Real Name: Possibly Avandalia
Identity/Class: Uncertain, possibly extradimensional demon
Occupation: Agent of D'Spayre
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: D'Spayre
Enemies: Philip Carlisle, Cloak, Dagger, Mayhem (Brigid O'Rielly), Rebecca "Rusty" Nales
Known Relatives: D'Spayre (possible creator)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: A mysterious New York apartment, across the hall from Philip Carlisle's apartment
First Appearance: Cloak & Dagger III#16 (February, 1991)
Powers/Abilities: Avandalia is composed of some dark energy material which crumbles to dust when destroyed. She can apparently entrance and control others. She apparently can sense emotions (or at least pain), and she either feeds on pain or just really enjoys it. She has large, feathered wings and presumably can fly.
(Cloak & Dagger III#16) - After Cloak was sent from the Schamballa fortress
in the northern Rockies, he reappeared in the mysterious apartment across from
Philip Carlisle's apartment, bereft of his powers. Tyrone was then confronted by Avandalia,
who told him to speak her name and then speak his. After he did
so, she clasped his hand and said, "enough" (presumably accomplishing putting
him under her spell). He reached out and touched her, then, with a sound if
shattering glass, she crumbled away and vanished.
& Dagger III#17 (fb) - BTS) - Avandalia ensorceled Philip Carlisle, bringing him
to the mysterious apartment. She set a large dinner table, and the two waited
for everyone else to arrive.
(Cloak & Dagger III#17) - Detectives Nales and O'Reilly sought aid from Cloak, who had been staying at Carlisle's apartment. As soon as they approached, Avandalia called them over to her apartment, commanded them to speak her name, and then forced them to sit at the table, where a plate was covered with the faces of several tortured souls screaming for help.
(Cloak & Dagger III#18) - D'Spayre arrived in the apartment
(which had pulled free from the rest of the building and was floating in mid-air),
and they discussed waiting for Cloak & Dagger, the former of whom would be
their guest of honor. While they waited, D'Spayre transformed O'Reilly back into
Fleeing from Mephisto, Cloak & Dagger headed through a portal
of light in a realm of darkness, emerging into the mysterious apartment, and
Avandalia toasted their arrival. D'Spayre told them that the occasion was their
last meal.
(Cloak & Dagger III#19) - Avandalia took control of Cloak,
forcing him to wrap his cloak around and contain Dagger. He apologized to
Dagger, telling her he belonged to Avandalia. D'Spayre then took Cloak & Dagger
on a trip, telling Avandalia to watch the other humans while he was gone.
Avandalia asked Mayhem if she was enjoying the exquisite pain of Nales and
Carlisle's withdrawal from the drug D'Lite, commenting that the withdrawal would
be quite probably fatal..."unless, of course, I were to offer them some more
D'Lite, which I won't, naturally." Just as Avandalia commented on how the
combination of science and sorcery involved with Mayhem made her difficult to
control, Mayhem flew forward, slashing Avandalia across the face with her claws.
Avandalia screamed, "Noooooooooo"
as she crumbled into dust.
Upon his return, D'Spayre was quite distressed to see the
Avandalia had been destroyed. In a rage, D'Spayre blew apart the apartment they
were in, but then told them that while he naturally grieved for her, the pain it
produced served only to strengthen D'Spayre.
Comments: Created by Steve Gerber, Rick Leonardi, and A. Williamson, K. Williams, and Joe Rosas.
The Eye of Force storyline started in Cloak & Dagger III#14, written by Steve Gerber. Gerber left after #16, however, and Terry Kavanaugh (who wrote the script for #16 from Gerber's plot) attempted to wrap up the storyline, but Avandalia was never explained.
About the only other hint is that D'Spayre said that "Avandalia and Mayhem belong to me. In truth, I have had a claim on Cloak's darkform for far longer than Avandalia."
WTF, man?
Profile by Snood.
No known connection to:
images: (not counting ads)
Cloak & Dagger III#16, p10, panel 4 (body)
p11, panel 1 (face)
Cloak & Dagger III#17, p13, panel 4
Cloak and Dagger III#16 (February, 1991) - Steve Gerber (plot), Terry Kavanagh (script), Rick Leonardi (pencils), Al Williamson, Keith Williams & Joe Rosas (inks), Danny Fingeroth (editor)
Cloak and Dagger III#17 (April, 1991) - Terry Kavanagh (writer), Dave Ross (pencils), Keith Williams & Chris Ivy (inks), Danny Fingeroth (editor)
Cloak and Dagger III#18 (June, 1991) - Terry Kavanagh (writer), Dave Ross (pencils), Sam DeLaRosa (inks), Danny Fingeroth (editor)
Cloak and Dagger III#19 (August, 1991) - Terry Kavanagh (writer), Chris Ivy (pencils), Don Hudson (inks), Danny Fingeroth (editor)
Last updated: 06/20/05
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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