attacked
a pair of grave robbers, Rafe and Mitch, who had been sent by Mr.
Six to steal a magic ring from the corpse of Joseph Travers. The
Zombie killed Mitch, but Rafe escaped. Sensing a connection to
Haiti, the Zombie stowed away on a ship, on which Donna was also
traveling. In Haiti he made his way to the Port-au-Prince home of
his old friend Anton Cartier. (Tales of the Zombie#2/9) - Cartier brought
the Zombie to a cavern in the forest miles from his home to keep
him hidden while he sought a means to return to normal. However,
as soon as Cartier left he wandered out into woods, encountering
Donna who had been transformed into a monstrous Spider-Thing by
the treatment of Dr. Richard Ricard. The Spider-Thing attacked
the Zombie, but her bites and venom did her no harm, and after
exhausting herself she returned to normal form, passing out. The
Zombie wandered back to its cavern before she revived. (Tales of the Zombie#3) - Wandering out from
his cavern, the Zombie was attacked by and slew a large
constrictor. Vaguely remember his prior need to eat, he consumed
the snake's flesh. He was later drawn to a voodoo ceremony, where
the priestess Katanya had condemned and mutilated Moira Mason for
disrupting the events by filming them. When Moira's husband Bruce
agreed to become Katanya's zombie in exchange for restoring Moira,
the zombie intervened to prevent Bruce from sharing his fate. The
Zombie fought off the cultists and then, sensing her wishes,
quickly killed Moira to end her torment. (Tales of the Zombie#4) - The Zombie fought Katanya and her cultist, who
wished vengeance for the theft of their victim. Katanya used a
"devil-doll" to cause him to collapse to the ground,
and her cultists cast the Zombie off of a cliff. He sank to the
ocean floor, remaining inert until the other Amulet of Damballah
was found by Phillip Bliss, who jokingly used it to call up a
Zombie, little realizing that his call would be answered, as the
Zombie began its trek across the ocean floor towards him. (Tales of the Zombie#4/8) - A week later, the
Zombie climbed onto the docks of New Orleans and confronted
Phillip Bliss. Though initially terrified, Bliss soon realized
the power he now wielded, and he directed the Zombie to wreak
havoc in a courtroom, seeing this as enabling him to gain
vengeance on the lawyers who had ruined Bliss' life. (Tales of the Zombie#5) - Phillip Bliss
attempted to grant the Zombie peace by digging a grave for him
outside New Orleans. Shortly thereafter, Bliss' Amulet of Damballah was abducted by agents of Mr. Six; during the struggle,
Bliss tried to summon the Zombie for help. The Zombie answered
the call, but could only follow the mystic trail to the Amulet--
though he DID stop off at his old office and rampage through it
briefly. Following the call of the Amulet, the Zombie ran into
Robert, the chauffeur of Mr. Six, who was fleeing from a blood
ritual conducted by Papa Shorty. The Zombie followed the orders
of Shorty, who held the Amulet, to kill Robert, who Shorty then
transformed into a zombie as well. Shorty then forced the two
zombies to fight, and Garth quickly overpowered Robert and hurled
him into a fire. When Phillip Bliss and his allies, Steve Bergen
and Gene Gretsch, arrived in an effort to rescue the Zombie,
Shorty commanded him to kill them. After the Zombie slew Phillip
Bliss, Shorty became so amused that he dropped the Amulet; freed
from his control, the Zombie took his vengeance on Shorty,
killing him. (Tales of the Zombie#6) - Back in the swamp,
the Zombie attempted to return to his original grave, but was
drawn to a ritual being conducted by Layla. The Zombie attacked
the ritualists, but Layla proved capable of controlling him.
Promising to bring him a final death, Layla led the Zombie
through the bayou, but she became lost. When they came across the
cabin of Eric Masterson, Layla asked for directions, but was
instead thrown in with his monstrous son, Teddy. The Zombie went
after Eric, who released Teddy to attack the Zombie. However, the
brutish creature exhausted itself in a futile attempt to harm the
Zombie, while Layla killed Eric when he tried to hide from the
Zombie in the same room he had thrown her. Layla led the Zombie
back into the bayou. (Tales of the Zombie#7) - When Layla fell and
knocked herself out on a log, the Zombie wandered off, observing
from a distance the mystery of the deceased Brian Collier and his
relatives, many of whom fell before a plot of Collier's lawyer,
Jerome Ralston. The Zombie then intervened, killing Ralston and
his partner-in-crime, Collier's grandson, Jason. (Tales of the Zombie#8 (fb) - BTS) -
Firefighter Fred Miller found the Amulet within the remains of
Papa Shorty's oum'phor (temple). (Tales of the Zombie#8) - Layla brought the
Zombie to her grandfather, Papa Doc/Doc Kabel, in hopes that he
could help her lay Garth to rest. He performed a ceremony and
then gave her a gris-gris (a type of magical charm) that she
could use to end the Zombie's curse. However, when she returned,
he had wandered off again. He followed the call of Fred Miller,
who was using the Amulet as a gag during a swinger's party. The
Zombie burst into his house, but Miller soon realized he could
use the Amulet to control the Zombie. Miller then used the Zombie
to assault and terrify his neighbor, Ray Jordan, who had been
complaining about the noise at his parties. One of Miller's
friends, Harvey Stoller, used the Zombie to frighten to death his
boss, Louis Garrison. Another of Miller's friends, Dora, sent the
Zombie to assault a "snooty secretary who lords it over her
typing pool at Garwood." Following the orders, the Zombie
entered her apartment and smashed the woman in the head. Only
afterwards did he realize that the secretary was Layla, who had
been mortally wounded by the punch. In a daze, Layla pulled the
Amulet of Damballah off of the Zombie, freeing him from Miller's
control. His mind again his own, the Zombie traveled back down to
Miller's car and slew everyone in it.
(Tales of the Zombie#9) - The dying Layla took
the gris-gris and had the Zombie carry her back to Papa Doc.
There she sacrificed her remaining life force, allowing Papa Doc
to perform a ritual that returned Simon Garth to life for 24
hours. He first informed the police about the red sect voodoo
cult that had attempted to perform a ritual sacrifice on him,
leading to the deaths or arrests of most of its members.
Returning to Garth manor, he learned from Anton Cartier that
Donna was getting married to Bruce Mason that day. He attended
the wedding, where he was reunited with his former wife, Miranda.
He arranged the sellout his half of Garwood, using it as a trust
for Donna and Miranda, as well as for Teddy Masterson,
administered jointly by Joan Masterson and Anton Cartier. From
Garwood he went to Cafe Six, where he confronted and killed
Mister Six and his assistant André. Fleeing the police, Garth
returned to his manor, where he briefly made his peace with
Miranda, before turning back into the Zombie. (Bizarre Adventures#33) (Daredevil Annual#9) - Calypso summoned
Papa Doc to the grave of Simon Garth, where she killed him.
Drinking his blood and taking his Talisman of Damballah, she
performed a ritual which raised the Zombie once more. After
having the creature demonstrate its strength for her, she then
resurrected Hellspawn, and commanded the Zombie to kill the
"e;Redman," as a way of testing his ability against her
enemy Daredevil. The two creatures fought briefly before
Hellspawn escaped. Furious at her follower's failure to
protect her during the melee, Calypso then attacked the Zombie,
at which point it somehow realized that she had captured the
spirit of Papa Doc in an ornament called the Pot-De-Tete. The
Zombie crushed the pot, releasing Doc's soul, then turned
around and mindlessly walked away in search of "The Redman."
(Spider-Man Annual '97 (fb) - BTS) -
In The Caribbean, an elderly woman possessed by the spirit of
Calypso gave a vacationing Glory Grant one of the Talismans of
Damballah, knowing of her strong mixed feelings of Spider-Man,
another one of Calypso's enemies. (Spider-Man Annual '97) - Arriving in
New York by walking across the ocean floor, the Zombie climbed
onto a pier, where two mafia men were preparing to kill a third
by sinking him with concrete. The Zombie killed the two, then
knocked the third into the water as well. He made his way to the
apartment of Glory Grant, where Spider-Man found him standing on
the fire escape outside. Attacking the creature, the two were
knocked inside Grant's home, where the government special
agent known as Shotgun was questioning Grant on her dealings
while on vacation. Shotgun proceeded to shoot the Zombie in the
gut, and then fought with Spider-Man. Grant then shot the Zombie
as well, and it escaped. Later on, while scuba diving for a dropped
stash of illegal drugs, Shotgun and Grant once again encountered
the Zombie, who attempted to attack Grant, only to be pinned to
the side of a sunken ship by Shotgun. At this point,
Calypso's spirit fully possessed Grant, and she knocked
Shotgun unconscious. She then took the Zombie and Ramon,
Grant's cousin whom she put under a spell to act like a
zombie, to her real body's grave. Once the body was dug up,
the Zombie attempted to take the Talisman of Damballah from Grant/Calypso,
only to have Ramon attack him. After the Zombie knocked him out,
Spider-Man arrived on the scene, and kept the Zombie occupied
while Calypso returned her spirit to her true body and escaped.
Grant, now in full capacity of her mind, used the Talisman to
command the Zombie to stop, and upon handing it to him, he
lumbered away. (Spider-Man Unlimited I#20 - BTS) - Lilith
gained possession of one of the Talismans, and began to use the
Zombie to gather victims for her. (Spider-Man Unlimited I#20) - The Zombie
attacked a group of homeless youths, in particular one boy whom
Lilith desired to be brought to her. Lilith then sent Simon to
Times Square to stage a rampage to draw in Spider-Man. Catching
him, the Zombie brought Spider-Man back to Lilith's lair,
where she used him as a test to prove Hannibal King's
loyalty to her. King instead ripped the Talisman from her throat
and commanded the Zombie to free Spider-Man. The three of them
fought off Lilith and her vampire horde until Lilith escaped.
King then returned to New Orleans and returned both Talismans and
the Zombie to Simon's daughter Donna, who promised to bury
him. (Strange Tales IV#1/3) - Donna Garth sent
the Zombie to attack Papa Nebo and Narcisse, two men who attacked and killed her best friend, Angelina Beliard. The Zombie
killed Nebo, and dragged Narcisse to Angelina's tomb,
locking him inside alive, with the zombified Angelina. (Legion of Monsters: Man-Thing#1/2) - The Zombie was found in
the wreckage after a swamp gas explosion destroyed a city block. He was taken to
Gerber Hospital, where -- after searching for the morgue attendant Kathy -- he
wandered out and killed a mugger (saving his female attacker). In the Rabbit's
Hole bar, he found a punk woman who wanted him to make her his corpse bride;
when he refused to kill her, she and her friends attacked him. He stood there as
they badly beat him until a cop stopped them. (Marvel Zombies 4#1 (fb) - BTS) - When the zombie plague from Earth-2149 broke out on Earth-616 interdimensional defense agency A.R.M.O.R. caught Simon Garth for study and kept him in the Hollow. (Marvel Zombies 4#1 (fb) ) - Garth's containment tube got broken when Morbius of Earth-2149 infected the personnel at the Hollow. Attack by the zombified Captain Mexica Garth couldn't satisfy the attacker's hunger because he was a zombie as well. Captain Mexica threw up and moved on. The decapitated head of Earth-2149's Deadpool ("Headpool") called Garth over to his containment tube and talked Garth into busting him out. Garth took "Headpool" to A.R.M.O.R.'s teleporters and they escaped the quarantine, but "Headpool's" coordination were incorrect and they landed at the bottom of the Caribbean ocean. Attacked by Piranha and his Men-Fish Garth was saved from them by "Headpool", who bit their way through them, infecting them with the zombie plague. (Marvel Zombies 4#1) - Compelled by the Amulet of Damballah Simon Garth arrived with "Headpool" at the shore of the Caribbean island nation Taino and went to Black Talon's drug operation. Black Talon forced Garth to reveal to him who "Headpool" was and where they came from before ordering Garth to hand over "Headpool". From that moment on Garth walked among Black Talon's zombie servants with "Headpool" at the end of a spear. (Marvel Zombies 4#2) - Simon Garth silently stood next to the birdcage Black Talon kept "Headpool" in while "Headpool" tried to convince Garth to break him out again. While the Midnight Sons (Hellstorm, Jennifer Kale, Man-Thing, Morbius, Werewolf) fought Black Talon, Hood and the Night Shift two of Talon's cronies tried to steal "Headpool". One of them was bitten by "Headpool" and turned into a zombie, who attacked his partner immediately. Uncaring for their misfortune Garth took the cage with "Headpool" inside and left the scene. (Marvel Zombies 4#3 (fb) - BTS) - Garth moved away from Talon's plantation and removed "Headpool" from the birdcage. (Marvel Zombies 4#3) - 20 kilometers west from Talon's plantation Garth shambled into a village with "Headpool" under his arm. Garth grabbed a screaming woman at her arm while "Headpool" prattled on. Garth moved on with "Headpool" when a cloud containing blood and gore infected by the zombie plague, which had been mutated by Morbius' vaccine, rained down on the village and dissolved the woman, whose arm Garth was still holding, in front of him. Man-Thing followed them. Moving on Zombie and "Headpool" encountered Roxxon Blackridge super-security members the Wicked Brigade (Ogre, Razor-Wire and Lightning Fist). They asked the two zombies if they needed medical attention before they were infected themselves by the zombie plague cloud. (Marvel Zombies 4#4) - Garth put "Headpool" on a boat sending him out to the sea. Garth then returned with "Headpool's" mask in hand to Black Talon's plantation where Jennifer Kale and Black Talon used his body as vessel to contain the zombie virus cloud. Because the Midnight Sons believed Garth had torched "Headpool" they considered him the sole carrier of the extradimensional zombie plague. Morbius decided to imprison Garth again because destroying him would release the zombie plague again. (Deadpool: Merc with a Mouth#2 (fb) ) - "Headpool" remembered his stay on Taino like he and Garth hung out at the beach having drinks and later Garth helped him fake his death by sending him out to the sea. (Daredevil III#32 (fb) - BTS) - At some point Simon Garth joined the Legion of Monsters. (Daredevil III#32 (fb) ) - Garth joined them in numerous attempts to breach the stronghold of Darkhold user Lucien Sinclair in Stone Hills, Kentucky, but his guardians were too strong. (Daredevil III#32) - During another attempt locals attacked the Legion of Monsters and Garth joined Werewolf and Frankenstein's Monster to protect their allies Satana and Living Mummy from the bigots. Daredevil, who was looking for Werewolf to get information on the Darkhold, got attacked by Garth, who didn't know he was actually on their side. After Daredevil explained himself he got shot while aiding the monsters against the locals. (Daredevil III#33) - Garth stood by while Satana and Jack Russell saved Daredevil's life and then forced them to share information on the Darkhold with him. Ultimately Daredevil succeeded invade Sinclair's stronghold and capture him. Garth and the others watched Daredevil leave, not knowing he had stolen a few Darkhold pages. (S.H.I.E.L.D. III#6 (fb) - BTS) - Phil Coulson put together a team of supernatural beings lacking brain power to go up against Dormammu. The team included Simon Garth, Living Mummy, Man-Thing and Frankenstein's Monster. Maria Hill referred to them as the all-new Howling Commandos. S.H.I.E.L.D.'s ESPers planted a simple suggestion in their brains to hold the line and show no mercy. (S.H.I.E.L.D. III#6) - The all-new Howling Commandos protected a portal to the Dark Dimension from S.H.I.E.L.D. agents infected with Dormammu's magical mindless plague. When Dormammu was defeated by Absorbing Man, serving S.H.I.E.L.D., and the Black Dechantment artifact got destroyed, the artifact's destruction caused a backlash that pulled the Howling Commandos to the Dark Dimension where they kept pummeling Dormammu. (S.H.I.E.L.D. III#6 - BTS) - Warrick worked on recreating the portal to retrieve the Howling Commandos from the Dark Dimension. Comments: Created by Stan Lee and Bill
Everett; Bizarre Adventures#33 was
published nearly eight years after the story in Tales of the
Zombie#9. Daredevil Annual#9 makes it appear as if the Zombie had
been at rest since the events of Tales of the Zombie#9. If it
occurred prior to him being put to rest (as stated in the OHotMU
Deluxe Edition#20), it would most likely occur between issues
Tales of the Zombie#5 and 6. It's also possible that the story
takes place very early in his chronology, but the truth about the
Zombie was not known to the general public until Tales of the
Zombie#9, and his existence was publicly known in Bizarre
Adventures#33. Also, I can't really explain how the Amulet would
have made it to New York and back, especially since the Amulet's
chronology can be traced pretty much directly from ToZ#1 to #9.
However, it is certainly possible that the Amulet was taken by
someone, given to Gideon Starr, and then ended up exactly where
it had been. If that's the case, I would put it between the
stories in#1, meaning after the death of Gyps, but before his
body was found by Det. Jagger. One of the cultists could have
found the Amulet, given it and the information behind Garth to
Starr. After recovering the Amulet, the Zombie felt compelled to
return the Amulet to Gyps' corpse. The first true zombie as we
know them in the modern era was created in Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#17/2
by the African/Voodoo god Sagbata (aka Baron Samedi), using the
magic of Chthon. Presumably that same magic is/was involved with
all subsequent zombies as well. The Amulet/Talisman of Damballah
presumably allows control of the Zombie, but would not appear to
have been involved in his creation. Many zombies and other forms
of the undead have been seen chronologically well before the
creation of zombies by Sagbata. These zombie-like creatures did
not derive power from Sagbata, but from other sources of magic,
though it could be that Chthon is the common connection. Daredevil I#113 revealed that the shack that provided
the setting for the Zombie story in Tales of the Zombie#6 was the shack in which Ted Sallis did his research. The cover for Tales of the Zombie#7 was
apparently used as the basis for the poster for the movie "Virgin Among the
Living Dead," by Jesus Franco: At the end of Ka-Zar the Savage#34 (October, 1984) there is a back-up story that has Ka-Zar going to the Land of Cancelled Heroes. There is a ton of cameos from chacters whose books were cancelled including the Zombie. Thanks to Jean-Marc Lofficier, Madison Carter, and Snood
for the images. Profile by Snood, Prime
Eternal, and Madison Carter. Marvel Zombies 4 to S.H.I.E.L.D. update by Markus Raymond. CLARIFICATIONS:
Also known as the Talisman
of Damballah and the Amulets of Control, they were a pair of
medallions, presumably given power by the true Voodoo God
Damballah. One was placed around the Zombie's neck by Layla,
allowing whoever held its match to control the Zombie. Under
normal circumstances, Garth was unable to resist whoever held the
Amulet, and he could not remove the Amulet around his neck, or
the other Amulet from its holder. On one occasion Garth proved
capable of resisting the Amulet; this was when Gyps tried to
force him to assault his daughter, Donna. Garth also had the
ability to TRY to take the Amulet from its holder (Glory Grant). After Gyps died, the Amulet
was taken by Detective Sam Jagger, who gave it to Donna Garth. It
was stolen from Donna by Gene Griggs, who dropped it and was
killed by the Zombie. From there it was found by Phillip Bliss,
until was stolen by agents of Mr. Six, who gave it to Papa Shorty,
who was killed by the Zombie after he dropped the Amulet. It was
found by Fred Miller next to Shorty's corpse, and he and his
friends, including Harvey Stoller and Dora, used it, until Layla
tore the Amulet from the Zombie's neck, freeing him from its
control. The Amulet was next seen in
the hands of Gideon Starr and Myrna Lukaikas (unless that story
was just out of chronology...and I prefer that it were out of
chronology), after which the Zombie obtained both Amulets.
Calypso controlled the Zombie without the Amulet via the captured
spirit of Papa Doc, and the Amulet was next seen around the
Zombie's neck again, with its match in the possession of an old
woman in the Caribbean in the possession of Calypso, who gave it
to Glory Grant, who eventually gave it to the Zombie himself. One
of the Amulets came into the possession of Lilith, Daughter of
Dracula, and from there Donna Garth obtained it. It was last seen
in Donna's possession. --Tales of the Zombie#1 (Tales of the Zombie#1, Menace#5/Tales of the Zombie#1/2, Tales of the Zombie#1/6, Dracula Lives#2/5, Tales of the Zombie#2, Tales of the Zombie#2/9, Tales of the Zombie#3, Tales of the Zombie#4, Tales of the Zombie#4/8, Tales of the Zombie#5, Tales of the Zombie#6, Tales of the Zombie#7, [Tales of the Zombie#8 (fb)], Tales of the Zombie#8, Tales of the Zombie#9, Bizarre Adventures#33, Daredevil Annual#9/2, Spider-Man Annual '97, Spider-Man Unlimited I#20, Strange Tales IV#1/3, Marvel Zombies 4#1, [#2], #3-4, Daredevil III#32-33, S.H.I.E.L.D. III#6
Simon's ex-wife, she was the only child of one
of New Orleans' oldest families. They had a daughter, Donna, but
eventually his placement of his career over her, and their public
and violent confrontations led her to leave him. After a quiet
divorce, 10-12 years went by without even a Christmas card.
Miranda next saw Simon at Donna's wedding; she was impressed with
how he had changed, as he actually cared about Donna and her
happiness over his own opinions. The two made peace with each
other, and might have even started anew, but Simon reverted back
into Zombie form. Though he did everything possible to hide this
from Miranda, she learned the truth when Det. Sam Jagger called
out to the Zombie. --Tales of the Zombie#1, (seen)#9 (9(fb), [1 -
BTS], 9 Images taken from: Appearances:
First Posted: 10/18/2004 Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know. Non-Marvel Copyright info Special Thanks to for hosting the Appendix, Master List, etc.!
The police had pursued Garth back to his manor,
but the Zombie easily fought his way past them and made his way
to Papa Doc's shack, where he grabbed the gris-gris, effectively
ending his curse. Papa Doc and Anton Cartier buried Garth.
However, as Gideon had used a real Amulet and
a fake Amulet in the plot and Myrna held only the fake Amulet,
she could not control the Zombie, who threw her into the
fireplace. The Zombie grabbed the second Amulet and tried to use
it to will himself into final death, but found the effort to be
futile. He took both Amulets and wandered off.
The Zombie was taken back to the morgue where he was
apparently kissed by a female corpse/zombie, and they broke out of the morgue
and dug themselves a shallow grave in the wilderness.
revamped by Roy Thomas, Steve Gerber, John
Buscema and Tom Palmer.
Otherwise, it would appear that under
unspecified circumstances, he was revived and returned to true
death again after #9. Still, if I wrote the story, I'd consider
making the story occur AFTER Daredevil Annual#9, which is totally
--John McDonagh
--Paradox Factor
Simon Garth, the Zombie, should not be confused
Amulets of Damballah
Miranda Garth
OHOTMU#14, p32 (main image)
Tales of the Zombie#3, p1 (gods crave flesh)
Tales of the Zombie#1, p5, pan1 (pre-transformation)
Curse of the Weird (reprinting Menace#5), p1, pan1 (reprint panel)
Menace#5, "Zombie story", p1, pan1 (original panel)
Tales of the Zombie#1 (cover)
Tales of the Zombie#9, p28, pan5 (Simon Garth head shot)
Daredevil Annual#9, story 3, p53, pan1 (controlled by Calypso)
Peter Parker: Spider-Man '97, p35, pan4 (taking amulet)
Spider-Man Unlimited I#20, p2, pan1 (grrawrr)
Strange Tales IV#1, story 3, p53, pan8 (welcome back)
Bizarre Adventures#33, p5, pan2 (Amulet of Damballah)
Tales of the Zombie#9, p28, pan2 (Miranda Woods)
Marvel Zombies 4#4, p20, pan1 (vessel for zombie plague from Earth-2149)
Menace#5 (July, 1953) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Bill Everett (artist)
Tales of the Zombie#1 (August, 1973) - Story 1: Steve Gerber (writer), John Buscema (layouts), Tom Palmer (finished art), Roy Thomas (co-plot/editor)
Story 6: Steve Gerber (writer), John Buscema (layouts), Syd Shores (finished art), Roy Thomas (editor)
Tales of the Zombie#2 (October, 1973) - Story 1 & 9: Steve Gerber (writer), Pablo Marcos (artist), Roy Thomas (editor)
Dracula Lives#2 (1973) - Roy Thomas (writer/editor), Gene Colan (pencils), Dick Giordano (inks)
Tales of the Zombie#3 (January, 1974) - Story 1: Steve Gerber (writer), Pablo Marcos (artist), Roy Thomas (editor)
Tales of the Zombie#4 (March, 1974) - Story 1 & 8: Steve Gerber (writer), Pablo Marcos (artist), Roy Thomas (editor)
Tales of the Zombie#5 (May, 1974) - Story 1: Steve Gerber (writer), Pablo Marcos (artist), Roy Thomas (editor)
Tales of the Zombie#6 (July, 1974) - Story 1: Steve Gerber (writer), Pablo Marcos (artist), Roy Thomas (editor)
Tales of the Zombie#7 (September, 1974) - Story 1: Steve Gerber & Doug Moench (writers), Pablo Marcos & Alfredo Alcala (artists), Tony Isabella (editor)
Tales of the Zombie#8 (November, 1974) - Story 1: Steve Gerber (writer), Pablo Marcos (artist), Tony Isabella (editor)
Tales of the Zombie#9 (January, 1975) - Story 1: Tony Isabella (writer), Virgilio Redondo (pencils), Alfredo Alcala (inks), Dave Kraft & Don McGregor (editors)
Story 2: Tony Isabella & Chris Claremont (writers), Yong Montano (pencils), Alfredo Alcala (inks), Dave Kraft & Don McGregor (editors)
Story 3: Tony Isabella (writer), Ron Wilson (pencils), Pablo Marcos (inks), Dave Kraft & Don McGregor (editors)
Bizarre Adventures#33 (December, 1982) - Doug Moench (writer), Dave Simons (artist), Denny O'Neil (editor)
Daredevil Annual#9 (July 1993) - Story 3: Glenn Herdling (writer), Scott McDaniel (pencils), Bud LaRosa (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Spider-Man '97 Annual (1997) - Glenn Herdling (writer), Shawn McManus (artist), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Spider-Man Unlimited I#20 (May 1998) - Christopher Golden (writer), Joe Bennett (pencils), Joe Pimentel (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Strange Tales IV#1 (September 1998) - Story 3: Glenn Herdling (writer), Mark Pajarillo (pencils), Jonathan Sibal (inks), Glenn Greenberg (editor)
Legion of Monsters: Man-Thing#1/2 (May, 2007) - Ted McKeever (story & art), Nicole Boose (assistant editor), Ralph Macchio (consulting editor), John Barber (editor)
Marvel Zombies 4#1-4 (June-September, 2009) - Fred Van Lente (writer), Kev Walker (artist), Bill Rosemann (editor)
Deadpool: Merc with a Mouth#2 (October, 2009) - Victor Gischler (writer), Bong Dazo (pencils), Jose Pimentel (inks), Axel Alonso (editor)
Daredevil III#32 (December, 2013) - Mark Waid (writer), Chris Samnee (artist), Stephen Wacker (editor)
Daredevil III#33 (January, 2014) - Mark Waid (writer), Chris Samnee & Jason Copeland (artists), Stephen Wacker (editor)
S.H.I.E.L.D. III#6 (July, 2015) - Mark Waid (writer), Paul Renaud (artist), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Last updated: 12/23/2017
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