Earth of Killraven & Guardians of the Galaxy future
Abraxas (Killraven foe) - 21st Century
Abrogate (31st century, Quasar foe)
Absolutes (Ubiquitor's race) - 31st Century
Adam 3, 031 (Death-Birth) - 31st Century
Adams and Eves (Death-Birth) - 31st Century
"Alphans" (31st century, Guardians of the Galaxy characters) - by Donald Campbell
Andromeda (first Terran starship) - by Donald Campbell - 30th Century
Antag (space wanderer, wrote Book of Antag)
Ash, Volcana (Killraven ally) - 31st Century
Asylum (planet) - 31st Century
Atalon (Death-Birth) - 21st Century
Atur (Courga race) - 31st Century
Badoon Sisterhood (Guardians of the Galaxy/Valkyrie characters) - 31st Century
base of Earth-691 (Dr. Raker's base, former Grand Central Station, Killraven story) - 21st Century
Belle (Punishers) - 31st Century
Big Budd (Asylum) - 31st Century
Blackie (Asylum) - 31st Century
Blue Banshess (Guardians of the Galaxy foes) - 31st Century
Book of Antag (Guardians of the Galaxy story) - by Donald Campbell - 31st Century
Book of Kells (magic item) - 31st Century
Brahl of Earth-691 (Intimidators/Minions of Menace) - 31st Century
Broadside (Force, Guardians of the Galaxy foe) - 31st Century
Brotherhood of Badoon (xt, Guardians of the Galaxy foes) - by Donald Campbell - 31st Century
Brutag (Reavers of Arcturus) - 31st Century
Bubonicus (Guardians of the Galaxy foe) - 31st Century
Cabre-Rios, Jennifer (Captain of Sol III) - 31st Century
Calligrapher (Guardians of the Galaxy character) - by Grendel Prime 31st Century
Carinthus (Sarkans race) - 31st Century
Carver, Dr. Ann (ca. 2006 AD, Killraven character) - 21st Century
Centaurians (Guardians of the Galaxy characters) - by Donald Campbell - 31st Century
Confederation of Nations (Guardians of the Galaxy stories) - 31st Century
Convent of Living Fire (cult on Topographical Man) - 31st Century
Courg (xt planet, Courga race) - 31st Century
Courga (Stark victims) - by Donald Campbell - 31st Century
Cribb (The Deck) - 31st Century
Crucible Guardians (Death-Birth) - 21st Century
Crustacean mutate (Woden foe) - 31st Century
Cuchulain (Celtic "Gods") - by Will U - 31st Century
Death-Birth (Killraven foes) - 21st Century
Death-Breeders (Death-Birth) - 21st Century
Deathraven (Killraven foe/brother) - 21st Century
Debb (Major Victory character) - by Markus Raymond - 31st Century
Deck (Gamble's agents) - 31st Century
Devil's Marauder (Skar's tripod) - 21st Century
Dr. S'Rell (medical officer of Sol III) - 31st Century
"Double Bonus" (Punishers) - 31st Century
Dumog (Fomalhauti) - 31st Century
Dunn (Punishers) - 31st Century
Durge (Badoon soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy foe) - 31st Century
Durgg (Badoon soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy foe) - by Markus Raymond - 31st Century
Earth-Gov of Earth-691 (3015 A.D., Earth's government)
Eightyfive (Force, Guardians of the Galaxy foe) - 31st Century
Emperor Goozot (Hulk/Yondu foe) - by Norvo - 31st Century
Emptiness that Devours (Karanada) - 31st Century
Entemen (Force victims) - by Donald Campbell - 31st Century
Eve 3, 031 (Death-Birth) - 21st Century
Fear-Master (Atalon) - 21st Century
Force (Guardians of the Galaxy foes) - by Markus Raymond - 31st Century
Freewomen (Mint Julep allies) - 21st Century
Gamble (Sol III crew foe) - 31st Century
Ganglia (Ubiquitor's Emissaries) - 31st Century
Godhead (Convent of Living Fire) - 31st Century
Grand Inquisitor (Judan, Universal Church of Truth) - by Donald Campbell - 31st Century
Grok (Killraven ally) - 21st Century
Grott the Manslayer of Earth-691 (Intimidators/Minions of Menace) - by Snood & Chadman
Gyn (The Deck) - 31st Century
Harkov, Isaac of Earth-691 (Techno-Barons, allegedly) - 31st Century
Hazmat (Ubiquitor's Emissaries) - 31st Century
Human Badoon Hunters (hunted Debb's mate) - 31st Century
Interface (Force, Guardians of the Galaxy foe) - 31st Century
Intimidators (Guardians of the Galaxy foes) - 31st Century
Jake (Asylum) - 31st Century
John (Starhawk's children) - 31st Century
Karanada (Topographical Man component) - 31st Century
Keeper of Earth-691 (Dr. Raker, Killraven character) - 21st Century
Keepers (Death-Birth) - 21st Century
Klatuu (homeworld of Kr'll race, Guardians of the Galaxy story) - 31st Century
Koord (Badoon, Guardians of the Galaxy foe) - 31st Century
Kr'll (xt, from planet Klatuu, Guardians of the Galaxy story) - 31st Century
Krugarr of Earth-691 (21st-31st century, Guardians of the Galaxy character) - by Markus Raymond
Kwaal of Earth-691 (Techno-Barons) - 31st Century
Land Crusher (Badoon vehicle, Guardians of the Galaxy story) - 31st Century
Last Watcher (Uilig) - 31st Century
Lotiara (Swampworld) - 31st Century
Mac (Asylum) - 31st Century
Maul (Badoon, Guardians of the Galaxy foe) - 31st Century
Maz (Badoon, Guardians of the Galaxy foe) - 31st Century
Mento-Corder (Badoon starship recording device) - by Donald Campbell - 31st Century
Meur (Badoon, Guardians of the Galaxy foe) - 31st Century
Minions of Menace (Intimidators) - 31st Century
Mint Julep (Killraven ally) - 21st Century
Mister Slech (Asylum) - 31st Century
Mon-Tee (Hulk/Yondu foe) - by Norvo - 31st Century
Mother Superior (Convent of Living Fire) - 31st Century
"Mutants" (ca. 21 century, served Keeper Raker, Killraven foes)
Nova of Earth-691 (Frankie Raye, Guardians of the Galaxy character) - by Donald Campbell
Ogord (Reavers or Arcturus) - 31st Century
O'Meara, Shan (computer system engineer of Sol III) - 31st Century
Onanwro, Yan (chief security officer of Sol III) - 31st Century
Overkill (Guardians of the Galaxy foe) - by Markus Raymond - 31st century
pawn shop owner (Asylum) - 31st Century
Pazz-Ko (Asylum caretaker) - 31st Century
Photon (Force, Guardians of the Galaxy foe) - 31st Century
Prexy (Asylum) - 31st Century
Procyonites (xt, Tork's race) - by Donald Campbell - 31st Century
Pstun-Rage (Killraven foe) - by Prime Eternal - 21st Century
Psychic Vampires of Arcturus (Starhawk's children) - 31st Century
Psyke-Disks of Reality-691 (Badoon technology) - by Donald Campbell - 31st Century
pulse wand (used by Bubonicus) - 31st Century
Punisher General - 31st Century
Punishers (Guardians of the Galaxy foes) - by Zerostar - 31st Century
Rancor (Wolverine descendant, Guardians of the Galaxy foe) - by Minor Irritant - 31st century
Rattack (Killraven foe) - 21st Century
Reavers of Arcturus (Guardians of the Galacy characters) - 31st Century
Remora (Guardians of the Galaxy character) - by Grendel Prime 31st Century
Reptoids (Teju's race) - by Donald Campbell - 31st Century
Ripjak (derived from Spider-Man) - 31st Century
Roh-Ma (Asylum caretaker) - 31st Century
Sabre (Killraven ally/foe) - 21st Century
Sacrificer (Death-Birth) - 21st Century
Samhain (Guardians of the Galaxy foe) - by Grendel Prime - 31st Century
Sanctum Sanctorum of Lem-691 (31st century, Krugarr's headquarter)
Sarka (homeworld of the Sarkans, Guardians of the Galaxy stories) - 31st Century
Sarkan (Guardians of the Galaxy characters) - by Donald Campbell - 31st Century
Saul (Sol III) - 31st Century
Savant (Ubiquitor's Emissaries) - 31st Century
Scanner (Force, Guardians of the Galaxy foe) - 31st Century
Scrapper of Earth-691 (Killraven foe) 21st Century
Silverback (Ubiquitor's Emissaries) - 31st Century
Sirens (ca. 2018 AD, Killraven foes) - 21st century
Sisterhood of the Badoon (Badoon Sisterhood) - 31st Century
Sita (Starhawk's children) - 31st Century
Skar (Killraven foe) - 21st Century
Skarlet (Sirens, Killraven foe) - 21st Century
Skellig (Guardians of the Galaxy foe) - by Markus Raymond - 31st Century
Slagg (Guardians of the Galaxy foe) - by Markus Raymond - 31st Century
Slasher (Killraven foe) - 21st Century
Sod (Asylum) - 31st Century
Sol (Sol III) - 31st Century
Sol III (Marvel UK) - 31st Century
Starhawk's children - 31st Century
Starhawk's children's asteroid base - 31st Century
Swampworld (Badoon Sisterhood) - 31st Century
Tachyon (Force, Guardians of the Galaxy foe) - 31st Century
Talogan (Wolverine descendant, Rancor's son) - 31st Century
Tara (Starhawk's children) - 31st Century
Techno-Barons (rulers of Earth, Guardians of the Galaxy story) - 31st Century
Teju (Intimidators/Minions of Menace) - 31st Century
Tilnast star system (Sarka planetary system, Guardians of the Galaxy stories) - 31st Century
Tolaria (Badoon Sisterhood) - 31st Century
Tommer, Hans of Earth-691 (Techno-Barons) - 31st Century
Topographical Man (Guardians of the Galacy foe) - 31st Century
Tork (Intimidators/Masters of Menace) - 31st Century
Ubiquitor (Galactic Guardians foe) - 31st Century
Uilig the Last Watcher - 31st Century
Ultra-Max (computer virus, Punisher/Daredevil/Wonder Man/Guardians of the Galaxy stories) - 31st Century
unidentified battle cruiser captain (Sarkans race) - 31st Century
unidentified enraged knife-wielder (Courga race) - 31st Century
unidentified fearful parent and pup (Courga race) - 31st Century
unidentified Grand Inquisitor's aide (Sarkans race) - 31st Century
unidentified Infonet newscasters (Sarkan race) - 31st Century
unidentified local newscaster (Sarkan race) - 31st Century
unidentified mutates of Earth-691 (Killraven foes) - 21st Century
United Federation of Earth (Guardians of the Galaxy interstellar union) - by Donald Campbell - 31st Century
Venesia (Swampworld) - 31st Century
White Room (alien dimension) - 31st Century
Whitter, Ned (Punishers) - 31st Century
Whyst (The Deck) - 31st Century
Woden (son of Thor, Guardians of the Galaxy ally) - by Grendel Prime - 31st Century
World Federation (Guardians of the Galaxy characters) - 31st Century
Yur (Badoon, Guardians of the Galaxy foe) - 31st Century
Zinnia (Hulk/Yondu foe) - by Norvo 31st Century
Zoms (Badoon servants, Guardians of the Galaxy foes) - by Donald Campbell - 31st century
Last Updated: 03/06/2025
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